· Jan 16, 2019

storage of usernames, passwords in plain Cache systems 2017.2 version

I need to automate the handling of usernames passwords, serverNames etc for use in the sending and receiving  of emails, logging into SFTP servers etc etc for use within COS code
To manage external passwords we could use LastPass or any other proprietary password loggers, but I need to be able to call them as part of the automation (COS code) and occasionally visually look them up to "remind" the staff of their passwords.

any suggestions as to the best class data constructs to handle this scenario. Should the whole table be encrypted, only the passwords etc.

each employee has their own login details, past password storage (non-re-use)  could be useful.

we're talking of 200-300+ passwords here.


Discussion (9)1
Log in or sign up to continue

Do not store passwords.

Store password hashes + Unique salt. When entered hash

Check $system.Encryption class for various hashing algorithms.

The only case where you need to store passwords is when they are used to authenticate Cache server against external systems.

In that case use the same $system.Encryption class to encrypt them for storage.

we're talking of 200-300+ passwords here.

Per user?

1.You can use Parent-Child Relationships.

The parent Persistent Class would be MyPackage.Users  with all details for the users including current password.

The Child class MyPackage.Passwords will be for all  the  passwords(If you want you can include property IsCurrentPwd As %Boolean).

Something similar to Invoice an LineItems. 

2.If you prefer to work  directly with globals could be:



3.One way for Encription-In your Zen Page you need property

Parameter PASSWORDPATTERN = "3.32ANP";

ClassMethod %OnSubmit(pSubmit As %ZEN.Submit, ByRef pValues As %String) As %Status
if (pSubmit.%Action="save"){
set userName = pSubmit.%GetValue("userName")

set UserPassword = $SYSTEM.Encryption.SHA1Hash(pSubmit.%GetValue("pwd"))


quit $$$OK
