
I'm new to the system I'm working on, and I have a part of a statement that needs to grab the previous month.

....and MONTH(TX3.date_of_service)= MONTH(dateadd(mm,-1,GETDATE()))

However, when it hits January, I'm left with month 0.

Does anyone know a workaround to grab December of the previous year, while still functioning normally for the rest of the current year.

Thank you!

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· Jan 10, 2023 4m read
Columnar Storage in 2022.3

As you may well remember from Global Summit 2022 or the 2022.2 launch webinar, we're releasing an exciting new capability for including in your analytics solutions on InterSystems IRIS. Columnar Storage introduces an alternative way of storing your SQL table data that offers an order-of-magnitude speedup for analytical queries. First released as an experimental feature in 2022.2, the latest 2022.3 Developer Preview includes a bunch of updates we thought were worth a quick post here.

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Date range queries going too slow for you? SQL Performance got you down? I have one weird trick that might just help you out! (SQL Developers hate this!)*

If you have a class that records timestamps when the data is added, then that data will be in sequence with your IDKEY values - that is, TimeStamp1 < TimeStamp2 if and only if ID1 < ID2 for all IDs and TimeStamp values in table - then you can use this knowledge to increase performance for queries against TimeStamp ranges. Consider the following table:

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I have table

        name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, 
        parent VARCHAR(50), 
        PRIMARY KEY (name), 
        FOREIGN KEY(parent) REFERENCES nodes (name) ON UPDATE cascade

I put some data

INSERT INTO nodes (name, parent) VALUES ('n1', NULL);
INSERT INTO nodes (name, parent) VALUES ('n11', 'n1');
INSERT INTO nodes (name, parent) VALUES ('n12', 'n1');
INSERT INTO nodes (name, parent) VALUES ('n13', 'n1');

Let's delete all


Nope, no way.

SQL Error [124] [S1000]: [SQLCODE: <-124>:<FOREIGN KEY constraint failed referential check upon DELETE of row in referenced table>]
[Location: <ServerLoop>]
[%msg: <At least 1 Row exists in table 'SQLUser.nodes' which references key 'NODESPKey2' - Foreign Key Constraint 'NODESFKey3', Field(s) 'parent' failed on referential action of NO ACTION>]

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I am trying to migrate our SQL Connections from HealthShare Health Connect 2018.1.3 to IRIS HealthShare Health Connect 2022.2 using the Data Export/Import Wizard through the Management Portal. I am able to export the data fine, but I am running into issues trying to Import it into 2022.2 using the Data Import Wizard. When I run through the steps it is not importing everything from the txt file I created from 2018.1.3. I would rather not have to rekey all the connections if possible.

Here is the Background Task Error Log

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I tried to join my local DB table with link table. but I am getting below error.

5475 5475 reporterr2+40^%occRoutine Error #5475: Error compiling routine: %sqlcq.HSANALYTICS.cls483. Errors: %sqlcq.HSANALYTICS.cls483.cls(%OnNew+5) : SQLCODE=-161 : References to an SQL connection must constitute a whole subquery

I tried to execute below query in Managementportal

select dg.ID from HSAA.Diagnosis dg
left join LinkTableData.FacilityFullList la on dg.ID=la .ID

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I have a table, with autoincremented id

    name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

I can add a new item there with an explicit id

INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (2, 'fred')

And while my id is autoincremented, I can omit it

INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('ed')

So, this time, I don't know the id, and I want to somehow get it.

I could do it with LAST_IDENTITY() function, but it just uses %RowID, and have no relation to the primary id

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL @ Global Summit 2022

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I have two tables: one a local table using cache and the other is via an SQL gateway connection to an MSSQL Server via a 64bit ODBC driver (ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server).

When I try to join them on a date field I don't get any matches, and I know that there are matches, e.g. running both views separately returns resuls for 30/11/2022.

The following statement returns rows for the first table r, but nothing for the table l

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searching messages in our Message Bank is quite slow, often runs into timeout.

I wanted to perform a tune table on Ens_Enterprise_MsgBank.MessageHeader because this apparently has not been done yet - the Tune Table utility shows no entries for selectivity, etc.

I tried

 w $SYSTEM.SQL.Stats.Table.GatherTableStats("""Ens_Enterprise_MsgBank"".MessageHeader")

and got this error message

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Hello DC Members,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Ten Times Faster Queries with Columnar Storage @ Global Summit 2022

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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This is not an issue in ObjectScript, due to its typeless nature. But it's essential for external programming languages that care a bit more about types of variables.

And in any case, it's still reproducible in ObjectScript. I have table

CREATE TABLE some_table (
        id INTEGER NOT NULL, 
        x INTEGER, 
        y INTEGER, 
        z VARCHAR(50), 
        PRIMARY KEY (id)

And data

INSERT INTO some_table (id, x, y, z) VALUES (1, 1, 2, 'z1');
INSERT INTO some_table (id, x, y, z) VALUES (2, 2, 3, 'z2');
INSERT INTO some_table (id, x, y, z) VALUES (3, 3, 4, 'z3');
INSERT INTO some_table (id, x, y, z) VALUES (4, 4, 5, 'z4');

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Hi Community,

In this video, you will learn about exciting new ways to perform analytics using data in your HL7® FHIR® repository:

InterSystems IRIS FHIR SQL Builder: Sneak Peek @ Global Summit 2022

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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In Cache 2018, we were using a macro in a query that looked like this:

select $$GetExtraSQL^GetExtra('B',bddtl.odnumb,bddtl.odsnum,bddtl.oddsc1) as "Description", * from sqluser.bddtl

We could save that query as a view, and there was no problem with it.

In IRIS, if we put that query into SQL in the management portal, it still works, but if we save that query as a view, when we try to run a query on that view, we get a big error message:

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Recently viewed a demo on the new Dynamic Objects in InterSystems (we are still running 2016.1); together with the upcoming IRIS data platform I started thinking about possibilities of building dynamic databases. That is, I can imagine some projects were it might be really nice to store dynamic objects and then run sql queries on them without ever defining the fields of the dynamic objects (i.e. not at storage, but only if you run your sql query).

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I just wrote up a quick sample to help a colleague load data into IRIS from R using RJDBC, and figured it's worth sharing here for future reference.

Ultimately it was pretty simple, aside from IRIS not liking "." in column names; the workaround is to just rename the columns. Someone better at R than me could probably provide some generic approach. smiley

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· Nov 14, 2016 14m read
Mastering the JDBC SQL Gateway

As we all know, Caché is a great database that accomplishes lots of tasks within itself. However, what do you do when you need to access an external database? One way is to use the Caché SQL Gateway via JDBC. In this article, my goal is to answer the following questions to help you familiarize yourself with the technology and debug some common problems.

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