How to convert SQL persistent classes to JSON output - I have tried 1 option but appears to be very lengthy process.

I have many other SQL storage's defined and have to expose them as well to JSON. Can anyone please suggest a better approach.

My column names usually match with my Json properties.

My User.TestClass is the class with GetJsonList() as my method to return /output JSON formatted data.

The Code tried and SQL storage structure are as follows -

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0 974

Hi Guys,

Can you please advise on the below queries.

Query 1:

Example 1:

 S a="345",b="arun",c="kumar",d="hi",e="yello",f="orange"

Example 2:

S a="345"

S b="arun"

S c="kumar"

S d="hi"

S e="yello"

S f="orange"

Can you please advise me, which one is performance wise is better.

Query 2:

Example 1:

S:a=1 R="Arun"

Example 2:

I a=2 R="Arun"

Please advise me, which one is giving better performance in this.

0 11
0 961

I have created a fairly simple process for taking a HL7 message and sending it to an external provider via a HTTP Post and this is all working correctly. However for the request and response messages I am using e a simple structure containing only a message stream and when looking in Ensemble Message viewer none of this stream content is showing (it is all blank). Would I have to create a particular message type to make this show in message viewer and if so could someone provide some guidance around how to achieve this (outline of code included below)

0 2
0 961
· Feb 26, 2018
Monitoring with Zabbix

Hi community,

I need to monitor Caché Intersystems with some custom indicators.

I started customizing the SNMP Mib. But I've been in a Zabbix event, all speakers use ODBC to monitor their database, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL ...

What is the best way? Use ODBC or SNMP Custom Mib?
What are you guys using?

0 2
0 961

I need to dynamically create a class based on a parameter passed into a class method. Basically the method takes in a string that contains the name of the class I need to create a new instance of.

I need something along these lines.

ClassMethod someMethod(className As %String)
	set classObject = ##class(className).%New()


Trying to do this right results in a class not found error because it seems to be treating the variable as a literal string.

0 3
0 959
· Jan 14, 2018
Find last in a list of objects

I have a class to track data changes.
As it becomes slower and slower to find last changes I think I need an index.
The 2 classes are just simplified reality.
HowTo ?

Class Rick.ChangeItem Extends %SerialObject
Property Subject As %String;

Property Author As %String;

Property Change As %TimeStamp;


1 6
0 953

I"m doing a SQL insert in my BPL, one of the fields in my SQL table is an MSSQL TimeStamp. How do I get the date/time from my HL7 message and format it so that I can then insert it into my TimeStamp column in my SQL table? I've tried lots of different combinations.

I used CONVERT(DATETIME, substring(:request.GetValueAt("EVN:RecordedDateTime"),1,8)) to get just the date portion and it works, but I'd like the whole DateTime inserted into my TimeStamp field. This is an a BPL.


0 2
0 949


I am using a standard EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation to create files based on HL7 messages but I just realised that lines in the output file only contain CR (Character Return) but no LF (Line Feed). It is really important to have both as another system picking those files will fail otherwise...

Is there any way to configure this?


1 4
1 947

Traditional Caché Objectscript has the multi-dimensional array as its main form of complex data structure and the $order command as the main means of traversing said data structures. But newer versions of Caché ObjectScript also have data structures that are direct parallels of what languages such as JavaScript provide, in the form of %DynamicObject and %DynamicArray. These have an easy to use iterator feature via the %GetIterator method, and even a handy built-in literal syntax for constructing new objects.

0 3
0 941

I'm trying to execute a nodejs process to perform some work on a string from Cache/Mumps over to nodejs, then return the result from nodejs as a string back to the code in Cache and I was looking at the `$ZF` logic - it will let me output the results to a file (i.e. temp.txt) but I dont see a way to just get the output set back to an M variable like (and I know this is not the correct syntax, but just for example)

S myOutput=$ZF(-100, "echo something") ;; wrong syntax but just for example

W myOutput ;; want to write out "something" but of course this doenst work

0 4
0 941

Hi I currently have a requirement to upload microsoft documents from a client's PC to a cache database, at present the idea is to use javascript to open the file and convert it to a binary stream and then for cache csp to upload the binary stream to the database. Just wondered if anyone else had attempted this or are there better options !



0 10
0 934
· Nov 19, 2018
Copy csv data into a global object

Hi, I have a CSV file with a list of 5000 records in the following format

Name, Acc, division

Eric, 1234, 567

John, 1235, 987

Peter, 3214, 879

I just want to copy the Acc, division to a global so eventually the global would be like the following:

^People("Customers", "Acc.division")

Can you advice on how I can perform this from the terminal? This is a one time task. I want to read all the values from the csv file and insert them into the global



0 7
0 932


I'm trying to set Caché-Python Binding on Mac, but there is a problem.

I performed installation and configuration of Caché-Python binding module based on the manual (URL)
including setting of PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in "bash_profile",
and they seems to be done successfully (there was no error in the process).

0 3
0 928
· Mar 1, 2018
Cucumber / Gherkin integration

Are there any BDD testing automation implementations within Mumps/Cache Objects already in existence?

We are looking at using Cucumber for our Java regression test automation and would like to use similar feature file testing with the Cache code.

Looking to use something existing before building it.


2 5
1 904

Trying to work with REST protocol, using IIS 8, both client and server are Cache servers,
I have the following problem-
When I send a PUT command, I get the following error:
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Length Required</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"></HEAD>
<BODY><h2>Length Required</h2>
<hr><p>HTTP Error 411. The request must be chunked or have a content length.</p>

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0 903
· May 21, 2018
working with Angular

I have a very large logistics software running Chache.

I need to build an external application ( Web & Mobile) . I was thinking of using Angular. Does anyone have experience with this infrastructure ? What would be the best way to extract the data ?

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