· Mar 2, 2023 4m read
Tutorial - Streams in Pieces

This tutorial is a follow on to Working with %Query
It was displaying the content of the input stream chopped in fixed-size chunks.
But often those streams are structured and have well-defined separators (e.g HL7)
So as a side subject of this tutorial, this chapter shows how to break a stream into PIECES.

It is exactly the same idea as the $PIECE() function for strings with some add-ons.

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Hey Developers,

Don't miss the new exciting promo video from our Brazilian developers on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

🍿 Promo video + Screencast for No Project Mess By IRIS
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Hi Everyone,

New Coding Talk, recorded by @Evgeny Shvarov, is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

GitHub Repository Template To Develop and Debug ObjectScript in InterSystems IRIS
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· Mar 2, 2023 5m read
Tutorial - Working with %Query #1

The title of the contest subject is not quite precise but addresses the %Library.classes involved.
What is meant is officially named Class Query and is dating back to the early days of Caché.
CLASS is used because it is embedded in a COS class.
Though there is a precise description in the official documentation it remains rather abstract.
My tutorial should guide you step-by-step through a simple example in COS to make it tangible to you

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· Mar 2, 2023 5m read
Tutorial - Working with %Query #2

My previous article introduced you to SQL based Basic Class Query
where a clever wizard created all the required code for you and your essential
contribution was an SQL statement.

Now we enter the real Custom Class Query that provides more freedom but
requires a deeper understanding of the mechanic behind the scene.
The full code example is again on GitHub

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· Jul 4, 2020 2m read
Terminal Multi-Line Command Editor

The Command extension enables the execution of Multi-Line Commands from Terminal prompt.

Terminal Multi-Line Input with Edit, Insert, Delete, Print extension for IRIS and Caché
IRIS and Caché have just single command lines in terminal available
This Multi-Line Commands Editor also will execute the Multi-line Commands.
In addition, it is independent of access to %SYS and can be installed in any namespace

Special thanks to @Jeffrey Drumm who inspired me to this and supported me as beta-tester.

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· Jan 30, 2023 2m read
JSONfile-to-Global #1

The similarity between JSON objects + arrays and Globals in IRIS or Caché is evident.
With small and medium size JSON objects navigation across %Dynamic Objects is comfortable.
But with large and/or deep cascaded objects it becomes a challenge.

The presented tool offers 3 variants

  • loading an already existing %Dyamic object or Array into a global of your choice
  • loading a %Stream containing a JSON object into a global of your choice
  • loading an external File containing a JSON object into a global of your choice

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Hey Developers,

Our next community session from Virtual Summit 2020 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

🏆 Best Applications of InterSystems Programming Contest Series 🏆
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Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

What is Embedded Python
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This year's Virtual Summit has more content around Analytics and AI than ever before. We've made this quick video to guide you through the program and put things into context with respect to InterSystems overall strategy for Data & Analytics.
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0 262

Hey Community,

Watch the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Using Vector Search for Generative AI
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1 183

Hi Community,

We're super excited to share with you a special session from Global Summit 2022! And it is so special to us because it is about us and with us! Please welcome:

🤩 InterSystems Developer Ecosystem @ Global Summit 2022 🤩
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0 203

Hi, Community!

For those developers who are attending Global Summit 2017 this year: you have an opportunity to share your solutions, framework, and experience with the rest GS attendees and Developer Community.

On Monday 11th we would have Developer Community Sessions in Tech Exchange Open House (see the agenda).

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· Jan 23, 2023 2m read

In general Global Streams are data objects embedded in Classes / Tables.
Using and viewing them with SQL is normally a part of the access to the containing tables.


During debugging or searching for strange or unexpected behavior there could be the need to
get closer to the stored stream. No big problem with direct access to Globals with SMP or Terminal.
But with SQL you are lost.
So my tool provides dynamic access to Global Streams wherever you may need this
Special thanks to @Oliver Wilms for the inspiration for this tool.

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1 452

Hi Community,

We're super excited to share with you a special session from Global Summit 2023! And it is so special to us because it is about us and with us! Please welcome:

🤩 How to Get the Most Out of the InterSystems Developer Ecosystem @ Global Summit 2023
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0 159

Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching this brief explanation of a new feature in IRIS RAD Studio – a new project by @José Pereira and @Henrique.GonçalvesDias:

Automated user management in IRIS RAD Studio
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Hi Community,

Watch the recording of the Second Community Roundtable: "What is the best source control system for development with InterSystems IRIS?"

Some great discussions have been started during this roundtable. We invite you to continue these discussions. in the comments to this post.

Tell us, which source control you use and why – in the comments to this post.
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Creating your own commands or shortcut is one of the strongest features of ObjectScript
If you create your own Language Extensions to ObjectScript you mostly have to find the
proper %ZLANGC00 or %ZLANGV00 or %ZLANGF00 and add the extensions manually.

A few utilities do it already automatically (ZPM, ZME, ..)
This utility allows you to add your extensions also programmatically.

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0 490

Hi Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Using Code Based Source Control for Health Connect Cloud
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5 4
0 336

Hi Community!

You're very welcome to watch a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube, recorded by @Stefan Wittmann, InterSystems Product Manager:

InterSystems API Manager Introduction
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1 523

Hi Community,

We're super excited to share with you a very special session from the Global Summit 2024! And it is so special because it is about the Developer Community and Developer Ecosystem.

🤩 Leveraging Developer Ecosystem Tools for Success @ Global Summit 2024
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5 1
0 71

Hey Developers,

Want to share with you our special session from InterSystems Virtual Summit 2020:

🔥 Developer Ecosystem Services: Developer Community and Open Exchange 🔥
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0 147

Hey Developers,

See how the InterSystems IRIS FHIR Server allows you to develop and deploy your FHIR applications on AWS without manual configuration and deployment:

Getting Started with the InterSystems IRIS FHIR Server on AWS
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