Index to Articles

Hi All

It's been 6 weeks since my original article sad
- - - - -but I have been busy on this project

I have been looking at/thinking about a replacement for ZEN for around 12 months but only really started in depth 4 months ago.
Also been in IT for long enough that I can "get a feel" for a product/technology and make decisions accordingly without going into great detail.
Any new technology has a learning curve and I don't want to waste time and effort on something that won't fly.
And, as always, I am looking to minimise the learning curve as I want to concentrate on delivering business benefit.

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I am trying to use %ZEN.proxyObject to send out in JSON format so I do:

set tProxyRequest = ##class(%ZEN.proxyObject).%New()
set tProxyRequest.notanumber = "28001"
set tProxyRequest.aboolean = "true"

set tBody = ##class(%GlobalCharacterStream).%New()
do ##class(Ens.Util.JSON).ObjectToJSONStream(tProxyRequest,.tBody,"aelotwu")
w tBody.Read()

and I get:

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· Mar 3, 2017
zen report

Hi, all

I have the following problem in generating a PDF report in ZEN, which has many items, a general total of approximately 30,000 items, but gives an error, I can generate a report with a maximum of 8,000 items, which may be wrong.

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· Oct 8, 2020
Report Render Server Error

Hi everyone, i'm using a render server to make pdf output with zen report and everything was fine till recently i've been getting this error message and i have no idea what it means, i'd be very thankfull if someone could help or got into the same situation.

Error message:

ERROR #5001: net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: "fo:table-body" is missing child elements.
Required content model: marker* (table-row+|table-cell+) (See position 817:-1)

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Hi All,

Actually, I'm developing few restful API's. I want to create a authentication tokens and display it on my login restful API. If I'm using CSP sessionId, how can I validate the session Id's in another or continues restful API's. else, is there any other approach to handle this task.

My Primary goal is, I have to integrate 2 different front end applications. One is Zen framework another one is web pages from Python.

If any lead, it would be appreciated.


Arun Kumar Durairaj.

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· Mar 18, 2018 1m read
Replacing ZEN - Index to articles

Hi All
This is the index to a series of articles I hope to create over the coming months.

ZEN and ZEN Mojo are no longer being actively developed by Intesystems - this is a great shame as it is a fine product that works so well for business applications.
However ZEN is a 15 year old product and I need a path forward to replace the ZEN UI with a supported development framework.

This article is an index of the other articles I have, or plan to write. - the articles will be subject to change as I develop my thoughts and climb the learning curve.

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I need to set the label of a custom setting in the portal instead of the name of the associated property, eg.:

Class SomeClass Extends (Ens.BusinessService, %ZEN.Portal.ContextSearch)


Property ABadPropertyNameToChange As %Boolean;

Parameter SETTINGS = "ABadPropertyNameToChange:CustomSettingsSection"

will result in this in the portal



[ ]

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I am planning to build a WebApp that will have tons of data to display in tables, ability to add comments on that table rows and may be some few more small features as we move on.

1. It has to be Secure

2. It has to be fast

3. It has to be Non CSP / Non Zen

4. Will have Cache DB to pull records from but should be flexible to do that from any odbc resource

5. Version 2018 Ensemble

My first step would have been to investigate different options for technologies that would make it work and best suited with Ensemble 2018

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· Dec 12, 2019
Bootstrap Tables & CSP

Hello All,

We need to develop a small csp application which shows data in simple paginated / searchable table for business users.

It is to be built on an old version of Cache and is not a big full fledged application but something temporary. We can't use Zen and using a combination of csp & Bootstrap as bootstrap makes the pages look beautiful with little effort.

I have built the table in boostrap and it works fine with pagination and search working perfectly

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· Dec 12, 2019 2m read
Creating Portlets in DeepSee

What is a portlet?

The simple answer is: a custom widget. A portlet can exist by itself on a DeepSee dashboard, it can be used along side standard DeepSee widgets, or along side other portlets. The rendering of the custom widget is completely user defined. This means you can embed a web page, create a form to perform any sort of action needed based on the data on your dashboard, use third party charting libraries, or simply display data from outside of a DeepSee cube.

How to get started

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When dealing with a support issue of one of our Deltanji source control sites this week I learned that if you're using InterSystems versions earlier than 2018.1 on Unix-type platforms it's possible that a class you export in UDL format will subsequently fail to import. So I'm posting this information here in case it helps other folk.

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Index to Articles

Published 2018-05-11 Last edit -

Hi All

I this article I detail some strategic issues that a new development UI will need to address - these are the ones that I can think of now - others may come to light during this journey.

See the webinar by Eduard Lebedyuk here from the last Global Summit describing modern web development and Caché

And, as always, if I have missed something please comment....

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· Sep 18, 2019
Export Report to Excel

Hello, I created a Zen Report and I want to export to Excel. I read I can use $MODE=xlsx but my output in Excel is not correct. All 3 elements are condensed into one cell. Class AETMON.Report Extends %ZEN.Report.reportPage { /// Class name of application this report belongs to. Parameter APPLICATION; /// Specifies the default display mode used for this report if /// the URL parameter, $MODE, is not present.

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I need to open a Windows explorer window by pressing button on a Zen page.

Is this possible.? I

performed a search but I did not find anything.

The command I used in the terminal was D $zf(-2,"START C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32").

I am not sure how to use this in a Zen application.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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