
I have searched through documentation, etc and see many mentions of using Ensemble / Health Connect along with the Java Gateway to interface with JMS Queues, but see no specific documentation on how to do this.

Does anyone have any information, or a concise example of using the Java Gateway to allow Ensemble / Health Connect to be able to place messages and retrieve messages from a JMS Queue?


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Set httprequest=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
	Set httprequest.Server="www.intersystems.com"
	Do httprequest.Get("/")
	Do httprequest.HttpResponse.OutputToDevice()
	Do httprequest.Get("/cache/")
	Do httprequest.HttpResponse.OutputToDevice()

The above is the code which i found in this link http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/documatic/%25CSP.Documatic.cls?P...

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· Nov 17, 2017
Atelier 1.1

Hi everybody,

I use atelier form my developments,

i use Routine file and i remark that not all methods don't appear in Outline if in a method we have the sql stattement &sql(...) (see the copy screen)

if the sql stattement is not in the method1 we see i Outline the 2 methods

have you a workaround to resolve this problem ?

Thank you



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0 373

To be able to replace current Cache Studio user functionality in our source control system, I need to access the current project name that the atelier file belongs to when being checked out and in within the UserAction method of the source control class.
In addition to this, there also appears to be a problem in that when UserAction code is executed by the Atelier callbacks, the process is running as UnKnownUser instead of utilising the authentication values assigned in the Connection settings for the server.

Does anyone know if these properties are currently exposed?

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0 349

Last week, we announced the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform, our new and comprehensive platform for all your data endeavours, whether transactional, analytics or both. We've included many of the features our customers know and loved from Caché and Ensemble, but in this article we'll shed a little more light on one of the new capabilities of the platform: SQL Sharding, a powerful new feature in our scalability story.

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1 1.5K

We will be transitioning from a server running HP OpenVMS to one running RHEL 7. The main question some of the team had was what would be the best method for moving the globals to the new system.

Also, I was wondering if any others have transitioned from OpenVMS to RHEL. If so, were there any kinks that we should be aware of prior to transition?

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0 847


My doubt is about the SQL Query in Caché:

I don't want to take all results from the table and orgainze them manually, for example: I have a table with 50 records, but I only want to select 10 records, being from tenth until the twentieth and this without knowing their IDs.

So, how can I do this, without losing performance, there is any way?

1 8
1 3.3K

I am currently trying to add a condition to a routing rule that uses the %Source property of a routing rule. Unfortunately I am getting compile errors when I use the "%", and if I get PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST if I try and use any of field. I have tried referencing the messages as "Message." , "Record.", "FullRecordMapClassName." , "Document." . Does anyone know how to reference the properties of a record map in a routing rule, or if it is even possible? Thanks!

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· Sep 6, 2017
Atelier + class query

Atelier seem so be having some issues with class queries.

If I try to collapse the query it will collapse everything that comes after it. Also nothing after this query will show in the outline.

This is on version 1.1.351

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0 388
· Dec 13, 2017
SQL or Cache Function?

Hi -

I'm creating a custom report in Health Insight via SQL and one of the requirements says that I must include patients who are >= 13 years old (which is easy) but I also need to include patients who WILL be 13 years old as of December 31st of current year that the report is ran in.

I see that there is an Age column and an AgeInMonths column in HSAA.Patient. and of course a DOB column. I'm wondering if it is possible to do this purely using SQL (and SQL functions) or if I will have to incorporate a COS function to achieve this requirement.

Any suggestions?

0 12
0 1.4K

Last week saw the launch of the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform in sunny California.

For the engaging eXPerience Labs (XP-Labs) training sessions, my first customer and favourite department (Learning Services), was working hard assisting and supporting us all behind the scene.

11 3
0 1K
· Aug 21, 2017
Zen Reports error


I'm having the following error visualizing a PDF report.

An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x3) was found in the value of attribute "Reaction" and element is "Allergies".

Aug 18, 2017 10:50:29 AM org.apache.fop.apps.FopFactoryConfigurator configure

INFO: Default page-height set to: 11in

Aug 18, 2017 10:50:29 AM org.apache.fop.apps.FopFactoryConfigurator configure

INFO: Default page-width set to: 8.26in

Aug 18, 2017 10:50:30 AM org.apache.fop.cli.Main startFOP

SEVERE: Exception

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0 407

In %Net.SSH.Session there is a method settraceMask and that will create a wireshark cap file for help with troubleshooting a connection. I dont see any class in Net.FtpSession that can be used for troubleshooting. Is there a different method that I should use?

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0 439

I'm referring to the document Using Cache with JDBC. Using this example, it sets the URL of the object ds of class CacheDataSource.


My question is would you just copy and paste the URL from the login page to the string? I tried doing that and it returns an error saying "Invalid log file xyz"

Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you

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0 1.2K


I want to process more requests per second in Ensemble 2015 (soap service). My problem is in a business process that makes a great transformation. I thought that I can put its group size to 4 (the current value is 1), or put 4 business processes and apply, for example, the round-robin algorithm.
Which alternative is better?

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0 508
· Dec 29, 2017
DBA account reset

I have a running Cache DB system that the password for DBA isn't given the default password. How should one go to reset the password without having the credentials for DBA?

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0 537


Can I get "Window Size" from terminal? By command line.

Terminal > Edit > Window Size

I already tried to use 'do CURRENT^%IS', but without success. It does not return the change, for example, when the column is 132.

Is there any routine or method for this?

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0 880

Newbie question. So bear with me please.

We have a requirement to extract or build a file off of our local db to feed to HealthShare.

The requirement is for us to create the extract and send it to HealthShare the SDA format.

My initial thought is why would you do that when the SDA is native to HS. We could create a file in any format csv,tab etc let HS consume it, convert it to HL7 2.5.1 and then let HS do the work with the SDA.

However, the current direction is for us to query, get the data and map it to an xml file built off of the SDA.

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0 1.1K

Hi, Community!

Please find a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

Disaster Recovery for Federated Systems

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