
I am wondering if anyone can help me with an issue we are facing. We are trying to add a parent-child relationship between 2 tables in the database that already contain data. We are able to add the new relationship property to the required data classes, and set the desired cardinality. We have also included code that will add the relationship using the Insert() method to new data that comes in.

The problem we have is how do we add the relationship to data that already exists in the database?

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· Dec 17, 2018
Terminal Type


We are using Cache 5.0, we use Cache telnet and Other emulator (using telnet connection) to launch the applications.

Is there a way to identify the type of device is used?. Based on the emulator I can few custom changes to be applied.

Thanks and Regards,


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I seem to be getting some odd behavior from Ensemble when searching using the extended Criteria options (VDoc Segment Field).

I'm searching for a specific range of test patients (for example, Surnames starting ZZZ) and I'm only getting back about half of what I know is there (and is verifiable by removing the search criteria and manually scrolling through the message viewer.

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I am a newbie who is trying to learn how to set up a basic connection to Iris using a node js application. I am astounded at the lack of documentation there is on how to do this and even more concerning there are a few errors within the documentation. For example I am on the Native API application within the below link.


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I'm looking for the most straightforward way to trigger a custom Ensemble message when a patient logs into the Personal Community patient portal. The use case is that when the patient logs in, we want to query an external email database for any new messages the patient has and import them. Does anybody know if there's any built-in functionality I can use, or if not, what the best trigger point would be?

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· Jan 26, 2023
Using ODBC on linux

I already have a working setup with:

- Ubuntu 21.10
- Unixodbc 2.3.6
- ODBC-2018.1.5.659.0-lnxubuntux64
- libcacheodbcur64.so

I have tried to update to:

- Ubuntu 22.04
- Unixodbc 2.3.9

But, i am getting "SQLDriverConnect: 0 [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Driver does not support the requested version".

So, I have tried to switch to:

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Want to perform SNMP performance monitoring of cache2010 on AIX 5.3. Since the SNMP service that comes with AIX does not support agentX, it cannot extend the support for cache database. Therefore, I plan to deploy net-snmp on AIX first, then enable agentX, and finally configure cache's subagent. Is this workable? Any documents? Thx!

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· Apr 22, 2020
SQL Statement Highlighting

Hey Community,

my Caché Version: 2013.1 and can't update now.

is it possible to highlight SQL Statements like in embedded SQL with all the features from SQL Statements?

Actually I use SQL Statements with a simple string like:

set myquery = "SELECT TOP 5 Name,DOB AS bdate,FavoriteColors FROM Sample.Person"

But when the queries are more complex it will be very cluttered and unstructured.

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Please help,

I'm using a SearchAndFetchRequest to retrieve a full SDA3 Container from the ACCESS gateway. The response is presented in the pResponse.SearchAndFetchGeneralResult.XMLData property. This property is of type string. I want to put the data from this property in a HS.SDA3.Container and then use this container is a dtl for translation purposes. My current data in the XMLData property is too large to fit in a string. Therefore I'm searching for a way to convert te data to a stream and that import the stream into my Container...

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· Jun 5, 2022
MDM: Patient Repository

I am looking to define an architecture combining both IRISforHealth's FHIR server and HAPI's MDM capabilities. Is there anyone who has already implemented this type of solution?
The goal is to implement a single patient repository for multiple hospitals, so HAPI MDM is really interesting.
From what I've seen, some of the issues may be around compatibility between Caché and Hybernate.


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First the question then the background:

Can you increase the amount of read operations that are being performed simulatiously to the hard drive where the cache.dat file is located.

Alternatively: Can you increase the amount that is being read with every operation?

The database is setup with 8k blocks of data that are being read. I'm currently struggeling with a bottleneck concerning the read operations from a disk.

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I was interested in accessing IRIS (Healthshare) using Python. I found instructions how to this here: https://github.com/intersystems/quickstarts-python/tree/master/Solutions...

The installation went well using pip and when python executes "import irisnative" it works fine. It just fails with a connection timeout when I try "irisnative.createConnection(...)." Below is my code:

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I wonder if anyone could help me.

I'm used to writing Microsoft SQL database queries, but at the moment I am also trying to write reports on an IRIS database (used to be cache) in Microsoft BIDS.

My chief headache is parameters. They don't behave the "normal way" in BIDS, in that you can't rename them. Therefore, referencing them in the main code is a nightmare for me.

Say my report has two parameters. If i want to refer to both in a dataset, I have to list them in the order they are in the report and both by using a question mark, ie:

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