I would like to write some code to parse a set of HTML pages from the internet in order to gather information from each web page.

All of the web pages are generated using a template, so the format of each of the web-pages is consistent with one-another and the information that I want to gather is always located in the same logical place within the page.

What is the best way to parse an html page in order to gather information at a specific place?

Can XML XPATH be used here? Does anyone have any examples of parsing HTML content?

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Hi All,

I am working in Heath Share Heath Connect Integration.

I have a requirement to change SOAP call to REST call in integration. For SOAP call already payload is ready in XML string. and Working fine.

Now I need to make REST API call instead of existing SOAP call.

I have created REST Business Operation and ready to Call it from Business Process.

Here I should not change any Transformation in Business Process , only change in Operation invocation

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Hi Community,

I have json equivalent persistent object in pjsonObj variable. Final JSON example below.

"Document": {
"FileExtension": "pdf",
"FileContent": "JVBERi0xLjUNCiW1tbW1DQo...(very large bsae64 string)"

Here FileContent field in json will contain converted base64 string of very large pdf(10pages). I need to submit this json as a payload to REST endpoint.

below code is working fine.

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I am using studio 2015 version which does not have dynamic objects and I need to read xml and convert that to a json I have managed to come close to json string but with little difficulties .I need to be able to identify the root element and specify where to put braces between objects anyone with any idea is welcome he is my code so far

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· Apr 13, 2016
XMLExport and Validation

I interested on how others feel on this subject. In general terms when you have a class that extends from %XML.Adaptor and you call XMLExport no validation is automatically done as part of the XMLExport process. As an example if you do the following

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I'm looking for any codes that match my parameter that we have received since 1/01/2020 based on the FromTime, EnteredOn or Status (if both are empty).

(Problem[Problem/Code='%1' and FromTime>"2020-01-01"]) | (Problem[Problem/Code='%1' and (count(FromTime)=0 or FromTime="") and EnteredOn>"2020-01-01"])
| (Problem[Problem/Code='%1' and (count(FromTime)=0 or FromTime="") and (count(EnteredOn)=0 or EnteredOn="") and Status/Description="Active"])

This works like a charm with standard XPATH query tools but HS does not like it.

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I'm trying to configure a new interface that reads HL7, transform them into FHIR messages and then send POST or PUT or DELETE depending on HL7 doc type.

1-I added an HL7 TCP service that reads ADTs messages

2a-Send ADTs to a process to transform them into SDA (using the following command: do ##class(HS.Gateway.HL7.HL7ToSDA3).GetSDA(request,.con))

2b-Extract the patient MRN and add it to the AdditionalInfo property (using the following request message class: HS.Message.XMLMessage)

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I wonder if anyone has a smart idea to extract an XML fragment inside a text document (incoming from a stream)?

The XML fragment is surrounded by plain text.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8 ?>

The XML is not represented by any class or object in the Namespace.

The XML can look different from time to time

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We have a data transformation where source is object collection (populated from a json file) and target is EnsLib.EDI.XML.Document.

If source file is large enough, transformation fails and we get <store> error and I quickly found this:

https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=EBPLR_DTL_foreach which at the bottom in "Avoiding <STORE> Errors with Large Messages" section tells to:

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I am validating a v3 document against one xsd and using %XML.SAX.ContentHandler class . My requirment is to find the xpath of the error location. There is no method which does it.

I can find the line and offset using LocatePosition method.

Can someone help me on this.



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· Dec 19, 2016
HL7 Section to JSON

Hi all,

I'm trying to convert a HL7 section to a XML or JSON string.

We need to save the content of PID section into a SQL Column, therefore we need to convert it into a XML o JSON string

is there any easy way to convert it?

I've tried to convert it directly into a DTL, but all my attempts have been unsuccessful

Best regards,

Francisco Lopez

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I have a registered object class that extends %XML.Adaptor and I want to convert an object of it into canonical XML.

From reading the documentation and some trial and error, it seems like I would need to use %XML.Writer to write the object to XML first using the RootObject() method, then read it with %XML.Reader, and then use the Canonicalize() method of %XML.Writer to write it out again.

Is there a better approach?

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Hello All,

I hope it's not a silly question.

Here is my issue:
I have 3 simple classes:

Parent class, let's say:

Class ParentClass Extends %RegisteredObject
Property a As %String;

and two children classes
Class A.Child Extends ParentClass
Property b As %String;

Class B.Child Extends ParentClass
Property c As %String;

So no issues - all compiles and seem to work.

But, when I add %XML.Adaptor to my parent class, so:

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I'm trying to export a XML stream containing some files that are supposed to have been written using UTF-8, but I'm facing some broken encoding issues.
You can see below that I'm indeed viewing a UTF-8 encoded and which is inside the CSP folder and encoded correctly (although displaying it on Studio would not display it correctly as the file is not using BOM and that's intentional).

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I have a class:

Class test.Person Extends (%Persistent, %XML.Adaptor)
Property Name;

I want to serialize it into this XML:


Is it possible?

It's for the Visual Trace so I can't use %XML.Writer.

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· Apr 1, 2017
XML to Json conversion


Are there any utilities/api in HealthConnect 2016.2.1 that will allow conversion of XML virtual document to Json format? We were thinking to convert HL7 ADT message to XML via Ensemble DTL and then send it to another BP to convert to Json format for transmission via Web Services. To my understanding there isn't anyway to represent Json as a virtual object so it can be use for direct mapping of HL7 2.x message to Json via Ensemble DTL.



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This might be a very simple rookie question but I'm trying to create couple of web services in Ensemble and using document below as my tutorial, I do manage to do it:


But instead of doing it as described above, where method signature is like this:

Method GetCustomerInfo(ID As %Numeric) As ESOAP.SOAPResponse [WebMethod]

I would like it to be:

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Hi folks,

One of my clients want to project a null property of a cache object to an empty XML element. Say, if we have a class:

Class Diabetes.BS.Message.LabReportMessage Extends Ens.Request

Property Report As %String;

Property IsRisky As %Boolean;

Property RiskValue As %String ;


If the instance of this class has a null RiskValue, after projection, they want the XML as following:

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