Hi all,

I have a situation where I am writing to global from different processes - let's call it an Event Queue.
There is then a different process that uses $order to read through the data - the PubSub processing BP.

Sometimes the writing of this global will form part of a transaction that also insert data into other tables, using tstart and tcommit.
If there is some issue, it will roll back, and the entry written to the global will also roll back.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,877 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation has File Name property with default value: %f_%Q%!+(_a)

The Management Portal documentation description of the property:

Name of file to output the document(s) to. May include timestamp specifiers. The %f specifier if present will be replaced with the name of the document's original source filename (stripped of characters illegal in target filenames).

See the method Ens.Util.File.CreateTimestamp() for documentation of timestamping options.

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· Apr 1
stdout logging

In The Business Process and the Business Operation, I am using the following code to get the value of TimeCreated and TimeProcessed







But I am trying to use ..%RequestHeader.TimeCreated in Business Service it is not storing any value.

How to get the value of TimeCreated and TimeProcessed in Business Service?

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· Apr 9 1m read
ODBC / JDBC data truncation

Hi, I hope this post helps.

The bottom line: MAXLEN is relevant mostly for odbc/jdbc connections and you need to specify an appropriate value within your tables (classes), otherwise the data might be truncated when you query it, or even fail when you try to insert data.

Long story:

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0 186

I am trying to setup a OAuth2.0 configuration to connect to a server within our Network using OAuth2.0. My previous attempt worked, however forgot to capture the steps before I had whipped the System so please bear with me.

I have an SSL/TLS Client configuration setup as we use the setup for our LDAP configuration.

When I go through the following steps within the Terminal, I am getting the following error...

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I am using embeded python to utilize some pythonic library but i got a problem on my hand.

One of the python function i am using return multiple values

in python you would do something like that :

val1, val2, val3, = function(params)

In COS I got something like that :

lib = ##class(%SYS.Python).Import("lib")
val1 = lib.function(params)

And I don't know how to get the second and third values.
Is there a way to get them?

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· Apr 23
Write Daemon Status


Is there anyway available to get the current status of Write Daemon through code?

Generally, this information is present in Management Portal->System Operation->System Dashboard->System Usage->Write Daemon.

Thanks & Regards,


0 5
1 81

Hi everyone,
I have this global with 2 informations in it: Reference (ex: 1329) and Code (ex: JMMK-G1D6).

^DataTest = 3
^DataTest(1) = $lb("","1329","JMMK-G1D6")
^DataTest(2) = $lb("","1516","AMEV-GVPF")
^DataTest(3) = $lb("","2333","4QC6-4HW3")

With ObjectScript, i want to test if Reference 1516 exists in the global.
In the InterSystems portal, i can do it with SQL (SELECT count(*) FROM DataTest where Reference = '1516'), but can we do the same in ObjectScript without SQL and manipulating the global directly ?

0 4
0 115

Hi everyone.

I have a function that may end up being called from a number of transformations at the same time, and within the function there's some Embedded SQL to first check if a local table has an entry, and then adds the entry if it doesn't exist.

To prevent a race condition where the function is called by two transformations and they both end up attempting to insert the same value, I'm looking to use the table hint "WITH TABLOCK" on the insert, but this seems to be failing the syntax checks within vscode.

Are table hints supported with embedded sql?

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At InterSystems, we strive to give you the best quality in everything. Including the realization of our Global Masters program.

The vendor of this platform has been acquired by another company, and unfortunately, we will no longer be able to continue hosting our esteemed Global Masters program on this platform. We are currently evaluating new platform providers to facilitate the transition of the Global Masters Advocate Hub.

Beginning April 26th, we will temporarily suspend access to the Global Masters program as we transition to a new platform.


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1 180

Hi Guys,

After converting from Ensemble 2014 to 2018 and ran my application I get the below error message:

MSDS.ZEN.Component.imageclickbuttom exits and compiles fine and also compiled the Zen page extending the class successfully but still getting the error so not sure why I'm still getting the error!?


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Hi Guys,

I'm new to IRIS and I'm converting from Ensemble 2018 to IRIS but not sure how to convert my cache.data file to IRIS.dat, I copied my cache.data to a new folder then went to IRIS management portal and created a new database and specified the directory to where my cache.data and saved and I thought that IRIS will automatically convert cache.dat to IRIS.dat but instead it created a new empty IRIS.dat, I guess I was wrong in my assumptions !?

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· Apr 26 3m read
Geo Vector Search #2

Technical surprises using VECTORs

Building my tech. example provided me with a bunch of findings htt I want to share.
The first vectors I touched appeared with text analysis and more than 200 dimensions.
I have to confess that I feel well with Einstein's 4 dimensional world.
7 to 15 dimensions populating the String Theory are somewhat across the border.
But 200 and more is definitely far beyond my mathematical horizon.

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0 72

Hi everyone.

Is there a sensible approach to having a lookup table in Namespace A, and then accessing this from Namespaces B, C, D (etc)?

I'm trying to avoid creating a Global mapping of the lookup table global (^Ens.LookupTable) as I fear that it would then link all other lookups in that global and lead to some unexpected behaviour, but would be open to trying something in this realm if it's the best option.

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0 94

After running many tests to kick the tires calling Python from COS (which worked fine) in any directory, I encountered problems when trying to access Python libraries like Numpy from any OTHER namespace. I saw some other posts about this but the resolution seems unclear. When I run the test program method numpytest below in %SYS it works just fine. If i run the Python method in any other namespace I get:

PITT>do ##class(test.python).numpytest()
DO ##CLASS(test.python).numpytest()
<OBJECT DISPATCH> *python object not found

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0 78

For example, I have two timestamp values ('2024-04-01 10:00:00', '2024-04-01 11:30:30'). I would like to find the difference between these two timestamps, and I need the result in hours:minutes:seconds (hh:mm:ss) format.

Expected Output: 01:30:30

Note: I need an SQL query command. I should not use ClassMethod, Function, or Stored Procedure.

Could anyone please provide me with an SQL query for my question?

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I am working on a Zen page that has a table pane with the maxRows set to a default value. My customer is coming back with the following request of making that value bigger & begs the question whether the new value can be configurable. I looked @ the documentation, and forgive me if I missed, and I couldn't find anywhere that it can. Am I wrong? Thanks.

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0 51

Hi Guy,

Made a fresh new Install of our currently working application from our current server to a new one but when trying to run the application in the new server it raises a page not found error:

this is the web application setup

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0 39

The users wants the ability to modify the logic used to populate PID:22 depending on the value of PID: 39. The logic is as follows

If both PID:22 and PID:39.2 are null then set PID:28 to "Unknown"

If PID:22 and PID:39.2 are not null and are the same value, then populate PID:28 with PID:39.2

If PID:22 and PID:39.2 are not null and are different, then set PID:28 = "Undetermined"

Setting this condition in a transform is straight-forward,.

0 3
0 41

Is there a way to exclude specific members from a class when exporting to an XML or UDL file? Bonus question: is there a way to import from that file without overwriting those members that were excluded?

The use case is to export an interoperability production class without the ProductionDefinition XDATA. We plan to source control the production items through the Ensemble Deployment Manager, but we still need to export any custom code in the class definition itself.

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