I have the following servers in IRIS mirror set:
Arbiter; isc_agent only
LIVETC01; IRIS DB full install; Primary
LIVETC02; IRIS DB full install; Backup

A couple of days ago IRIS hung.
The application using LIVETC01 DB stopped functioning.

I'm trying to find out the sequence of events leading up to the failure.

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I've added a REST service which worked fine on our test system but failed on the production environment because UnknownUser does not have %All set and I really don't want it set on production (in fact I've also switched it off on test).

Is there a way to allow a single REST service to have unauthorised access?

I was thinking adding a resource/role to UnknownUser specifically for that service but I've never touched on Users/Roles/Resources so I'm struggling to work out what needs adding where.


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Is there anyway to catch info/warnings into an Ens.Alert when the inbound adapter is skipping previously file (of any reason)?
Or any other way to pay attention to it.

In our log it usual have Warning or Info level and it stops there. We really want to create some kind of an alert when it happends.

All suggestions welcome



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When manually coding REST services and using GET /api/mgmnt/v1/:namespace/spec/:application/ to return an OpenAPI spec, how do you specify supported properties (OpenAPI Properties in Use | Creating REST Services | InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2021.1) like responses, definitions, and information in paths like summary and description?

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1 263

I am trying to capture the write of a method to test the response in an unit test. I know everything works because one of my colleagues ran the code and did not froze on his machine.

I don't what is the cause of the freeze. I know that at line Use $io::("^"_$ZNAME) it stopes because i have put some write functions after every line in WriteCapture method and i only saw the first write function in terminal

I also used debug and in this case it didn't froze

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0 468

When requesting /MDX2JSON/PivotVariables/Patients?Namespace Patients shoud be passed to a method but its not. When argument passed directly into the method it works.

<Route Url="/PivotVariables/:Cube" Method="GET" Call="WritePivotVariablesForCube"/>

Has something changed in IRIS and this syntax is deprecated, or is there a bug and the colon is ignored? What could it be?

This question is continuation from https://community.intersystems.com/node/534811

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0 128
· Sep 5, 2017
Create Patient via FHIR?


I've been trying to create a patient using FHIR, but all I seem to get back is:

{"resourceType":"OperationOutcome","issue":[{"severity":"error","code":"invalid","details":{"text":"FHIR create interaction invalid for this end point"},"diagnostics":"FHIR create interaction invalid for this end point"}]}

I've tried a variety of requests and read operations work, but create doesn't seem to. Has anyone run into this? Any ideas? Thanks.

0 10
0 2.2K


We would need help.

We have used the following commands:

set fecha = "2021-08-18T07:44:14.180+0000"

set nuevaFecha = ##class(Ens.Util.Time).ConvertDateTime(fecha,"%Y-%m-%d%T%H:%M:%S","%d/%m/%Y")

And when we write it to the terminal:

w nuevaFecha

It outputs nothing

Could you help us?

We have read:

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0 406
· Aug 20, 2020
Class changes not executing

We are using Ensemble and I added some debug logging that writes to a global and recompiled the class in Studio. However, when we send messages, the global is not populated. I have recompiled, removing the checkmark to keep the generated code so that there is only one .INT file and I verified that the code is present in the .INT file.

My question is, do we need to stop and restart the Ensemble production in order for these changes to take effect? Do I need to stop and restart the business operation that calls this piece of code? Is there something else I may have missed?

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0 254

I am trying get the Unix time stamp in milliseconds

set epochSecond= $ZDATETIME($ZTIMESTAMP,-2)*1000

but the result is not accurate as $ZDATETIME ignoring /truncating the fraction of the seconds and the milliseconds calculation is not accurate with fraction seconds

for example

set epochSecond= $ZDATETIME($ZTIMESTAMP,-2)


when its converts to the milliseconds

it became 1675830682000. not the accurate fractional seconds.

My target system looking for the milliseconds time stamp to authenticate.

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0 280

It's well-known among Studio users that besides few predefined code fragments (for ObjectScript, Basic, MV Basic) it's possible to add user-defined code fragments. I found it rather convenient to use them as patterns that help to follow some conventions (internal standards) of writing, say, methods descriptions.

But I didn't find a way how to share these patterns, except dumb copy-pasting. Did somebody succeed with this task? Any help would be appreciated.

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0 303
· Sep 9, 2020
Build Python bind

I'm testing with an application I'm writing in python.
But I noticed that the pythonbind3 library will only work on the same machine where the cache is running. Is there really such a dependency?

I'm trying to run the examples that are in the / dev / python / samples3 folder, but they only work if I set "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" with the path to the cache installation folder.

But... I have this error when LD_LIBRARY_PATH is empty:

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0 342

Recently, we scheduled two tasks (1008 and 1009) within Task Manager. Task ID 1008 is set to run after Purge Tasks (%SYS-ID:3), and Task 1009 is set to run at 7:00:00 each day.

In attempt to provide as much detail as possible, each of the tasks are as follows:

  • Task 1008

    WHILE (($p($h,",",2) < $ZTH("10:00 PM")) && ($P($g(^Task.1008(+$h,$j)),"^",1) = +$h)) { J ^ROUTINE, ^ROUTINE2 D SUB^ROUTINE3 H 5 }

0 4
0 746
· Feb 20, 2023
Roles and user access

Hi Guys,

I'm looking for an easy to allow certain user to only have access to one CSP or Zen page from my application, my thoughts is to create a role to only access that specific page then allocate that role to my user, but can find the Zen page so I can allocate it to a role?


0 1
0 181

Hi there.

I was wondering if there was a supported way of editing the Title bar of the management portal so that at a glance it is clear as to what environment is being worked on. This would be in addition to the namespace and server name being displayed.

Ideally I would like to make it clear at a glance that a user is working within the Dev or Live environment.

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0 290

Hello everyone,

As someone who is new to the world of InterSystems technology, I have been looking for the best resources to learn more about it.

I have heard great things about InterSystems technology, particularly its speed and scalability, and I want to make sure I have a solid understanding of it before diving in further. From what I understand, the official InterSystems courses cover a wide range of topics and are taught by experts in the field.

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1 150
· Oct 14, 2017
ZenMethod in onunloadHandler

I want to call ZenMethod when page is closing. Is it possible?

I tried

ClientMethod onunloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]

Method SomeZenMethod() [ ZenMethod ]
// to do some work

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