
First of all thank you for your time reading our topic

We would need some help from experienced people

We have a SOAP Service with more than 10 methods

Our aim is to include all classes being used by this SOAP Service, in a Studio project

The challenge is that there are plenty Data classes (which extends from (%SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor))

▶️ Is there a recommended way to include all project's classes in a Studio project?

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Good morning,

first of all thank you for taking the time to read and answer this question.

Recently, since we have upgraded to HealtShare 2020, we experienced the fact that when opening in the Studio the Process (.bpl) and Transformation (.dtl) classes, it asks us to log in, i.e. username and password, almost every time we open a new Process or Transformation.

However, in previous versions, I think we had HealthShare 2016 or 2017 or 2018, and in it, you could log in from the Studio in Processes and Transformations, logging in 1 time only.

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NOTE: This content was originally presented at the InterSystems Global Summit in 2014, however related topics often come up on the Developer Community so I have decided to turn this into an article for easier reference and discussion. However, much of the content was pulled directly from the presentation slides so the article format resembles that of a PPT deck more than paragraphs.

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I am trying to import a WSDL using the wizard and it outputs:

ERROR #6413: Element 'wsdl:binding:operation:msg': corresponding to message null : http://services.sanidad....

I have tried to find more information:

It is close to this case, however it is not the same error number:

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· May 3, 2018
Custom %ListOfDataTypes

Hi community.

I want to create a custom list inheriting %ListOfDatatypes in order to implement some methods like Map, Filter, ForEach, but I have some questions.
Just to mention, I have already read the topic about DeclarativeCOS.

When I define a property like following, caché uses %Collection.ListOfDT or %Collection.ListOfObj, as it's shown in the documentation

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Ok so I am way outside of my comfort zone, and had to build an application using CSP to give users the ability to access SQL configuration tables. These SQL Configuration tables will affect the data that is sent to the downstream system.

I saw in the examples where we were able to import GIF's/IMAGES into the CSP folders to use as a reference in our CSP pages. My question is how do you do that? If I try to import through studio, it tells me the file is invalid.

Just trying to make it a little more user friendly then blocks on a page.

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This article contains the tutorial document for a Global Summit academy session on Text Categorization and provides a helpful starting point to learn about Text Categorization and how iKnow can help you to implement Text Categorization models. This document was originally prepared by Kerry Kirkham and Max Vershinin and should work based on the sample data provided in the SAMPLES namespace.

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· Jul 10, 2016 4m read
NewBie's Corner Session 12 Do and Goto

NewBie's Corner Session 12 Do and Goto

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

InterSystems Caché provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) called Caché Studio. Developers can use Studio to create and maintain applications.

Controlling Process Flow

Controlling Process Flow means controlling the execution path of code. The execution of code flows from the top to the bottom in a routine, except for the following:

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A lot of developers like to work with Studio and have been looking into source code version control such as GIT or into enabling modern development workflows like CICD or DevOps processes.

This article describe an elementary solution to get you started in CICD and DevOps, even if you are not yet ready to move to Atelier or forth coming VS Code approach which enable client side source code version control.

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One of the most important features during application development is the ability to debug your code easily. Because of the asynchrnous nature, a standard Node.js application server works single-threaded by default. When you are developing applications using an IDE like Visual Studio Code, you can very easily debug your Node.js process:

First, download the free Visual Studio Code IDE (@code) and install it on your development machine.

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Presenter: Bill McCormick
Task: Migrate your development environment from Studio to Atelier
Approach: Give examples of various migration paths. Provide guidance for dealing with issues such as source control, source format, distributing code to previous versions, etc.

Moving from Studio to Atelier Session Code: ATMOVE In this session we will show you a variety of paths for migrating your development environment from Studio to Atelier. We will cover Source Control, Source Format, Distributing code to previous versions and more.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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