· Mar 4, 2019
Missing Mirrored Database

Hi guys

I've added a new mirrored failover member to an existing one.

They are both Arbiter controlled.

When I do Add database to mirror on the primary I'm always getting an error. Missing Mirrored database.

I followed everything in the documentation and always get the same error.

I've copied the CACHE.dat file after umounting the database on both servers. then mounted them.

Could you help me out?

Kind Regards

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0 577

I have one abstract class and several subclasses. All share one data/id global.

How can I get concrete class name from id (without opening the object)?

What I have so far:

write $p($lg(^DATAGLOBAL(<id>),1),"~",*-1)

It does the job, but is there a more official way?

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Just curious to know about the pros and cons of Parent/Child Vs One/Many.

We do use a bit of both.
One big reason we use Parent child is we feel if we delete one global, it gets rid of all child data too and all parent child data is stored in one global. Much easier to manage.

0 4
0 642

Hi Community!

When you run IRIS container out-of-the-box and connect to it via terminal e.g. with:

docker-compose exec iris bash

You see something like:

root@7b19f545187b:/opt/app# irissession IRIS

Node: 7b19f545187b, Instance: IRIS

Username: ***

Password: ***


And you enter login and password every time.

How to programmatically setup docker-compose file to have IRIS container with OS authentication enabled? And have the following while entering the terminal:

root@7b19f545187b:/opt/app# irissession IRIS

Node: 7b19f545187b, Instance: IRIS


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0 422

This is my first post, I have only been using Healthshare for a year.

We support multiple Healthshare test and development environments. We are trying to come up with the best solution for building an environment from scratch, as well as incremental updates. I am interested in hearing the pros and cons between using the Ensemble -> Export Production feature versus creating custom classes to do the install and setup.

3 4
2 419

I'm connecting to a remote device using TCP. It has a binary protocol.

set host = ""
set port = ""
set io = $io
set device = "|TCP|7000"

set timeout = 2
open device:(host:port:"M")
use device:(/IOT="RAW")
read string:timeout

use io
zzdump string

The problem is when reading from it, I get a 0A (also known as 10 or \n or linefeed) byte, which terminates the read.

Expected output:

0000: 42 00 7B 0A 11

But I get this output:

0000: 42 00 7B

How can I fix that?

0 1
0 249

Good afternoon,

We have a very old version of Ensemble with one of our clients and they have no desire to upgrade anytime soon. We have gotten the all-clear to purge really old messages from the database, changing the days kept from 60 to 30. The option to Compact/Truncate is displayed in this version of Ensemble, but does not execute as it mentions not being actually present in this version.

There is an option in ^d DATABASE that restores unused space, however this does not return nearly as much free space as the refined Compact/Truncate procedure.

0 2
0 389

Here's a simple indirection snippet. It fails with <UNDEFINED> error and I'm not sure why.

ClassMethod ind()
  kill info

  set active = 1
  set reactive = 2

  for i="active","reactive" {
    set info(i)= @i

  zw info


I'm getting this exception: <UNDEFINED>zind+5^test.Client.1 *active

0 6
0 487


Can I use a the SQL 'Table-Valued Parameter' when i call a store procedure in sql outbound adapter using ExecuteProcedure?

to pass multiple rows all together as a block, I need to process all the records in one transaction using commit and rollback (if failure)



0 1
0 202

I have an existing table, and I've added an array property to it that I need to populate.
The issue is that I can only use SQL to insert into the table due to access reasons.

For example:

Class Package.Tables.Person Extends %Persistent
Property Name As %String(MAXLEN = "");

Property Address As Array of Package.Datatypes.Address;

0 1
0 400


I'm trying to set up an Apache server using CSP Gateway on Windows 10 (64-bit), but am getting the error "Cannot load c:/InterSystems/IRIS_2019/CSP/bin/CSPa24.dll into server: %1 is not a valid Win32 application" when attempting to start up httpd.exe after adding the CSP-specific section to httpd.conf.

The CSP gateway is 64-bit (CSPGateway-2018.1.1.643.0-win_x64) and so is the Apache install (httpd-2.4.38-o102q-x64-vc14).

The CSPa24.dll file does exist in the specified location.

Any suggestions appreciated.

Thank you,


0 5
0 747

I try to create a column with computeonchange.

Its works with CREATE TABLE sql command, but if i use ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN sql command this computeonchange doesn't works.

any reason why?


CREATE TABLE MyStudents ( Name VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, surname VARCHAR(16))

alter table MyStudents add column fullname Varchar(50) COMPUTECODE { SET {fullname}={Name}_ "?" _{surname}} COMPUTEONCHANGE (Name,surname)

insert into SQLUser.MyStudents (Name, surname) values ('name1',null)

update MyStudents set name = 'name' where name = 'name1'

0 1
0 203


I know of the existance of (ELEMENTS) to create an index from a list, but I actually would like to index the content of an element of a list. Is it possible?

My scenario:

Property Test As list of TestList;

Property Name As %String;
Property Surname As %String;

I would like to have an index based on the TestList.Name. If I try using

Index NewIndex On Test(ELEMENTS)

it will create an index with Name and Surname in it, but I just want to have an index with the name. Is it possible?

0 3
1 302


I am having a problem in REST service when de-serializing JSON using a nested Property.

I am new to Intersystems and my first time creating REST Service. I setup Atelier dev environment. The worst IDE I have ever worked in. I was able to attach to a process in the debug perspective and step through the code, but one cannot see contents of variables nor print anything to the console, so it is useless as a debugging tool. When looking at a variable all it displays is its type of the variable and if I try to "watch" I get:

0 5
0 642
· Feb 23, 2019
FileSpec wildcard question

For the FIleSpec on a file service can you use a multiple wildcard values like *CLINICALENCOUNTER*.xml?

It seems like you are restricted to a single wildcard value.

0 8
0 718

Hi -

I'm trying to follow the documentation, but I seem to end up in a circular reference, where the docs say "Login to TrakCare" to get access to the Layout Editor, with a link to "Logging Into TrakCare", and then that whole sections assumes that the account being used has been created, but doesn't seem to point to any means of actually creating the account in the first place.

Where is it described in the HealthShare Documentation, how to create a TrakCare login account?

0 1
0 1.4K

In my routine when I call set filestream.FileName = filename, I get an error

"cn_iptcp://localhost:56773/USER/%Stream.FileBinary.1.INT" does not exist on the Server

I successfully instantiate the %Stream.FileCharacter object. 'filestream' value is '1@%Stream.FileCharacter'. But when I debug the code, the step where I try to set the file name fails.

The port number for local host looks good for my current instance. I have tried a few variations, such as using the method FileNameSet(). But this did not work either.

0 10
0 544


I want to edit the the Master viewer /source UI of HealthShare Provider Directory with a property/ element of String type.

There are predefined CodeTables structure by which i can't add the Attributes of the above element because somehow above element attributes are different than the code Table structures .

Can we add a new Customize Code Table other than predefiend Code tables in the HealthShare Provider Directory ?

Is there any way or any tutorial by which we can edit the Master Viewer ?

0 1
0 308


I am looking foi an API to retrieve one namespace´s default web application name. We have use some code to setup links to event log/mesage trace for monitoring emails. In perticular we did this with ensemble where the default csp webapplication name always is something like csp/<namespace/. Anyway when it comes to a healthshare installation the default path seems to be csp/healthshare/<namespace>.

0 2
0 279

I'm trying to test SOAP integration by using one Ensemble production to send a SOAP message to another production, but I'm seeing the following error when I try to pass a message between the two:

ERROR #6248: SOAP response is a SOAP fault: faultcode=Server
faultstring=Internal Server Error
<error xmlns="">
<text>ERROR #7900: Service 'SOAP' not enabled for application '/csp/healthshare/hspc/'</text>

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