Hey folks,

I am new to IRIS and cloud platforms. I've done the InterSystems IRIS Experience on the learning site and read a lot of the online documentation. What I am unable to figure out is which type of package or option you will use on the cloud provider.

AWS for example, has AWS EC2, Elastic Beanstalk and some other products geared towards Docker containers.
Azure has Kubernetes and some other options.

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Hello guys,

Based on this article (others as well, but this is the relevant one): http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=...

I have been playing around with the Management Portal deployment tool, which involves:
Ensemble > Manage > Deployment Changes > Deploy and
Production Settings > Actions > Export
Production Settings > Actions > Re-Export

Everything was going fine , until I came across this:

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Hi everyone,

I am still learning the platform for a student project and have to do some streaming and data analysis next. Since for my case I have no "live api" I wanted to just stream json files and output the data as it comes in from the files. (basically to emulate a incoming data scenario)

So thanks to the documentation and community posts I have figured how to create a stream and read data from a JSON but since I'm also new to JSON I have some parsing problems. I don't know how to access subarrays/sub-objects via objectscript.

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· Jun 29, 2018
DICOM Operation

I'm trying to add an Operation to store DICOM files but each time I add a Operation using the class EnsLib.DICOM.Operation.TCP it reverts into Services and I cannot work out why this is happening. I've tried following the guide online (link at the bottom) but the Operation still reverts to a Service.

Any pointers would be appreciated,

Thank you.


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I have a service that takes a file and pass it through to the production .While I am passing the file through I get the file stream and set it to a variable within my message and the variable is of type %Ens.StreamContainer. But after all processing and I need to write out my file to a pdf format The file gets written but is a corrupt file since I can not read it I have tried this with asimple pass through everything is fine .But here I do not know what I am doing wrong here is the operation code

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I have this local, containing a list of books of arbitrary length:

set books=2
set books(1, "author") = "Alice"
set books(1, "title") = "Hello"
set books(1, "pages") = "123"
set books(2, "author") = "Bob"
set books(2, "title") = "World"
set books(2, "pages") = "456"

And I want to generate this PDF (there could be more than two tables), each book is a separate table:

The header is always the same (Author, Title, Page) but the number of tables would be different.

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I need to access the value of a setting I created (ex: name_BO) within the logic of my BP.

Property name_BO As %String(MAXLEN = "");

/// Additional Settings 
Parameter SETTINGS = "name_BO:Basic:selector?context={Ens.ContextSearch/ProductionItems?targets=1&productionName=@productionId}";

But the class is common and the production item names will change.

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Sometimes, we need to copy part of the properties of an object into a different one.
The simplest thing would be to do the following:

Set obj1.FirstName = obj2.FirstName

Set obj1.SecondName = obj2.SecondName

What happens if the object contains a large number of properties? or we just want to extract an important group of data, and complement the information in another object?

Having the following classes:

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I am using the EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.BatchFileOperation to write a batch to a file but for some reason this has been working fine as of yesterday I had a problem with the cache databases filling up running out of memory so had to compact my database and gain space now when I run the operation I get the above error .Of course in my batch table there is no batch record with ID 1.The message is passed with the correct header information but still get this error any suggestions why?

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Does developing a RESTful API in Caché remove the requirement to use the InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll and generate proxy classes using the Caché Object Binding Wizard for .NET web development? If anyone has links to sample applications using .NET with Caché and REST Services, I would be grateful if you could share them.

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· Feb 26, 2018
How export data using query

Hi, iam newbie on caché database.

Iam trying, export data from query.

I read in some article that is not so simple.

So I create a view then a execute a query insert into select statement.

I have problem to know the job progress. I execute an hour ago and nothing happened.

Iam using intersystems web IDE.

Thanks for help!

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