First, let me wish the developer community a Happy New Year! We hope to bring you many good things this year, and today I'd like to introduce the latest version of the Intersystems Language Server extension to VS Code. Most Language Server improvements are experienced via the ObjectScript extension UI, so you many not be aware of the many improvements in areas like Intellisense and hover overs that were released throughout 2024.

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In this article, exceptions are covered.

Working with Exceptions

Instead of returning a %Status response, you can raise and throw an Exception. You are then responsible for catching the exception and validating it. IRIS provides five main classes to handle exceptions effectively. Additionally, you can create custom exception class definition based on your needs.

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As part of a migration project from a bunch of java classes to IRIS, we need to maintain a few jar files due to some external dependencies.

The problem I am seeing is that I cannot pass a byte array ( byte[] ) from ObjectScript to the Java Class. I have tried a number of different ways

I have reproduced in a java class and Objectscript class:
Java Class:

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Intersystems provides External language server connections for various languages which,
from a development perspective, is great as I can keep my application code separate but still interact with the IRIS kernel.

It becomes more complex though if you are using Interoperability etc where you might end up with some code in IRIS and some code in another language.

What would be great is having an IRIS to IRIS language server where the application code and stay IRIS based but separate from the database?

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· Nov 10, 2024 2m read
Java External Language Gateway

If you like Java and have a thriving Java ecosystem at work into which you need to incorporate IRIS, it's not a problem. Java External Language Gateway will do it seamlessly, almost. This gateway serves as a bridge between Java and Object Script in IRIS. You can create objects of Java classes in IRIS and call their methods. You just need a jar file to do this.

Connection diagram: proxy object <-> Gateway object <-> TCP/IP <-> External server <-> target object

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Note: this was originally posted on June 5, 2024 but presented as being posted on May 9, 2024 so this re-post fixes the date.

Recent updates to the Intersystems Language Server introduce many significant enhancements aimed at improving developer experience and productivity. I'll talk about some of the key ones here, while the complete list, including numerous bug fixes, can be found in the Language Server's CHANGELOG.

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Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a free source code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It provides built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js. You can add extensions to provide support for numerous other languages including ObjectScript.

The InterSystems extensions enable you to use VS Code to connect to an InterSystems IRIS server and develop code in ObjectScript. The Visual Studio Code Documentation is an excellent resource on VS Code, so it is a good idea to be familiar with it.

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Your may not realize it, but your InterSystems Login Account can be used to access a very wide array of InterSystems services to help you learn and use InterSystems IRIS and other InterSystems technologies more effectively. Continue reading to learn more about how to unlock new technical knowledge and tools using your InterSystems Login account. Also - after reading, please participate in the Poll at the bottom, so we can see how this article was useful to you!

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Hey Community,

Watch this video to learn about the latest developments in client connectivity across Java, .NET, JavaScript, and Python:

Language Connectivity: New & Next @ Global Summit 2023
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InterSystems is pleased to announce version 2.0.0 of the Language Server for VS Code. The Language Server augments the VS Code ObjectScript extension to provide better syntax coloring, embedded documentation, code completion and more. Detailed information is available in the GitHub repo's README. Version 2.0.0 adds support for a number of new platform architectures including M1 Macs!

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I have just created a new Global Master Topic, "IRIS Cheatsheets". IRIS has introduced a lot of new functionality, especially in scripting languages, FHIR R4 support, enhanced Interoperability Tools, and IRIS Analytics. Having spent 35 years working on Windows-based PC's and Laptops, I have surprisingly little knowledge of Linux, Docker and Git. Furthermore, I have written almost every application and Interface in ObjectScript with splatterings of SQL, .Net, and Java Gateways and the most basic knowledge of WinSCP, Putty, SSH. All that changed when I received my first Raspberry Pi.

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· Dec 23, 2015 1m read
Caché ObjectScript Quick Reference

In the Caché Foundations course, students are learning about Caché Development and ObjectScript syntax at the same time. To help students complete the exercises, we provide an ObjectScript Quick Reference (aka "the Cheat Sheet").

It is not a reference for all of ObjectScript! It is a list of the ObjectScript commands and functions that students use during the course, along with common syntax for objects, collections, etc. It also contains some useful macros.

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Hey I am very new to Intersystems Objectscript and I am trying to find a way of extract 4 digit numbers from a stream.

I have a stream full of results





And I am trying to remove each 4 digit grouping from the stream.

I have tried the following for loop

for i=1:1:$length(result) {

set curr = $extract(result, i)

write !, curr

set count(curr) = $get(count(curr)) + 1


Unfortunately the loop extracts one digit.

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· Mar 3, 2021 4m read
Access to IRIS from Rust

What do you think If I will say you, that very soon you will be able to connect to IRIS from the application written in Rust.

What is Rust

Rust is a multi-paradigm programming language designed for performance and safety, especially safe concurrency. Rust is syntactically similar to C++, but can guarantee memory safety by using a borrow checker to validate references. Rust achieves memory safety without garbage collection, and reference counting is optional. (c) Wikipedia

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