· Apr 21, 2020

Does anyone have a copy of CACHE 2017,1x

I need a copy of cache 2017.1x  as this is the last version supported by the VA on their network.
Any support here would be greatly appreciated. I have been a member of the M community since 1984.
Thanks in advance

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Allan - do you just need Studio or do you need a running DB at 2017.1?  If you need a running DB then you will need a license, and assuming you have a license as a supported customer you can grab the distribution you need from the WRC Downloads page:

If you only need Studio in order to connect to a 2017.1.1 instance, then you can install the latest InterSystems IRIS Community Edition which is freely available at and you can install that and use InterSystems Studio from within that installation to connect to the 2017.1 instance.  Technically, if you are not a Supported Customer then you should only have access to the Community Edition software kits.

Please let us know if you are able to get what you need from this.