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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,415 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I have a web application with html, css, js files (no ZEN/CSP).

Problem: after I update them on a server, Caché still servers old and cached version (browser Cache is disabled).

There is a manual cache purge in Gateway Settings, of course, but is there an automatic solution?

I'll be okay with disabling cache server-wide, but an application-wide solution would be better.

I don't want to host web app on a separate web server.

Here's my web app config:

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For reasons that I won't go into here, I need to run Cache Terminal in Linux using Wine.

It starts up ok, but when I try to establish a connection to a remote server I get the following error:

Ctermsecure Read Error
Could not obtain terminal server client name.
Reason: (10035, 0x2733) unknown error

If I launch CTerm.exe from a command line then I get the following:

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In last week's discussion we created a simple graph based on the data input from one file. Now, as we all know, sometimes we have multiple different datafiles to parse and correlate. So this week we are going to load additional perfmon data and learn how to plot that into the same graph.
Since we might want to use our generated graphs in reports or on a webpage, we'll also look into ways to export the generated graphs.

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Trying out Atelier , and need to understand what working principles are best to follow.

Scenario I have a local Cache Instance for development that is linked to a GIT repository for Namespace "ABC"

I have got a local working directory /workingdir/ABC

I have checked out branch "a"

So at this point I need to connect to a dev server that has this Namespace "ABC" but currently the branch that is on this server is "b"

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I created a new class DSW.Addons.htmlViewer:

Class DSW.Addons.htmlViewer Extends %DeepSee.Component.Portlet.abstractPortlet

Property Data As %String;

ClassMethod %OnGetPortletSettings(Output pInfo As %List, ByRef pSettings) As %Status
    Kill pInfo
    Set pInfo(1) = $lb("Data", , , "Data", "Data setting")
    Quit $$$OK

It's a ZEN component and DeepSee portlet. It's immediately available in the namespace I created it in. DSW package is mapped to %ALL and to Samples, but if I try to create a widget with this portlet I get ZEN class not found error.

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I created a jdbc connection in the Caché 2010.2.3 with SQLServer 2008R2.

The connection to this DB works correctly. (Conection Sucess)

I try to perform table binding but this connection, even though it is successful, does not load my tables and schemas.

I did the same test on Caché 2015 , with same jar drivers files and works perfectly!

Any idea?

Caché 2010.2.3

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 (Santiago)

java version "1.7.0_09"

Caché 2015

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I have the following query which tells me how many documents were retrieved for each customer, but it only works for the "on-demand" customers:

SELECT PatientFacility, LEFT(LocalDateTime,7) as Mnth, Count(*)
FROM HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Aggregation
WHERE EventType IN ('RecordRequest','RecordRequestBreakGlass')
AND LocalDateTime >= '2016-01-01'
AND LocalDateTime < '2017-01-01'
GROUP BY PatientFacility, LEFT(LocalDateTime,7)
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If I were trying to access an index of a global variable, what time complexity would this operation have? My understanding of languages like Java/C++ is that arrays are stored as blocks of memory so that x[15] would have a lookup time complexity of O(1) because it just goes to (address of the array + 15) and retrieves the value stored there.

How does this work in Cache where the index of a variable isn't necessarily an integer value? If I were to have a variable like the following:

x("Adam") = "Red"

x("George") = "Blue"

x("Bryan") = "Green"


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A customer wants to process D93A edifact files, orders and invoice. Does anyone have .SEF files available or know how to get them, so we can easily process them with Ensemble? Otherwise we would either have to write a parser for the two message types, or create a SEF file.

Any advice is welcome on this,


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· Jan 18, 2017
Top 10 Authors in 2016

Hi, Community!

Over 600 different authors posted anything on Developer Community in 2016.

Developer Community contains some brilliant pieces of content because of you. Thank you!

With one of the latest DC releases we introduced "Member Follow" functionality, so you can open any members' page, follow him and be subscribed to all his new posts and comments.

Just to give you ideas who to follow in 2017 here is top 10 authors in 2016 for several nominations ;)

All the nominations do not include postings within Developer Community tag or group.

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This is the second part of my long post about package managers in operating systems and language distributions. Now, hopefully, we have managed to convince you that convenient package manager and rich 3rd party code repository is one key factor in establishing of a vibrant and fast growing ecosystem. (Another possible reason for ecosystem success is the consistent language design, but it will be topic for another day.)
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So I installed Atelier, created my project, imported and compiled all my classes but now I need to import all my CSP files too but I can't find any instructions on how to do so. Just copying the files into [project]\CSp\csp is not working as they don't show up in the project tree.

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I have downloaded an evaluation copy of Cache and installed on a Windows 2016 R2 machine. I wanted to Configure different locations for DAT, WIJ, and Journal files but the installation process didn't give me such a "custom" option. I do see that the installation guide mentions the presence of such an option so I am wondering if this is a limitation of evaluation copies. Can someone please confirm?

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Back in my COBOL days, there was a utility that would analyze running COBOL code and expose bottle necks and those modules that were inefficient or were executed multiple times. This was to help the programmer know where to concentrate streamlining efforts.

Is there any such utility for Caché Routines?

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I am in the planning stages of making things more uniform in our routines and I would like to know what the easiest way would be to include an .inc at the beginning of each .mac routine. Has anyone written something that would open all routines and place something into the first row while leaving the rest of the routine unchanged? Thanks for any guidance you all may provide.

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Points to remember before you start:

  1. It is not possible in a COS (Caché Object Script) job/process context to have multiple Named Pipes. It is a one Named Pipe per job/process limited line of communication.
  1. Named Pipes, in Caché, like most pipes on most operating systems are Unidirectional. That means you open them for either Read or Write, but not both.
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Well I want to set the type of a piece in a global as a String, because when I use float numbers , the system parse them to numbers instead of use like strings and thats a little bit tricky with the sorts

Here is a code example:

ACB>s ^a("1.0012")=""// that is going to be stored as a number

ACB>s ^a("1.0011")="" // that is going to be stored as a number

ACB>s ^a("1.0010")="" // that is going to be stored as string

ACB>zw ^a




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Hello guys,

I've got this piece of code which runs the method "WebMethod", that belongs to %SOAP.WebBase.cls.

It grabs the outcome from an internal webservice we have and after that, it writes into a file.

The thing is, when I browse the file contents, I realize that in the place where a special character should be, I see a question mark.

By querying the same webservice from a special soap tool called "SoapSonar" (I've been using this for years), the outcome shows up this special character (shows it properly).

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The class %Compiler.UDL.TextServices arrived in 2015.1, bringing us methods for exporting a class in UDL format (i.e. looking just like we're used to seeing it in Studio), and importing a UDL format definition back into a namespace. Some source control tools including our Deltanji are now able to use UDL format, resulting in diffs that are easier to understand.

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Per the information at http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=... I am trying to use a call to $ZF("GETFILE") to obtain information about an OpenVMS file. But I get an <ILLEGAL VALUE> error.

For example:

w $zf("GETFILE",filename,"UIC")



My filename variable contains the full path and name of a file that I own. I hold the %All role in Cache.

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The article makes an attempt to demonstrate that Atelier is not just repeating the functionality of Caché Studio on a new IDE platform (Eclipse) but goes far beyond. Due to my personal experience, and challenges in former projects I picked first XSLT Debugging. Is it an ordinary task? Not at all. Who is doing XSLT every day? Probably none of us. Than why XSLT Debugging? Simply because there are solutions in our product portfolio which are using XSLT inside and those solutions require customization. Customizing XSLT without some sort of toolkit is more than challenging. The examples of such solutions starts with HealthShare IHE message, CDA vs. SDA transformations, goes through ZEN Reports, and ends by HealthShare CDA document viewer. Is that enough reason to spend time reading the whole article through not just the teaser?

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