
I'm trying to establish a communication between my edge, which is in one server, with my HUB which is in another one.
In EDGE, when the HS.Gateway.HSWS.WebServices component sends a message to the HUB component, it receives the following error: "Cannot invoke method RegisterGateway; WebServiceClientClass 'HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServicesClient' could not be instantiated, or the WebServiceURL Location could not be determined".

May someone help me?

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· Apr 9, 2019 3m read
IRIS/Ensemble as an ETL

IRIS and Ensemble are designed to act as an ESB/EAI. This mean they are build to process lots of small messages.

But some times, in real life we have to use them as ETL. The down side is not that they can't do so, but it can take a long time to process millions of row at once.

To improve performance, I have created a new SQLOutboundAdaptor who only works with JDBC.


Extend EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to add batch batch and fetch support on JDBC connection.

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2 1.5K
· Sep 5, 2019
Setting up sFTP operations

So we are in the midst of setting up a bunch of sFTP operations where we will have Ensemble send files to our various customers.

My questions about the set up are these:

1) For a simple test, I set up an Operation using EnsLib.FTP.PassthroughOperation. Is this the one I should be using?

2) if the receiving system has a username and password, then all I have to do is put that username and password into a Credential and assign that credential to my operation correct?

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· Nov 7, 2019
Webservice Response Changes


I loaded a WSDL from a webservice into my project where executing it returns me a series of Orders related.

My problem is that the provider of this webservice sometimes adds new fields, which I don't even use, and from then on it starts giving Iris a bug, so I need to import the updated WSDL again so that it creates the new property that the provider added.

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I'm having trouble accessing the snapshots EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot in %Library.ListOfObjects that are returned from method ExecuteProcedure in EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter. The Microsoft SQL stored procedure I am executing returns multiple resultsets.

The issue I am having is that my code works fine when executed in the business operation (commented out in the code below) but when it is executed in the business process it errors. Any ideas as to why this happens? The error I get is:

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0 585
· Jun 25, 2019
Cache Ensemble


Working on to learn very basic CUSTOM Business Service which sends to a EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation.

But operation is not writing to File and erroring out (No Stream contained in StreamContainer Request")'.

How do convert the object to STREAM and wrap in the StreamContainer so the operation does not error and write to a file.


Persistent Class

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0 565

Hi all, My first post. I hope I have created it correctly.

Our team is looking to increase the number of characters in our Ensemble 'Categories' for Services, Processes and operations.

We are doing this to better identify things like Vendor, Message type and integrated application names...

One of our team members thought his might increase processing overhead and a discussion ensued that was not resolved.

my thoughts...

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0 266

In my production I receive an XLFO stream and I would like to pass that to the FOP pdf rendering engine to produce pdf files .So far in my research that can be achieved through ZEN .I would like to create an operation that will take advantage of that and be able to pass my XLFO stream to the operation and create pdf files I found something similar here but for some reasons I get errors like below if any one understands what they mean please advice or someone who had to do something sim

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0 593

I have several business operations that are all pointed to the same http server. Is there a way to set the http server within some sort of properties file or within the objectscript code? I want to be able to set the http server setting once rather than for every business operation. Any advice on how to go about doing this would be appreciated.

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0 249

I am trying to create a URL for Spoke Mobile to page users when our email system is down and we can't use the normal email alerts.

I was directed to http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=EHTTP_outbound and tried to create something. The best I got was a response from the webpage that told me there was an error.

I want to be able to have a default pager number when we don't have an oncall schedule and grab information from Ens.AlertMessage.

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0 450
· Apr 10, 2019
Base64 Encoding Errors

I am trying to base64 encode a string with non standard characters encoded in utf-8 also tried windows 1252 and I am getting error like so

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <ILLEGAL VALUE>zEncodeStream+18^ -- logged as '-' number - @' set encString = $TRANSLATE($SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Encode(streamString),$C(10,13))' 

any help appreciated if anyone has faced this before

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0 751

Hi dev community,

I am currently working on a project to send documents to a RESTful based API that supports bearer
Token Authorization.

When we try to fire a JSON request from our EnsLib.Rest.Operation towards the 3rd party API with a
valid Token we keep receiving Authorization Error codes HTTP 401 back.

If we use the same request and same Token from a test utility such as Postman the request is
successful and we are able to move past the authorization stage.

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2 3.6K


We have just completed a migration of a test environment from Ensemble 2012 to Ensemble 2017 on a new server. This is the last in a series of migrations but the first to encounter this particular issue. All web clients making SOAP requests to a particular external web service are receiving a fault that states:

The SOAP action specified on the message, '', does not match the HTTP SOAP Action, 'http://<expected target service action follows here>'.

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0 222
· Mar 20, 2019
Query Response from MSSQL

I am having an intermittent issue that when I make a call to MSSQL from a BPL that the response does not come back in the amount of time required. Since the call from the BPL is synchronous I tried changing the timeout to 60 but it has not helped (see below). Is there anyway to guarantee that the call waits long enough for a response before continuing on?


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0 368

Hi All,

I created a Business Operation to Integrate with Amazon S3.
I have used HTTP Outbound Adapter for the same. Used Get method of Adapter Class.
Basically in a request I want to send Unique File Name and File and in Response I want to get Version ID and if operation was successful, then set flag to true.

I have created a class for request in that I have two properties, as shown Below :

Property fileName As %String;
Property file As %GlobalBinaryStream;

This is in my Operation Class

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Running predictive models natively in an InterSystems IRIS Business Process has of course always been the goal of our PMML support, but somehow never made it into the kit because there were a few dependencies and choices that needed addressing and answering. Anyhow, thanks to some pushing and code kindly provided by @Amir Samary (Thanks again Amir!), we finally got it wrapped in a GitHub repo for your enjoyment, review and suggestions.

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