· Sep 7, 2016 5m read
Running HealthShare XSLTs from Terminal

HealthShare uses a lot of XSLTs. These are used to convert IHE medical documents to SDA (internal HealthShare format) and back to IHE formats, to create summary reports, and to deal with IHE profiles (e.g., patient information query, document provide and register). Customers may customize the XSLTs to customize reports or for other reasons.

For debugging and development, it is very convenient to be able to run an XSLT from Terminal.

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· Sep 20, 2018 2m read
Get Day of the Week from Date

This code snippet determines the day of the week associated with a date. The class method "test" takes a date as a string in "mm/dd/yyyy" format, and returns an integer corresponding to a day of the week:

Class cartertiernan.getDayfromDate Extends %RegisteredObject
    classmethod test(date) as %Integer {
        //Set date = $ZDATE(date) //  Looks like: mm/dd/yyyy
        Set monthList = $LISTBUILD(0,3,3,6,1,4,6,2,5,0,3,5) // (Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,...)
        Set centuryList = $LISTBUILD(6,4,2,0) // first two digits divisiable by 4, then subsequent centuries. EX (2000, 2100, 2200, 2300)
        Set dayList = $LISTBUILD("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") // Index goes from 0-6
        Set day = $PIECE(date,"/",2) // get the day 
        Set monthVal = $LIST(monthList,($PIECE( date,"/",1 ))) // get the month value
        Set first2DigsYear = $PIECE( date,"/",3 ) \ 100 // get the last 2 digits of the year
        Set last2DigsYear = $PIECE( date,"/",3 ) # 100 // get the first 2 digits of the year
        // Used for DEBUG perpouses
        /*write !,"day: ",day
        write !,"Month: ",monthVal
        write !,"last2: ",last2DigsYear
        write !,"first2: ",first2DigsYear
        write !,"cen Val: ",$LIST(centuryList,(first2DigsYear # 4) + 1),!!*/
        // Look here for formula explination (its the "Basic method for mental calculation")
        Set dayOfWeekVal = ( day + monthVal + last2DigsYear + (last2DigsYear\4) + $LIST(centuryList,(first2DigsYear # 4) + 1 ) ) # 7
        Quit dayOfWeekVal

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

(originally posted to CODE by Carter Tiernan, 6/18/14)

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The Management Portal allows you to Export one or more globals to a file that you can then Import into that or another namespace. However, the Management Portal can only be used to export entire globals. For exporting selected nodes or subtrees within a global, a different utility is necessary. This utility is the Export() classmethod in the %Library.Global class, which can export an entire global but also has the ability to export selected nodes or subtrees.

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Predictable storage IO performance with low latency is vital to provide scalability and reliability for your applications. This set of benchmarks is to inform users of IRIS considering deploying applications in AWS about EBS gp3 volume performance.


  • An LVM stripe can increase IOPS and throughput beyond single EBS volume performance limits.
  • An LVM stripe lowers read latency.
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This post is meant to provide a quick possible explanation for a very perplexing problem.

Scenario: You’ve just created your own administrative user in your 2014.1 (or later) instance of Caché. You gave it every possible security role (including %All), so it should in theory be able to do anything within the instance.

You’ve written a very advanced routine with a break command in it for debugging:

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

ObjectScript allows you to pass any number of arguments using arrays. Do it by adding ... after the argument name.

An example is as follows. In the example statement, the argument information is set in a global variable (a variable stored in the database) so that it can be easily checked after the method is executed.

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We're developing Ensemble PoC and one day our frontend developer (who doesn't have Ensemble production running) said that Populate just doesn't cut it and he needs to see the real data. He needed only one object, but the problem was - it's a big object. Still, I checked ids of everything related and wrote this command (parts omitted, but you get the idea):

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· Mar 15, 2019 2m read
Tar compress tool in ObjectScript

I'm sure most of you have already familiar with the possibility of using GZIP in InterSystems products. But, the problem is that GZIP working only with one file or stream, and it does not support folders. When you work in Unix systems, there is a possibility how to solve it, using tar compress tool which goes with every Linux system from out of the box. But what to do if you have work on Windows as well, which does not have it.

I am pleased to offer you my new project isc-tar, which will help you do not care about operating system, and deal with tar files anywhere.

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EnsLib.HL7.Message.cls provides many API methods for manipulating an HL7 message. RemoveSegmentAt(), for example, can be used to remove a segment by path or index, but only one segment at a time. There may be times that you'll need to remove all segments within a group or even many groups of segments from the HL7 message. Surely you can iterate through each segment in each group and remove them one by one, but there's a much easier way.

With just one command, like below, you can remove all OBX segments in an ORU_R01 message (msg):

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I was recently asked whether we have a function to convert LDAP date time stamps into $HOROLOG format or other formats and the answer is not at the moment, but there is a simple method to do the conversion.

Let us look at the facts and figures involved...

1) Active Directory's (AD) date 0 (zero) is 1601-01-01 00:00:00.000 or January 1st, 1601 at midnight (00:00:00)

2) AD timestamps are calculated as the number of 100 nanosecond intervals from date 0

3) 864000000000 is the number of 100 nanosecond intervals per day

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Sometimes you can face the situation when you did update the web app on Caché server but you cannot get the newest version of the app in a browser.

Here are couple recipes which help me to solve it. From simplest to more sophisticated and not obvious.

1. Refresh page in a browser

In Chrome it is Ctrl+R or 'Refresh' button. Obvious, but helpful.

2. Hard reset in a browser

If you are in Chrome, open Developer tools

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· Jan 30, 2023 2m read
JSONfile-to-Global #1

The similarity between JSON objects + arrays and Globals in IRIS or Caché is evident.
With small and medium size JSON objects navigation across %Dynamic Objects is comfortable.
But with large and/or deep cascaded objects it becomes a challenge.

The presented tool offers 3 variants

  • loading an already existing %Dyamic object or Array into a global of your choice
  • loading a %Stream containing a JSON object into a global of your choice
  • loading an external File containing a JSON object into a global of your choice

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

This error occurs when an instance of the class is already open at compile time.

There are two ways to deal with this issue:

  1. Terminate the process or application that has the instance open
  2. Compile options in the studio build menu: Check the compile flag “Compile classes in use” and compile.

If you want to determine which process is using the class, try the sample routine below.

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Checking if Directory or File Exists:

Outlined below is an example of how to check if a directory exists:

Set directoryName="c:\temp\nosuchdir"

/* Check for existence of a directory - Return Value:  0 - directory does not exist;  1 - directory does exist  */

Set directoryExists=##class(%File).DirectoryExists(directoryName)

If ('directoryExists)  // do the processing for when a directory does not exist

Outlined below is an example of how to check if a file exists:

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· Nov 2, 2023 3m read
How to hide the source program

InterSystems FAQ rubric

For routines (*.mac)

You can hide the source by exporting/importing only the *.obj that is generated after compiling the source program.

The command execution example specifies EX1Sample.obj and EX2Sample.obj, which are generated by compiling EX1Sample.mac and EX2Sample.mac, as export targets and exports them to the second argument file.

After moving to another namespace, I am using the exported XML file to perform the import.

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After reading Stephen Wilson's article "Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down" I've recalled another solution that was based on Local Group Policy, which allows to control extra actions that should occur on computer startup or shutdown. How to add a computer shutdown script is well documented in MS Technet article.

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· Feb 14, 2017 1m read
Portal tip: The inconspicuous Menu button

Amongst the large fonts and chunky icons of Portal's pages, the Menu button in the top left corner is easily overlooked:

When clicked, it often produces the following menu:

When I remember it's there, I find the "View Console Log" option particularly handy.

I wrote "often" above because I've also noticed that the Menu contents change when I'm on a page within the Ensemble section of Portal:

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