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Member since Oct 27, 2015

Thanks for pointing this our and glad to see you're actively working with IRIS. As Vic has  pointed out although the ObjectScript VSCode extension has been announced, we haven't yet released our first release 1.0. See the message from @Raj Singh .

In fact, the BPL editor (IDE) is only available in Studio and the Management Portal. We'll fix this.

 Although you certainly can use the existing extension, it is not an InterSystems offering. We are in the process of revising recommendations to use Atelier. Once the VSCode extension is released we will have documentation for it.

For now, if you're working with productions, I'd recommend using InterSystems Studio or the Management Portal. Atelier can also be used but doesn't have any advantage over Studio.

Thanks for finding this. We'll fix it. We have two sets of Python doc: the automatically generated reference (from source code comments) ,  which you were using and the User's Guide and Reference , which has the correct information.

Obviously we generated the reference with an earlier version of the software and didn't update it after the change. We will fix that.

I would recommend using the User's Guide and Reference rather than the automatically generated one.

If you find any problems in the User's Guide and Reference, you can click on the Help us improve this page tab on the right and we'll fix it. We haven't yet added it to the automatically-generated reference. You can also send us a comment  at

The WRC is InterSystems Worldwide Resource Center, our support group. No need to contact them over this, but they are a great resource for many issues.

Thanks for the comment. Is this description clearer?

Using the /api/mgmnt Service to Create a REST Service

The recommended way to create a REST service is to create an OpenAPI 2.0 (also called Swagger) description for the REST service and use that to generate the REST service classes. If you are implementing a REST service defined by a third party, they may provide this OpenAPI 2.0 description. See the OpenAPI 2.0 Specification for details about the format of an OpenAPI 2.0 description. The following topics describe how to use the /api/mgmnt service to do this.

Using the /api/mgmnt Service to Generate the Classes

In the first step, generate the REST service classes, as follows:

  1. Create or obtain the OpenAPI 2.0 description of the REST service, in JSON format.

Thanks again and feel free to use the "Help us improve this page" link on any of our documentation pages to send us a comment.

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