Hi everybody!

Many developers prefer a dark version of applications. Not surprisingly, @Guillaume Rongier posted an idea of making a dark version for the Developer Community.

So we look forward to hearing from you.

Please send us your feedback by using this Poll on the Ideas Portal, and by voting and commenting on the relevant idea.

Thank you in advance for your votes and have a good day!

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Thank you for reading this question, and thank you for your time and replies.

I was wondering which ways, tools, mechanisms, or vias would you recommend to teach to kids, teens, adults, being your sons / daughters or not; your passion or likelihood for programming and computers?

I know there are some programming free games like the following ones:

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First of all thanks for reading this post and thanks for replying:

I think it could be obvious or a little bit naive but I was wondering if a software developer needs as a must or should get his/her own personal laptop or computer, appart the one from their own bussiness or company?

What laptop or computer would you recommend for personal use? For general purpose: programming, leisure, surfing the net, etc.

Thanks for your replies.


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I'm scraping my way through some code that's been around for a while, and came across the use of $ZTRAP and (dear GOD) GOTO for trapping and handling errors.

In an effort to "modernize" it and make it, I don't know, less M-ish (sorry old-timers!), I'm replacing it with Try/Catch blocks.

Some questions:

  1. Is this a dumb idea?
  2. Anything I should look out for?
  3. Did I hurt anyone's feelings?

And if the answer to number 3 is Yes, my deepest apologies ... I love you guys! 🤩

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I was wondering if there is a way, or what is your recommended way to generate, or develop some kind of deep interest or even some joy, love, or excitement towards coding, programming, software developing. Specifically for people aged between 20 and 30 years old.

I am aware of some programming games like the following ones:



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InterSystems IRIS has long supported the obvious translation functions required to for converting to upper or lowercase to enforce case-insensitive string comparison (e.g. in ObjectScript with $zconvert) and sorting (e.g. with SQL collation functions, not to be confused with NLS collation). Customers in international contexts have at times used custom workarounds to also treat accent insensitivity or even more advanced normalization duct tape. We’re looking to address such use cases at the system and SQL level to increase convenience for this international audience, which is well represented on the Developer Community.

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Hi All,

We have few queries which are simple selects . For simplicity let's say there is a query that joins two tables and gets few columns and both tables have no indexes.

Select Tab1.Field1, Tab2.Field2
From Table1 Tab1
Join Table2 Tab2
On Tab2.FK = Tab1.PK

When we do query plan for this it shows approx 6 million, however if we make a simple adjustment to the query

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I am sure I came across this in the past with Cache and just saw this again in IRIS.

When rebuilding or swapping a DAT file for a database it retains the Resource of the DAT file, not the Resource of the Database it is being used for.

For instance, if I have a local Database called APP with a resource %DB_APP and I want to refresh the data from another Database called TEST that has a Resource %DB_TEST I can just copy the DAT file from the TEST folder to the APP folder.

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Hi Community!

In the previous announcement, we asked you what are your thoughts regarding the new rubric Water Cooler Talk - basically a moderated (possibly biweekly) discussion about some programming topic not directly related to the InterSystems products. Since the majority reacted positively, we'd like to invite you to write the topics that interest you in the comments to this post and mention if you would like to lead the discussion.

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Hi Guys,

I'm new to IRIS and I'm converting from Ensemble 2018 to IRIS but not sure how to convert my cache.data file to IRIS.dat, I copied my cache.data to a new folder then went to IRIS management portal and created a new database and specified the directory to where my cache.data and saved and I thought that IRIS will automatically convert cache.dat to IRIS.dat but instead it created a new empty IRIS.dat, I guess I was wrong in my assumptions !?

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Hi all,

The last time I used CSP was back in 2008, so I am very rusty on it.
This question might have been asked many times, and the answer probably is that it is a matter of preference.

Are there scenarios to which CSP pages is easier/better to use than classes extending from %CSP.Page?
I want to build a little thing and don't want to start at the wrong end.
Doing an API-based, heavy client-side framework is not a requirement, and I would prefer not to do it that way.

Some of the criteria

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For me the best moments were:

1 - Global Masters WON the 2021 Influitive BAMMIE Award for Most Passionate Community

2 - Tech Article contests

3 - InterSystems Programming Contests

4 - 10,000+ DC members

5 - Partner directory and business services

6 - 500+ applications on OEX

7 - Open Virtual Summits

8 - Prizes from GM points

9 - Free online learning courses

10 - Discord channels

11 - Innovations from IRIS Data Platform

12 - Multilanguage communities, including portuguese, spanish and chinese community

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The IRIS Installation Guide for Linux, Installation Directory section, says "Do not choose the /home directory, any of its subdirectories, or the /usr/local/etc/irissys directory." but there are no suggestions or any default.

What are your opinions on this? For example, I see that IRIS in a Docker container is installed in /usr/irissys. I'm wondering why that directory was chosen.

The official Linux filesystem docs say:

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I would like you to propose this challenge.

It has been created by the CodeWars community here: https://www.codewars.com/kata/6523a71df7666800170a1954/python

I will copy and paste the description:


A number is Esthetic if, in any base from base2 up to base10, the absolute difference between every pair of its adjacent digits is constantly equal to 1.

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In the discussions at https://community.intersystems.com/post/intersystems-studio-deprecated-starting-20232 one notable topic has been that some Studio users make regular use of its facilities for exporting multiple code artifacts (e.g. classes and routines) into a single XML file on the workstation, then exporting that file into a different server namespace.

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· Jul 3, 2017
Way, way out of my price range

I know this may sound like sour grapes, but really it is not.

I hear all the exciting things about the up coming InterSystems Conference, and I am sure it is.

But it is way, way out of my price range, and I am sure out of the price range of most of the Cache/MUMPS developers, without company backing.

Just wondering what others think.

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