As part of a migration project from a bunch of java classes to IRIS, we need to maintain a few jar files due to some external dependencies.

The problem I am seeing is that I cannot pass a byte array ( byte[] ) from ObjectScript to the Java Class. I have tried a number of different ways

I have reproduced in a java class and Objectscript class:
Java Class:

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Intersystems provides External language server connections for various languages which,
from a development perspective, is great as I can keep my application code separate but still interact with the IRIS kernel.

It becomes more complex though if you are using Interoperability etc where you might end up with some code in IRIS and some code in another language.

What would be great is having an IRIS to IRIS language server where the application code and stay IRIS based but separate from the database?

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Hey I am very new to Intersystems Objectscript and I am trying to find a way of extract 4 digit numbers from a stream.

I have a stream full of results





And I am trying to remove each 4 digit grouping from the stream.

I have tried the following for loop

for i=1:1:$length(result) {

set curr = $extract(result, i)

write !, curr

set count(curr) = $get(count(curr)) + 1


Unfortunately the loop extracts one digit.

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Totally new to IRIS and Cache.

Trying to evaluate it and work out how we could use it.

As a standard application database. Object or relational etc. does not matter.

Issue is ObjectScript.


1) Can we develop, maintain and use an IRIS database and never use ObjectScript i.e. use only Java, Python, C++ interfaces etc. (exactly which one does not matter)? Would that make designing and using the IRIS database more prone to inefficiency and error?

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A new Health Connect customer has a few experienced Java folks on their interface team. As they get more into Health Connect and learn Caché ObjectScript they thought it would be useful to have a list of common Java statements with an equivalent statement in ObjectScript. They mentioned string manipulation as an example, but would be interested in other areas as well.

This seems like something that is probably already floating around somewhere. Does anyone have something like this or other "COS jumpstart for Java devs" materials?


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This morning on the old Caché Google Group, someone posed the following question, which I've decided to answer here, because it's interesting!

Is there a way to iterate ClassMethod's params, and get param's names and values?

The first answer I can come up with is: it's not easy! In any method, you could try to write code like this (where methodName is the name of your method):

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