Discussion (9)1
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To elaborate a bit: we are currently discussing two approaches on how to store intermediary representations of Messagepack message.

One of approaches is to store message as $lb(code1, code2, ... ,codeN) so that each character in message is stored as a corresponding code in $lb.

Other approach is to store as is in strings, so it would look like: $c(166) _ "Fringe".

Let's say we want to encode string "Fringe", it would look like this:

  • $listbuild(166, 70, 114, 105, 110, 103, 101)
  • $c(166) _ "Fringe"


I maintain that approach ASIS (with $c) is better as it gives less overhead than $lb.

There is no option to directly read 166, 70, 114... in Caché, only reading symbols and getting their codes from $ascii. So there would be a considerable overhead on conversion to and from $lb abstraction.

What do you mean by overhead from $lb? 

I mean overhead from

  • Converting string to/from $lb
  • Converting each char to/from number


What is $c(166), some magic number?

Essentially. 166(dec) = 10100110(bin), where 101 means  fixstr datatype (stores a byte array whose length is upto 31 bytes) and 00110(dec) = 6(dec) which is the length of the string.

And why you encode the string as a list of codes, why not keep it as a string?

@Maks Atygaev as an advocate of that approach can clarify his position.

I'd suggest to use $LB() if you are not hit by the LongString limit.

why: all packaging, selection,.... is already done and "hard wired" in C++ 
with $C() you may re-invent $LB() or $Piece() or similar. And you have to do it in COS.
Same applies to local array where  you may iterate over the structure in COS again.

Nothing against COS but C++ (in COS Functions) IS faster

My point starts from here.

MsgPack is a binary format of data representation.

How we can see on its specification (second link) MsgPack defines serialization/deserialization from common data types and structures into byte array.

I just want to implement the format as is.

When we see on serialization of string then we see that it looks like that:

| code (one byte) | length representation (1 or 2 or 4 bytes) | string bytes |

or for small strings:

| (code + length of string) (one byte) | string bytes |

For example for string "Fringe":

| 166 | 70 114 105 110 103 101 |

After all details, it means, that no reasons to use $lb, or any other ways, it should be as is as a string, but with this length's header.

In Cache, we don't have binary strings as do other languages, but what is a byte, it is a symbol for text, so text will be arrays of bytes.

write $c(166, 70, 114, 105, 110, 103, 101)

The only thing you should care as already mentioned above is different codepages. 

Let's try for some example:

And try to get the same.

USER>set data="TestТест"
USER>zzdump data
0000: 0054 0065 0073 0074 0422 0435 0441 0442                 TestТест

USER>set msg=$zcvt(data,"O","UTF8") ; convert from Unicode
USER>set msg=$c(160+$l(msg))_msg    ; of course should be changed for bigger text
USER>zzdump msg
0000: AC 54 65 73 74 D0 A2 D0 B5 D1 81 D1 82                  ¬TestТеÑ.Ñ.

and as you can see we got the same result