For the upcoming Python contest, I would like to make a small demo, on how to create a simple REST application using Python, which will use IRIS as a database. Using this tools

  • FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
  • SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL
  • Alembic is a lightweight database migration tool for usage with the SQLAlchemy Database Toolkit for Python.
  • Uvicorn is an ASGI web server implementation for Python.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,877 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Our application has a ZEN report that accepts a sorting parameter and a fundraiser parameter. Sorting tells us which order the pages are to be in and the fundraiser limits the data shown (e.g. which user has requested the report)

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn how to improve care and reduce costs with the HealthShare Care Management Notifications Solution Pack, a fully managed cloud solution from InterSystems.

What is the HealthShare Care Management Notifications Solution Pack
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🧑‍🏫 Course developer: @Kate Lindsay. If you have any comments, please don't hesitate to tag her.

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How can I get an instance of stream which is a successor of %Stream.Object in a method that handles a REST POST request?

#dim request as %CSP.Request = %request
 set content = request.Content

This returns a variable of type %CSP.Stream which is totally useless, because %CSP.Stream does not inherit from %Stream.Object

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Hi Community,

We're super excited to invite you to the webinar on How GitOps can use the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator prepared as a part of the Community webinars program.

Join this webinar to learn how the FHIR Breathing Identity and Entity Resolution Engine for Healthcare (better known as PID^TOO||) was created.

Date & Time: Thursday, October 19, 12:00 PM EDT | 6:00 PM CEST

👨‍🏫 Speakers:
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Hi Folks,

I would like to visulaize the tables and data on Power BI, so I try to connect the romote server to Power BI to access the tables and data of remote server. I can able to connect that remote server to our Studio also able to view class files.
But I couldn't able to connect the remote server to power BI. I'm getting the below error while click on the tables

"Expression.Error: This native database query isn't currently supported"

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· Mar 31, 2023 3m read
Using JSON in IRIS

Saw the other day an article with the usage of the %ZEN package when working with JSON and decided to write an article describing a more modern approach. At some recent point, there was a big switch from using %ZEN.Auxiliary.* to dedicated JSON classes. This allowed to work with JSONs more organically.

Thus, at this point there are basically 3 main classes to work with JSON:

  • %Library.DynamicObject - provides a simple and efficient way to encapsulate and work with standard JSON documents. Also, there is a possibility instead of writing the usual code for creating an instance of a class like
set obj = ##class(%Library.DynamicObject).%New()

it is possible to use the following syntax

set obj = {}
  • %Library.DynamicArray - provides a simple yet efficient way to encapsulate and work with standard JSON arrays. With arrays you can use the same approach as with objects, meaning that yu can either create an instance of the class
set array = ##class(%DynamicArray).%New()

or you can do it by using brackets []

set array = []
  • %JSON.Adaptor is a means for mapping ObjectScript objects (registered, serial or persistent) to JSON text or dynamic entities.
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Hi There,

I am having issues trying to obtain a JDBC driver which is backwards compatible with java 6 for a solution which will call my IRIS instance, I have already logged a WRC ticket which is looking unlikely that there will be any development to create a driver for such legacy tech.

The Java 6 app is end of life, however won't be replaced until after my project goes live, hence why I ask the question.

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Could you please help anyone how to import Python package in %SYSTEM package and to use python methods to write in object script class?

I used the following link to install the Python but I can't see the Python package in %SYSTEM package and my program throwing the Class Does not exist error?

Please help on this..

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It's true! QuinielaML has incorporated the most important leagues in Europe (and Brazil) into its prediction service, so, dear members of the Developer Community, wherever you are from, you will be able to have the predictions of your favorite leagues at your disposal.

From the predictions screen you will have access to each of the new leagues included, being able to record the matches for each journey:

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Hi folks!

Examining FHIR profile validation with InterSystems FHIR server. FHIR profiles is a very useful feature of FHIR standard that helps an organization or solution to establish constraints to a very disperse FHIR standards that are relevant to a particular business solution. Learn more on FHIR profiles.

I created a very simple FHIR profile with the following JSON:

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I have a problem attempting to store a base 64 encode stream into the OBX:5 field of a HL7 message, by using the StoreFieldStreamBase64 method.

I'm using a transformer to input the contents of a pdf within a stream container (Ens.StreamContainer). The output is a HL7 message (EnsLib.HL7.Message 2.5:ORU_R01).

The transformer is being used in a business process.

This is the code used in the transformer to encode the stream to base 64:

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· Oct 2, 2023
InterSystems Ideas News #8

Hey Community!

Welcome to the 8th edition of the InterSystems Ideas news bulletin! Here's what you can expect from it:

​​​​✓ New video describing all pages of the Ideas Portal

✓ Ideas implemented since the previous news bulletin

⏯Watch the video: Joint the Hall of Fame
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· Oct 17, 2023
Debugging a SOAP web-client

Pointers please for debugging a SOAP web-client.

We have several clients in different productions all accessing a web-service. We are trying to add another client in a new production, and its not working. The messages between the relevant Process and the SOAP web-client Operation are the same in the working and the non-working productions. But the web-service is reporting an XML parsing error to the non-working production. Here's the error as reported in the SOAP web-client Operation...

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn how to combine FHIR, CDS Hooks, and the low-code Healthcare Rule Editor into an easy-to- use, powerful platform to help ensure information is delivered in the best possible way:

Clinical Alerts & Notifications on FHIR: Putting the Healthcare Action Engine into the Workflow @ Global Summit 2023
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· Oct 17, 2023
FHIR Profile Validation Issues

Hello Community,

I've created my FHIR patient profile and POST into FHIR endpoint in Intersystems FHIR Server.


I use the profile url into my Patient resource without the meet the profile requirements.


The resource is stored successfully in the FHIR Server instead of a FHIR exception.

Why the resource doesn't validate with the mentioned profile?

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Hello community, I need to solve a complex but trivial issue.


Two tables "Comment" and "Post". Each one contains an "Author" field, which is essentially a user ID. In these tables, each user ID represents an author. The goal is to count all participants together and then group them by month, language, and other metrics.

The question is how to do this within the IRIS ecosystem. Is it even possible to take two tables, get distinct data from them and then combine into one cube?

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When you use VS Code to edit source code, the settings model allows you to specify folder-specific values for some settings by using a settings.json file located in a .vscode sub-folder of the workspace root folder. A value set here takes precedence over one from your personal settings when you are working within that workspace root folder.

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