InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,664 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

InterSystems IRIS from Spark to Finish
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Hi everyone,

Im new in cache, i came from Java and im missing some features that i couldn't find in the documentation, I hope you can help me with this questions.

Just a brief introducction:

- Im in a project with old cache version, so saddly i can't use Eclipse + Atelier, so im using Studio.

- Currently im in a project with persistent classes, we want to turn apart the globals and focus on tables.

The questions:

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In our table, we have a column cities, which has a filter which displays the cities of a state depending on the state

For simplicity let's assume we have a page

Property State As %String = "CA"

Our filter should run this query to show all cities of state ca

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Most of my development experience is with HL7v2 interfaces and I don't have a background in web development and I'm very weak with javascript.

I'm looking for suggestions of learning resources to learn FHIR and 'SMART on FHIR' (JavaScript, OpenID connect, OAuth2) for developers like myself who mostly do HL7v2 integrations - but see FHIR as the future - and want to develop their skills!

I've found these

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Hi All,

I have two tables LB_TestSet and LB_Transfer

LB_Transfer has a list if TestSet row IDs, so i am doing the following join

FROM SQLUser.LB_TestSet 
WHERE LBTS_CollectedDate BETWEEN '2019-01-01' AND  '2019-05-10'

Without the date filter the query returns data, but if i add the date filter no data is returned

I also tried using %INTERNAL, %EXTERNAL TO_DATE('2009-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')

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Need some technique to solve an issue about zen page table.

- "xyz" table exists in all my namespaces.

I have a simple Zen page in "USER 1" namespace. It has a tablepane which pulls data from "xyz" table.

OnLoad of the page i want the zenpage to pull the data from "USER 2" namespace with same "xyz" table name.

Zenpage has to be in "USER 1" namespace

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Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone had got this working.

In the documentation it says to set the username and password properties of the connection object but these properties don't exist and without authentication I can't connect to the MQ queue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Dave Moss

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· Jul 27, 2018 4m read
Load a ML model into InterSystems IRIS

Hi all. Today we are going to upload a ML model into IRIS Manager and test it.

Note: I have done the following on Ubuntu 18.04, Apache Zeppelin 0.8.0, Python 3.6.5.


These days many available different tools for Data Mining enable you to develop predictive models and analyze the data you have with unprecedented ease. InterSystems IRIS Data Platform provide a stable foundation for your big data and fast data applications, providing interoperability with modern DataMining tools.

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The last time that I created a playground for experimenting with machine learning using Apache Spark and an InterSystems data platform, see Machine Learning with Spark and Caché, I installed and configured everything directly on my laptop: Caché, Python, Apache Spark, Java, some Hadoop libraries, to name a few. It required some effort, but eventually it worked.

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here is my trigger:

   DECLARE @var_row_data VARCHAR(16336);
      1 = 1 
      and 1 = 1
   -- I will use OLD/NEW alias here set @var_row_data = ''; LANGUAGE sql insert into mytable (id, data) values(1, @var_row_data);

here is error message:

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I want to have a generic PercentOfAll measure that can be used for any dimension of the cube. This PercentOfAll should act like Count, but instead of showing the number of rows in a cell, it will show the percentage (100*number of rows for that member/all rows) .It should not matter what dimension is being viewed. Ex

There are a total of 100 rows in the source class.

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Is there a way to have a context property be available across 2 or 3 different business processes? For example if I am setting a value in a context property within one business process and want to use the same context property in a second business process, is this possible? Is this something that can be done with the "Context Superclass"?

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Hey Community!

The latest webinar, recorded by InterSystems Sales Engineers @Sergey Lukyanchikov and @Eduard Lebedyuk, is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube! Please welcome:

"Machine Learning Toolkit (Python, ObjectScript, Interoperability, Analytics) for InterSystems IRIS"
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When I try to send a hl7 message via TCP / IP with SSL certificate, I get the following error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrTCPTerminatedReadTimeoutExpired: Tiempo de espera de lectura TCP (600) superado mientras se esperaba el terminador SegTerminatorAscii=13, on |TCP|35000|6596, datos recibidos =''

I have increased the response time to 10 minutes but still, I do not get to receive the message.

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