· Apr 1, 2023


I have a query:

SELECT '['||Material->Sifra||'] '||Material->Opis AS Material,
SUM(MasaBlago) AS MasaBlago
FROM Tehtanje.Dokument
WHERE DatumDokumenta BETWEEN '01/01/2023' AND '04/01/2023'
AND (Material->Sifra %INLIST $LISTFROMSTRING('5,7',','))
GROUP BY Material

The query returns all rows where Material->Sifra is 5 or 7. That's OK.

If I want to get all rows where Material->Sifra is NOT 5 or 7 I use query:

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· Mar 29, 2023 1m read
Named Parameter In SQL with Python

Quick Tips: Total Productive Maintenance

Named parameters can be achieved with SQLAlchemy :

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text,types,engine

_engine = create_engine('iris+emb:///')

with _engine.connect() as conn:
    rs = conn.execute(text("select :some_private_name"), {"some_private_name": 1})

or with native api

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text,types,engine

# set URL for SQLAlchemy
url = engine.url.URL.create('iris', username='SuperUser', password='SYS', host='localhost', port=33782, database='FHIRSERVER')

_engine = create_engine(url)

with _engine.connect() as conn:
    rs = conn.execute(text("select :some_private_name"), {"some_private_name": 1})

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Say you have a receiving system that accepts HL7 and provides error messages in field ERR:3.9 in the ACK it returns. You require a different reply code action depending on the error message, however the Reply Code Actions settings for the operation do not provide this level of granularity. One option could be to create a process that takes the ACK and then completes the action you were expecting, however things can get a bit messy if the action is to retry the message, especially when trying to view a message trace.

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1 722

This is the second piece in our series on 2021.2 SQL enhancements delivering an adaptive, high-performance SQL experience. In this article, we'll zoom in on the innovations in gathering Table Statistics, which are of course the primary input for the Run Time Plan Choice capability we described in the previous article.

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· Mar 23, 2023
Saving data into SQL table

Hi Community,

I am trying to save data into SQL table but each entry getting saved twice in the SQL table. Is there any reason data is saving Twice in the SQL table

I have created a %Persistent class for the fields

Please find the business operation below

Class Patient.DBOperation Extends Ens.BusinessOperation


Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter";

Property Adapter As EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter;

Parameter INVOCATION = "Queue";

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Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Querying 6 Terabytes of Protected Health Information at Northwell @ Global Summit 2022
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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One of the reasons why I love Cache and Iris is that not only you can do anything you can imagine, also you can do it in a lot of different ways!!.

Imagine that you have an integration running with IRIS connected by ODBC you probably only run SQL queries but you can also create stored procedures and inside write the code to do everything you can imagine.

I'm going to give you some examples but the limit is your imagination!!

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2 415


This article is intended to be a simple tutorial on how to create ODBC connections and working with them, since I found starting with them a little bit confused, but I had amazing people to take my hand and walk me through it, and I think everyone deserves that kind of help too.
I'm going to divide each little part in sections, so feel free to jump to the one you feel the need to, although I recommend reading everything.

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1 760

I need a stored procedure where I can execute multiple delete from statements.

This will work to create a stored procedure, but when I add in other delete from, get error invalid sql statements when try to create

(IN Specno VARCHAR(50))

This doesn't work

(IN Specno VARCHAR(50))


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0 272
· Mar 3, 2023
? %QUERY Wizard in VSCode ?

For my recent tutorial, I used %Query Wizard of Studio.

Could any of the VSCode experts please show me how to generate

Query Statement with input parameters, CONTAINID , ROWSPEC
and the required class methods
- <queryname>Execute()
- <queryname>Fetch()
- <queryname>Close()

I was just not able to do it.

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0 241
· Mar 2, 2023 3m read
Quick sample database tutorial


This is a simple tutorial on the quickest way I found to create a sample database for any purposes such as testing, making samples for tutorials, etc.

Creating a namespace

  1. Open the terminal
  2. Write the command "D $SYSTEM.SQL.Shell()"
  3. Write "CREATE DATABASE " and the name you want for your namespace.

Now you have a new namespace in a faster way than creating it from the Management Portal - which of course offers way more configuration options.

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1 373

Newbie here...

I am looking to use fhir to gather patients in our end point that have a certain diagnosis and or certain insurance.

Is this what fhir can be used for?

In the past I have done the normal SQL query/extract to CSV file. Looking to use fhir for this for future.

Thanks in advance for your time


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· Feb 13, 2023 4m read
When to use Columnar Storage

With InterSystems IRIS 2022.2, we introduced Columnar Storage as a new option for persisting your IRIS SQL tables that can boost your analytical queries by an order of magnitude. The capability is marked as experimental in 2022.2 and 2022.3, but will "graduate" to a fully supported production capability in the upcoming 2023.1 release.

The product documentation and this introductory video, already describe the differences between row storage, still the default on IRIS and used throughout our customer base, and columnar table storage and provide high-level guidance on choosing the appropriate storage layout for your use case. In this article, we'll elaborate on this subject and share some recommendations based on industry-practice modelling principles, internal testing, and feedback from Early Access Program participants.

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Is it possible to retrieve the SQL-Executing process ID (PID) from a process spawned from a UNION %PARALLEL? I have a value set in the SQL-Executing process that I need to replicate in the UNION %PARALLEL spawned process(es). The SQL-Executing process writes the value to a global subscripted by its PID so determining the SQL-Executing PID from the spawned process is what I need. I expected $ZPARENT from the spawned process would hold the SQL-Executing PID but the PID returned is different.

With thanks,

Michael Hill

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The last days I've work with the great new feature: LOAD DATA With this post I would like to share my first experiences with you. The following points do not contain any order or other evaluation. These are only things that I noticed when using the LOAD DATA command. It should also be noted that these points are based on the IRIS Version 2021.2.0.617 which is a preview release. So it may be that my observations do not apply to newer IRIS versions.

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2 1.1K
· Jan 30, 2023
SQL Query Help in $ListGet

Hi All,

I want to run an SQL like below

Select ID,Rollno,Marks,Name,Section,Teacher from Marks left outer join Student on Marks.StudentID=Student.ID

Now, the Student.ID is having the encrypted value which is not matching with Marks.StudentID (as this is clear value).

I can get the clear value using encrypted value as follow

^StoreValue("EncryptStudentID",Student.ID)=$LB("123"). That 123 is the clear Student.ID which I need to match in SQL query (ON clause).

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0 185
· Jan 30, 2023
SQLComputed Code issue

Hi All,

I have a below query for which I need help.

I have a persistent class User.Cars.cls. The properties of this class is mapped through Global mapping with global (^CAR(Date,CarSerialno,Seq)).

Property CarNumber as %String (TRUNCATE=1) [SqlFieldName= CAR_Number];

Mapping of 5th Piece of ^CAR global to CarNumber property.

For e.g.^CAR(Date,CarSerialno,Seq)=1^2^3^4^BMW 4567^6^7

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Python has become the most used programming language in the world (source: and SQL continues to lead the way as a database language. Wouldn't it be great for Python and SQL to work together to deliver new functionality that SQL alone cannot? After all, Python has more than 380,000 published libraries (source: with very interesting capabilities to extend your SQL queries within Python.

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0 1.2K

Hi All,

I am currently using D $SYSTEM.SQL.Shell() command or management portal to retrieve the data from database. I just learned we can also run cache table sql queries in MS access. MS access already installed on my machine.

I need to ask how I can connect my database of USER or sample namespace in MS access to run these SQL queries.

Thanks in advance!!

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