I'm excited to let you know that we at George James Software have released some new VS Code training courses. Following the success of our Basics course we have expanded our offering to help InterSystems users looking to move to VS Code improve their knowledge.

Here's what's on offer...
Studio to VS Code Migration - The Basics (2.5 hours)

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Hello Community,

I'd like to share with you our article with @Regilo Regilio Guedes de Souza on AWS Amazon blog Automating application-consistent Amazon EBS Snapshots for InterSystems IRIS databases. Our team has created this step-by-step instruction to create application-consistent snapshots for InterSystems IRIS databases. In this article, we outline how to automate pre-scripts to pause I/O and flush buffer to disk and post-scripts to thaw I/O, as shown in the following figure:

Architecture diagram for automating application-consistent EBS Snapshots for InterSystems IRIS databases.

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I'd like to announce the release of something really rather interesting - revolutionary in fact. That may sound like hyperbole, but I don't think you'll have seen anything quite like this, or even thought it possible!

We've pushed out a new JavaScript/Node.js module named glsdb which you can read all about here in detail:


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Using VECTOR_COSINE() in SQL query to perform a text similarity search on existing embeddings in a %VECTOR column.

Code is below.

Commented out sql query returns this error: SQLCODE: -29 Field 'NEW_EMBEDDING_STR' not found in the applicable tables^ SELECT TOP ? maxID , activity , outcome FROMMain .AITest ORDER BY VECTOR_COSINE ( new_embedding_str ,

Sql query as written returns ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <PYTHON EXCEPTION> *<class 'OSError'>: isc_stdout_write: PyArg_ParseTuple failed!

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You may have heard about our mg-dbx-napi interface for IRIS which provides insanely fast access from Node.js. If you've been following recent developments in the server-side JavaScript world, you'll be excited to know that mg-dbx-napi also works with Bun.js, the latter proving to be significantly faster than Node.js for many/most purposes.

Of course, if you're a Node.js user, you'll probably wonder how mg-dbx-napi compares with the Native API for Node.js that is included with IRIS.

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· Mar 3, 2024 5m read
How to send messages to Microsoft Teams

Hi community,

The aim of this article is to explain how to create messaging between IRIS and Microsoft Teams.

In my company, we wanted to monitor error messages, and we used the Ens.Alert class to redirect those error messages through a Business Operation that sent an email.
The problem was that we sent those error messages to a support account where there were many emails. We wanted something specific for a specific team.

So we investigated how to make these messages reach the development team directly and they could have, in real time, a notification of an error in our production.
In our company we use Microsoft Teams as a corporate tool, so we asked ourselves: How could we make these messages reach the IRIS development team?

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Hi Community,

Dive into the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Near Real-Time Analytics with InterSystems IRIS & Debezium Change Data Capture @ Global Summit 2023

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Hi Community!

As an AI language model, ChatGPT is capable of performing a variety of tasks like language translation, writing songs, answering research questions, and even generating computer code. With its impressive abilities, ChatGPT has quickly become a popular tool for various applications, from chatbots to content creation.
But despite its advanced capabilities, ChatGPT is not able to access your personal data. So we need to build a custom ChatGPT AI by using LangChain Framework:

Below are the steps to build a custom ChatGPT:

  • Step 1: Load the document

  • Step 2: Splitting the document into chunks

  • Step 3: Use Embedding against Chunks Data and convert to vectors

  • Step 4: Save data to the Vector database

  • Step 5: Take data (question) from the user and get the embedding

  • Step 6: Connect to VectorDB and do a semantic search

  • Step 7: Retrieve relevant responses based on user queries and send them to LLM(ChatGPT)

  • Step 8: Get an answer from LLM and send it back to the user

For more details, please Read this article

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Is there a way to compare the content of two variables/ lists and if they share a common element/ value return 1?

Example the two below both have "Yellow":

Set y = "Red, Green, Orange, Yellow"

Set x = "Purple, Black, Yellow, Pink"

The lists I am working with have over 30 elements/values that vary so it is difficult to hard code it to say look for "Yellow".

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First of all thanks for your time, and thanks for your help.

We have the following doubt: how HTTP status is being replied from a SOAP Service to the Outbund System?

Where in HealtShare 2020's classes is being replied an HTTP/200 OK or an HTTP/500 or any SOAP HTTP status code?

We ask this because some outbound systems do need to have an HTTP 200 to being able to process our SOAP responses.

We have been examining the following classes:


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· Mar 25, 2024
Separate data from classes

I am exploring a way to make IRIS an immutable system where the production/operation IRIS is never changed. Changes are only made in Development, and then the "version" is copied to production/operation and stated.

For this to work, I will need data (objects) on a file share and the IRIS system on different systems. When the "new" version spins up, it will use the latest data.

I do not know if I can or how to separate "object data" from classes and code.

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Hi Community,

We have some exciting news! It's time for the next InterSystems technical article writing competition!

✍️ Technical Article Contest: InterSystems IRIS Tutorials ✍️

Write an article that can be considered a tutorial for InterSystems IRIS programmers of any level: beginner / middle / senior from February 19th to March 17th. We've extended the submission deadline till the 24th of March!

🎁 Prizes for everyone: A special prize for each author participating in the competition!

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· Mar 25, 2024 7m read
Introduction to Kubernetes

In this article, we will cover below topics:

  • What is Kubernetes?
  • Main Kubernetes (K8s) Components

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration framework developed by Google. In essence, it controls container speed and helps you manage applications consisting of multiple containers. Additionally, it allows you to operate them in different environments, e.g., physical machines, virtual machines, Cloud environments, or even hybrid deployment environments.

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What I find really useful about IRIS when teaching my subject of Postrelational databases is the fact that it is a multi model database. Which means that I can actually go into architecture and structure and all that only once but then show the usage of different models (like object, document, hierarchy) using the same language and approach. And it is not a huge leap to go from an object oriented programming language (like C#, Java etc) to an object oriented database.

However, along with advantages (which are many) come some drawbacks when we switch from object oriented model to relational. When I say that you can get access to the same data using different models I need to also explain how it is possible to work with lists and arrays from object model in relational table. With arrays it is very simple - by default they are represented as separate tables and that's the end of it. With lists - it's harder because by default it's a string. But one still wants to do something about it without damaging the structure and making this list unreadable in the object model.

So in this article I will showcase a couple of predicates and a function that are useful when working with lists, and not just as fields.

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