Hi Community,

We're super excited to share with you a special session from Global Summit 2023! And it is so special to us because it is about us and with us! Please welcome:

🤩 How to Get the Most Out of the InterSystems Developer Ecosystem @ Global Summit 2023

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,825 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

InterSystems US Classroom Training is now issuing digital badges for successfully completing training, and we are retroactively distributing these badges to our classroom learners since May 2020. The badges are issued through Credly, a company that manages digital credentials, and will be delivered via email, asking you to accept your new training badge shortly.

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· Jul 12, 2023
Enabling telnet

Can %Service_telnet be enabled programmatically? I have the need to enable this feature so that I can automate a script I have for Cache, but unless the telnet service is on, the session cant connect.

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· Jun 15, 2016
Oauth 1.0 library

I am in need of a routine or class method to generate an Oauth 1.0 signature. I was about to code this myself, but thought to check first to see if anyone has already done this and is willing to share.

Thanks in advance for any help.

[UPDATE 06/28/2016]

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· Jul 27, 2023
Rule logic

In an HL7 Business rule I am trying to block ONLY ORM messages that have a PV1:3.4 of 105 or 205 and a OBR:4 value of EP22 or CATH01.

I created the logic below but it appears to be evaluating the two fields independently instead of combined?

Here is what I had.

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Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to the upcoming webinar in Hebrew:

👉 Introducing VS Code, and Moving from Studio in Hebrew 👈

🗓️ Date & time: July 25th, 3:00 PM IDT

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When creating custom Business Hosts, it's often necessary to add properties to the class for additional settings that will be used in the initialization or operation of the host. The property name itself isn't always very descriptive, so it's an advantage to have a custom caption display with the field.

In Caché, it was fairly straightforward:

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Visual Studio Code, like Atelier, connects to IRIS through the Web Server and a web service, unlike Studio that connect to the SuperServer port.

What about the VS Code terminal? Does that open a shell with SSH or does it also use a web service?

In other words, does an IRIS developer using VS Code need direct access to the IRIS instance with SSH or the SuperServer port, in addition to the external or private web server to execute terminal commands?

Is that different with linux vs. Windows?

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After installing IRIS 2023.1 on a live copy of our production machine our REST Service now consumes a CSP Session with every request. The request is handled as expected, but uses one of the 5 CSP Session per license. So after 25 requests, the license is used up. The Grace time always shows 0 and the session stay for very long. (Maybe the 900 Seconds timeout).
On Caché 2018, we had the same settings for the Webapp and there, only a single Session was set for all requests. The Caché request didn't use any cookies.

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Hello Community,

Watch this video to learn how to add a condition to a single command without using an If statement.

Controlling Command Flow with Postconditional Expressions

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· Mar 30, 2022 9m read
3DES support

There are several ways of classifying cryptographic algorithms: 1) Secret Key Cryptography (SKC) - Uses a single key for both encryption and decryption. It is also called symmetric encryption. Primarily, it was used for privacy and confidentiality; 2) Public Key Cryptography (PKC) - Uses one key for encryption and another one for decryption. It is also called asymmetric encryption.

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· Mar 27, 2020
Give it a try on SQLBuilder tool

SQLBuilder is a flexible and powerful SQL query string builder for InterSystems IRIS,

With SQLBuilder you have nice and clean object oriented methods, instead of having to use concatenation and substituition to generate dynamic queries.

A Dynamic SQL without SQLBuilder

A Dynamic SQL with SQLBuilder

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Hibernate is the most popular framework to do ORM (Object Relational Mapping) projects. With Hibernate a software can use the main DBMS in the market, including the capability to change the database vendor any time, without source code impact. This is possible because the Hibernate supports dialects. Each database product has a different dialect that can be assigned into a configuration file. So, if a software is using Oracle and is looking to evolve to InterSystems IRIS, just change the configuration file with connection and dialect information.

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· Jul 24, 2023 20m read
Local K8s Deployment of a FHIR server


This is a sample to deploy iris-oauth-fhir on k3d with IKO.
* iris-oauth-fhir is a sample to deploy a FHIR server with OAuth2 authentication with InterSystems IRIS for Health as a resource server and Google OpenId as an authorization server.
* k3d is a lightweight wrapper to run k3s (Rancher Lab's minimal Kubernetes distribution) in docker.
* IKO is a tool to deploy InterSystems IRIS for Health on Kubernetes.

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