I needed to use the OnGetNodeInfo callback of a Zen <dynaTree>, because this seems to be the only way to control the style separately for different levels of the tree. This post describes two discoveries I made.

How a dynaTree builds a tree via the OnGetNodeInfo callback

When you use a dynaTree with the OnGetNodeInfo callback, the dynaTree creates a series of nodes and displays them top to bottom in the order they were created.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,679 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Jun 8, 2017
COS Expression

What is COS Expression? Is the related to SQL Expression?

Can you give a basic code or query related samples? If anyone give a sample, it's understanding easily.

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Hello experts,

I’m working on an "Sort After" (]]) bug that I traced back to some weird behavior in ObjectScript. Perhaps someone can enlighten me…

The problem is as follows:

Let’s say we have:

Set A = “1.0”
Set B = “2.2”

If you execute the command ‘Sort After’ (]]), you get the following:

W A]]B

…Which is wrong, A does NOT sort after B. The output should be 0.

If you set A and B to numeric values, it correctly outputs false (0):

set A = 1.0
set B = 2.2
​W A]]B


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· May 30, 2017
Performance testing in Ensemble


Can you please help me to know if there is any performance testing tool for Ensemble production.

Requirement is : I need to track the time consumed for conversion of message in BP , from the time the service picked the file from "In " folder and gives the response output file in "Out" folder.

Thanks ,


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Hi people,

I am migration my web application of Cache 2013 to Cache 2016, in Cache 2013 I have a integration with a Java aplication using Java Gateway mapping proxy classes and consuming a method that param is a object, and it works perfectly.

But in Cache 2016 this integration don't work, I send the param as object but Cache send as String with the ref of object...

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0 471


I'm unable to locate a set of instructions that would allow me to encrypt the traffic to/from the Cache' Management Portal (that is - run it over HTTPS)

I am referring to the Management portal as hosted by the private Apache Web server instance installed with Cache. (I know how to do this for regular web sites hosted on, for example, IIS).

I would imagine the steps would involve, (a) enable SSL on that apache instance and (b) deploy certificates into the Apache web server.

Does anyone have a step-by-step guide on how this is accomplished ?

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0 2.2K

I ike to create schema independent DTL to add FTS segment to the end of a message. The problem that I see if do I need to loop each segment to find the last segment ? Or is there a better way to do this?

ClassMethod Transform(source As %RegisteredObject, target As %RegisteredObject) As %Status

set target=source.%ConstructClone(1)
set FTSseg= "FTS||End Of File|"

quit sc

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0 450


We are trying to feed in HTTP request & get HTTP Response in ensemble production.

From the below link we got the code for HTTP Request/Response Example. while executing the code we are getting following error: "ERROR <Ens>ErrFailureTimeout: FailureTimeout of 30 seconds exceeded in Test.HTTP.Operation; status from last attempt was ERROR #5922: Timed out waiting for response​"

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0 925

or "Things are going to break"

We left our application over the weekend, secure in the knowledge that it was returning data from our primary persistent class, User.Widget. However, Widgets Direct are the premier supplier of both Widgets AND Widget Accessories, so we should really start working on adding these Accessories to our application.

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0 1.4K
· Jun 5, 2017
Error in the SOAP Wizard


In SOAP Wizard, whatever WSDL I pass, I m getting the following error in the SOAP Response. Even If I create my own SOAP Web-Service and pass its WSDL, I am getting the same.

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