Hi Developers!

Often we need to use relatively small arrays with constants, static arrays in algorithms, etc where we need to do something with each element of an array. There are several ways to deal with it in ObjectSctipt.

Previously I used to use globals, locals, PPG for this but not so long time ago figured out that %List is a way too handy.

Indeed, suppose we have an array of months and need to set up and use it in our code.

2 15
1 626

Hi Developers!

InterSystems IRIS stores everything in globals and if we use ObjectScript classes to persist data class documents globals it uses in storage. But if you use globals for calculations, temporary storages, for special indexes or for some other purposes - how do you document it?

Possible options which come to my mind:

1. Macro

#define Array ^MyGlobal


s $$$Array(1)=1

2. Class parameter

Parameter Array ="^MyGlobal";


0 3
0 348
· Jul 31, 2019
CodeGolf: FizzBuzz

Let's have a round of CodeGolf!

As usual the goal is to write the shortest solution for a specified problem.

Today we have one of the classics: FizzBuzz.

Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100.

But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”.

For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”

4 22
1 675

Hi Community!

Sometimes I meet a method which accepts 10+ parameters.

And often I need only the 8th parameter to pass. And I call the method something like:

do ##class(Some.Feature).Method(,,,,,,,"flag")

And I don't like this method when I call it like this cause, you know, often I just miss the number of commas and raise some other flag I wanted.

How do you avoid this situations?

If you meet such a code, how do you call it and sure that you didn't miss the number of ","?

What is a good number of parameters in a method and f you need to pass more parameters in a method what do you do?

3 27
1 1.7K
· Mar 19, 2019
Rule to validate SQL syntaxis

Hi! We have received a request to create a new rule on CachéQuality to identify when a developer uses double quotes (" ") within any SQL statement.

We have been asked many times about SQL validation rules, and we would like to open a debate to allow everyone discuss what would you like to be checked on a SQL statement.

Current examples are for basic situations:

0 13
0 582

Hi Community!

There are two general ways to execute arbitrary SQL in serverside ObjectScript code: EmbeddedSQL and ObjectScript SQL a.k.a. Dynamic SQL.

E.g. if we want to get the value of the property of instance with a certain ID using SQL we can do:

&sql(SELECT Name INTO :name FROM Sample.Person WHERE ID=1)

write name

Same result with %SQL.Statement:

set rs=##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,"SELECT Name as name FROM Sample.Person where ID=1")
  do rs.%Next()
  write rs.name

1 2
0 986

Hi guys!

Suppose you developed a tool, framework, library on InterSystems ObjectScript for InterSystems Data Platform, share it via Open Exchange and want people to install it.

What is the best strategy if it is a library and supposed to be called from different namespaces?

Here are the following thoughts:

1. Tool's developer should be able to use globals to read/store data the tool needs.

2. Tool's consumer should be confident, that the thing he/she installs will not harm the application's data.

3. A tool should be callable from any application's namespace.

4. Tool's installation(in general) should not request manual security changes (e.g. grant the write access to IRISLIB) and %YourClass is not an option.

5. It's easy to uninstall the tool - just delete the namespace/database (maybe delete some web-apps too).

0 10
0 453

Application licensing enables InterSystems application partners to take advantage of Caché’s licensing capabilities for their own licensing purposes.

Caché manages customer application licenses just as it does Caché/Ensemble and InterSystems application licenses, maintaining usage counts and acquiring and returning user licenses as needed.

Application licenses consumed by a process or a CSP session are automatically released along with the Caché license consumed by the process or session when a process exits, halts or is deleted from the process table, or when a CSP session times out or is deleted.

More in docs.

Do you use this feature? If so, how?

I'm especially interested in license validation and general workflows?

0 4
0 425

Hi, Community!

Have a question for general discussion.

In ObjectScript we have cls for classes and mac code, which both compile into int code.

Is there any reason when you use mac instead of cls for non-persistent classes?

For me the benefits for cls are:

1. Inheritance and other OOP features

2. Auto-documented code

For mac one visible benefit is easier call in terminal:

do method^Utils(p1,p2)


1 43
1 2.8K
· Jul 3, 2017
Way, way out of my price range

I know this may sound like sour grapes, but really it is not.

I hear all the exciting things about the up coming InterSystems Conference, and I am sure it is.

But it is way, way out of my price range, and I am sure out of the price range of most of the Cache/MUMPS developers, without company backing.

Just wondering what others think.

3 4
0 517

Hi All

I'm looking for some field experiences, lessons learned, or actual deployed solutions to the problem of replicating non-CACHE.DAT data in a mirrored Cache environment.


  • Operating System is IBM AIX
  • Hardware is IBM Power w/ virtualised storage
  • Cache 2017.1
  • 2x Production mirror members
  • 1x DR mirror member
0 1
0 459

Hello community!

At the global summit in Phoenix, we (Lite Solutions) will be presenting a tool performing static code analysis on ObjectScript source files. You can see it in action at this URL:


Technically, the tool is a language plugin over SonarQube (http://sonarqube.org) and consists of three main parts:

5 6
1 2K
· Mar 3, 2016
Anyone using Visual Studio Code?

Is anyone in the fine community of developers who work with ISC technologies looking at Microsoft's Visual Studio Code offering?

One of Bill McCormick's recent posts about Atelier referred to Visual Studio being considered the best IDE. Granted, Code is far less of a tool than VS, and probably always will be. But it claims to be open source and cross-platform, i.e. Linux and OS X as well as Windows.

8 26
3 5.1K