InterSystems IRIS provides a complete application development environment for building sophisticated data- and analytics-intensive applications that connect data and application silos. It is designed to work with all of the common development technologies in an open, standards-based fashion and supports both server-side and client-side programming.

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For practical reasons, it may be desirable that after a Linux server restart, the IRIS instance is automatically started.

Below you will find the steps to follow to automate the startup of IRIS during a reboot of the Linux server, via systemd :

1. Create an iris.service file in /etc/systemd/system/iris.service containing the following information

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· May 24 15m read

If you're running IRIS in a mirrored configuration for HA in GCP, the question of providing a Mirror VIP (Virtual IP) becomes relevant. Virtual IP offers a way for downstream systems to interact with IRIS using one IP address. Even when a failover happens, downstream systems can reconnect to the same IP address and continue working.

The main issue, when deploying to GCP, is that an IRIS VIP has a requirement of IRIS being essentially a network admin, per the docs.

To get HA, IRIS mirror members must be deployed to different availability zones in one subnet (which is possible in GCP as subnets always span the entire region). One of the solutions might be load balancers, but they, of course, cost extra, and you need to administrate them.

In this article, I would like to provide a way to configure a Mirror VIP without using Load Balancers suggested in most other GCP reference architectures.

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Earlier this year I announced availability of a VS Code extension for coding in ObjectScript, Embedded Python or SQL using the notebook paradigm popularized by Jupyter. Today I published a maintenance release to correct a "getting started" problem.

Here's a video of the installation steps from the extension's README:

Why not try it for yourself?

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One good thing about COVID-19 is that it taught people that online work and study are possible. I remember a week before the lockdown started, everyone said that working online was impossible, not secure, etc. And what do you know, it all became possible and "secure" in the blink of an eye. As with everything, it depends on whether a person is capable of organizing his or her day and their work or study attitude. Thus, I became a great believer in online education. As an associate professor who teaches databases, I find it beneficial to my schedule and students. One thing that studying online brings is flexibility. Another one is accepting third-party courses to grant credits to my students 😉

Considering that I'm teaching the basics of IRIS, I thought a new course, Getting Started with InterSystems IRIS for Coders, could be a relevant addition to my course. Therefore, I decided to follow the new Learning Path and see how it corresponds to my Syllabus and how many ECTS credits I can give for finishing it.

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· May 4 3m read
Using VECTORs in ObjectScript

Most examples I've seen so far in OEX or DC left the impression that VECTORs
are just something available with SQL with the 3 Functions especially around VECTOR_Search.

There is a very useful summary hidden in iris-vector-search demo package.
From there you find everything you need over several links and corners.

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Translated from the Spanish Community Article Contest.

Following the latest programming contest on OEX I had some surprising observation.
There were almost exclusive applications based on AI in combination with pre-cooked Py modules.
But digging deeper, all examples used the same technical pieces of IRIS.

Seen from point of view of IRIS it was pretty much the same whether searching for text
or searching for images or other pattern. It ended in almost exchangeable methods.

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· Dec 9, 2023 3m read
Working Around SOAP Service Timeouts

Some of our applications provide SOAP services that use “DSTIME”-based SQL queries that return records that have recently been added or changed. Since the records don’t change often, these queries usually return a small number of records and therefore take little time.

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Why should you connect Flask to InterSystems IRIS?

The first thing that comes to mind when we think about combining Flask with IRIS is a portal to interact with your clients and partners. A good example would be a website for patients to access their clinical exams. Of course, this case would require a whole new layer of security, which we did not cover in our last article. However, we can effortlessly add it with Werkzeug, for instance.

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Welcome to the next chapter of my CI/CD series, where we discuss possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab.
Today, we continue talking about Interoperability, specifically monitoring your Interoperability deployments. If you haven't yet, set up Alerting for all your Interoperability productions to get alerts about errors and production state in general.

Inactivity Timeout is a setting common to all Interoperability Business Hosts. A business host has an Inactive status after it has not received any messages within the number of seconds specified by the Inactivity Timeout field. The production Monitor Service periodically reviews the status of business services and business operations within the production and marks the item as Inactive if it has not done anything within the Inactivity Timeout period.
The default value is 0 (zero). If this setting is 0, the business host will never be marked Inactive, no matter how long it stands idle.

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If Iris does propose to create keys following a sequence, how can we obtain a sequential number in another context?

In my case, I automatically create care centers, and I want to set them a number like:


APP = Name of the application used by the center
DD = center department number
999: sequential number in the department
It is of course possible that centers will be created in competition, so this possible competition must be managed.

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The %CSP.Login class is the utility class provided by InterSystems IRIS to do custom login pages. If you want to control your IRIS application authentication UI, you must extend %CSP.Login and override some methods according to your needs. This article is going to detail those methods and what you can do with them. In addition to that, you will get an explanation of the delegated authentication mechanism provided by ZAUTHENTICATE.mac routine.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

The meaning of each timeout value is as follows.

1. [Server response timeout]

If IRIS/Caché processing (routine or query execution) does not finish within this set time, the browser will return an error.

For example, if this value is 60 seconds and it takes 90 seconds to execute a routine/method/query, an error will occur.

2. [Queued request timeout]

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With the introduction of vector data types and the Vector Search functionality in IRIS, a whole world of possibilities opens up for the development of applications and an example of these applications is the one that I recently saw published in a public contest by the Ministry of Health from Valencia in which they requested a tool to assist in ICD-10 coding using AI models.

How could we implement an application similar to the one requested? Let's see what we would need:

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When you use VS Code to edit source code, the settings model allows you to specify folder-specific values for some settings by using a settings.json file located in a .vscode sub-folder of the workspace root folder. A value set here takes precedence over one from your personal settings when you are working within that workspace root folder.

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IRIS can use a KMS (Key Managment Service) as of release 2023.3. Intersystems documentation is a good resource on KMS implementation but does not go into details of the KMS set up on the system, nor provide an easily followable example of how one might set this up for basic testing.

The purpose of this article is to supplement the docs with a brief explanation of KMS, an example of its use in IRIS, and notes for setup of a testing system on AWS EC2 RedHat Linux system using the AWS KMS. It is assumed in this document that the reader/implementor already has access/knowledge to set up an AWS EC2 Linux system running IRIS (2023.3 or later), and that they have proper authority to access the AWS KMS and AWS IAM (for creating roles and polices), or that they will be able to get this access either on their own or via their organizations Security contact in charge of their AWS access.

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I have been walking through this with a few team members and as such I thought there might be others out there who could use it, especially if you work with HL7 & Ensemble/HealthConnect/HealthShare and never venture out past the Interoperability section.

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Hi Community,
In this article, I will demonstrate below steps to create your own chatbot by using spaCy (spaCy is an open-source software library for advanced natural language processing, written in the programming languages Python and Cython):

  • Step1: Install required libraries

  • Step2: Create patterns and responses file

  • Step3: Train the Model

  • Step4: Create ChatBot Application based on the trained model

So Let us start.

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