InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,117 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi guys!

Suppose you developed a tool, framework, library on InterSystems ObjectScript for InterSystems Data Platform, share it via Open Exchange and want people to install it.

What is the best strategy if it is a library and supposed to be called from different namespaces?

Here are the following thoughts:

1. Tool's developer should be able to use globals to read/store data the tool needs.

2. Tool's consumer should be confident, that the thing he/she installs will not harm the application's data.

3. A tool should be callable from any application's namespace.

4. Tool's installation(in general) should not request manual security changes (e.g. grant the write access to IRISLIB) and %YourClass is not an option.

5. It's easy to uninstall the tool - just delete the namespace/database (maybe delete some web-apps too).

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I used the Activate wizard to create a package for Excel (Activate.Excel). There is a class in there that seems to be what we need to open a file:


There is a method that has an Open() command. I tried using it but getting an invalid pointer error.

The parameters are as follows:

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Need some technique to solve an issue about zen page table.

- "xyz" table exists in all my namespaces.

I have a simple Zen page in "USER 1" namespace. It has a tablepane which pulls data from "xyz" table.

OnLoad of the page i want the zenpage to pull the data from "USER 2" namespace with same "xyz" table name.

Zenpage has to be in "USER 1" namespace

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The following steps show you how to display a sample list of metrics available from the /api/monitor service.

In the last post, I gave an overview of the service that exposes IRIS metrics in Prometheus format. The post shows how to set up and run IRIS preview release 2019.4 in a container and then list the metrics.

This post assumes you have Docker installed. If not, go and do that now for your platform :)

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hi, everybody!

i wanna connect to a remote server through Terminal.

after i add a server in [Preferred Server] and click the server name( [Remote System Access]->[Terminal] -> server name)

i got an Error dialog telling me that:

Failed to establish security context.

Reason:(-2146893042, 0x8009030e)No credentials are available in the security package

so do i miss some configuration?

Grateful for your help!

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Hi Community!

I think everyone keeps the source code of the project in the repository nowadays: Github, GitLab, bitbucket, etc. Same for InterSystems IRIS projects check any on Open Exchange.

What do we do every time when start or continue working with a certain repository with InterSystems Data Platform?

We need a local InterSystems IRIS machine, have the environment for the project set up and the source code imported.

So every developer performs the following:

  1. Check out the code from repo
  2. Install/Run local IRIS installation
  3. Create a new namespace/database for a project
  4. Import the code into this new namespace
  5. Setup all the rest environment
  6. Start/continue coding the project

If you dockerize your repository this steps line could be shortened to this 3 steps:

  1. Check out the code from repo
  2. Run docker-compose build
  3. Start/continue coding the project

Profit - no any hands-on for 3-4-5 steps which could take minutes and bring head ache sometime.

You can dockerize (almost) any your InterSystems repo with a few following steps. Let’s go!

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I need to automate the handling of usernames passwords, serverNames etc for use in the sending and receiving of emails, logging into SFTP servers etc etc for use within COS code
To manage external passwords we could use LastPass or any other proprietary password loggers, but I need to be able to call them as part of the automation (COS code) and occasionally visually look them up to "remind" the staff of their passwords.

any suggestions as to the best class data constructs to handle this scenario. Should the whole table be encrypted, only the passwords etc.

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· Aug 14, 2019 9m read
Introducing InterSystems API Manager

As you might have heard, we just introduced the InterSystems API Manager (IAM); a new feature of the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform™, enabling you to monitor, control and govern traffic to and from web-based APIs within your IT infrastructure. In case you missed it, here is the link to the announcement.

In this article, I will show you how to set up IAM and highlight some of the many capabilities IAM allows you to leverage.

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Class ICT.Experiments.A Extends %Persistent
Property Name As %String;
Property Collection As list Of ICT.Experiments.B;
Property Collection2 As array Of ICT.Experiments.C;

Class ICT.Experiments.B Extends %Persistent
Property Name As %String;

Class ICT.Experiments.C Extends %Persistent
Property Name As %String;

I have the classes above and I can select columns from the array collection by using two joins as follows:

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In our table, we have a column cities, which has a filter which displays the cities of a state depending on the state

For simplicity let's assume we have a page

Property State As %String = "CA"

Our filter should run this query to show all cities of state ca

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Hi Developers!

Often I find questions on how to install IRIS, connect to IRIS from IDE, setup the environment, compile, debug, maintain the repository.

Here below possibly the shortest way to set up all the environment and start development with ObjectScript on InterSystems IRIS.


Make sure you have Git, Docker, and VSCode installed

Install Docker and ObjectScript extensions into VSCode

Sign in or Create an account on Github

Here we go!

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· Oct 12, 2019
How do you search with REST

The question is pretty much in title. I'm developing a REST API, it has a search endpoint with 10 optional parameters. How do I pass them and stay RESTFul?

To ease the question a bit let's agree that:

  • all parameters are AND parameters, user can't make combos, ORs, etc. User can only provide values
  • all values are integers so I don't have to think about URL limits
  • all values are atomic
  • all conditions are about equivalency

Some options I know of:

1. URL parameters.

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· Apr 1, 2019 3m read
Closures in ObjectScript

After many sleepless nights it's a pleasure to announce the newer, better, moderner ObjectScript compiler which implemented pretty much everything you ever wanted to have in modern ObjectScript:

  • Design objective of this new compiler is to parse reasonable subset of current ObjectScript syntax which will look readable for stranger, and not scare them with 1 letter syntax. The good start for compiler was the old-good COS Guidelines from here
  • For reasons we mentioned above we do not parse 1 letter syntax. It's declared evil;
  • We do not handle dotted syntax for the same reason - modern syntax with {} is proper replacement for dotted syntax blocks;

But we not only parse the modern ObjectScript syntax, we have implemented finally the long-standing request which we always dreamed about. Closures!

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In an ever-changing world, companies must innovate to stay competitive. This ensures that they’ll make decisions with agility and safety, aiming for future results with greater accuracy.
Business Intelligence (BI) tools help companies make intelligent decisions instead of relying on trial and error. These intelligent decisions can make the difference between success and failure in the marketplace.
Microsoft Power BI is one of the industry’s leading business intelligence tools. With just a few clicks, Power BI makes it easy for managers and analysts to explore a company’s data. This is important because when data is easy to access and visualize, it’s much more like it’ll be used to make business decisions.

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This is embarrassing. I should know how to do this but I have forgotten.

I know the slowness of the 'Source' and 'Target' parameters in Message message viewer being slow to load is caused by the Bitmap indices of Ens.MessageHeader.

I know I need to run the 'bitmap index clean up' routine for Ens.MessageHeader to fixed the issue.

What I forget is how to do this?

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· Mar 19, 2019
Cache docker image

Hello all,

I am having some issues creating a docker image with a fresh cache installation. The error that I am getting right now is that gzip is required for a cache installation, but was not found in my system. Even though, this is shown as installed in the base centos 7 image. My host machine is Windows 10 using the latest docker version.

Here is my dockerfile, its simple:

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somehow my installation on win10 canceled during finish. "Installation of Caché finished" showed up for 20 minutes and canceled with an error I didn't saved.

Every file and service was installed but never registered as successfull installation. Now I try to reinstall it but the installer shows me everytime "Another installation is already in progress. Please finish the second installation first".

The unfinished installation is broken. I can't startup Caché from launcher. So I deleted everything in c:/intersystems

Things I already tried:

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I've created a scheduled task that dumps HL7 messages to flat files. It uses the OutputToLibraryStream() method of EnsLib.HL7.Message. I'd like to be able to run it on a mirror member host whether it's primary or backup.

When run against a database that's mounted read-only, it works fine. However, when I attempt to run it against a mirror backup database, I get the following error:

#5002: Cache error: <PROTECT>%LoadData+7^EnsLib.HL7.Message.1

Tracing that back to the source, I find:

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