Hi Community,

A long time ago, I create a package for a String datatype that works with Regular Expression. It is quite a simple solution.

This can work well with packages like the OpenAPI-Suite, where you can then use the "Regular Expression String" as the type for properties of the validator objects where the Swagger contained a Regular Expression.

I am proposing we start a common package of datatypes for use. The package name to use can be provided by the admins.

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0 231

Hi Developers!

Suppose you have a persistent class with data and you want to have a simple Angular UI for it to view the data and make CRUD operations.

Recently @Alberto Fuentes described how to build Angular UI for your InterSystems IRIS application using RESTForms2.

In this article, I want to tell you how you can get a simple Angular UI to CRUD and view your InterSystems IRIS class data automatically in less than 5 minutes.

Let's go!

7 3
5 1.1K
· Feb 7, 2023 5m read
IRIS quick query service idea sharing

Hello, friends who are developing IRIS. I recently participated in the InterSystems Developer Tools Contest. This time, I made a tool based on the idea described in an article I published earlier as a template for quick query of messages. Currently, you only need to establish entity classes in IRIS, Then record the message corresponding to the entity class in the specified lookup table, and all the key fields generated in the message can be inverted indexed (the concept in ElasticSearch), which is convenient for quick query. The following is the design idea of my program.

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0 233

Hi all,

In the days when I was still using studio, the indentation character of choice was tab, due to misalignment of code when using non-monospaced fonts.

In VSCode when I create new class files, this defaults to 4 spaces. Where and how do I set the default indentation for ObjectScript class files?

Also, with python it should be spaces. So what is recommended when doing python script inside objectscript classes?

Thank you.

0 2
0 1.2K

Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Let InterSystems IRIS Do the Work: Git Source Control & Linting ObjectScript Across Editors @ Global Summit 2022

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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1 434

When requesting /MDX2JSON/PivotVariables/Patients?Namespace Patients shoud be passed to a method but its not. When argument passed directly into the method it works.

<Route Url="/PivotVariables/:Cube" Method="GET" Call="WritePivotVariablesForCube"/>

Has something changed in IRIS and this syntax is deprecated, or is there a bug and the colon is ignored? What could it be?

This question is continuation from https://community.intersystems.com/node/534811

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0 167

In our team, there are several developers working in parallel on different projects. To ensure this distributed collaboration and high-quality code reviews, we rely on version control with Git. Our challenge is to harmonize the unique characteristics of InterSystems products and the possibilities of Git and Docker.

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0 262

Hi *,

I want to dynamically generate the arguments of a method during compile time.

'For example, I want the following method

ClassMethod DoCleverStuf() As %Status [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
    do %code.WriteLine("    Set tSC = $$$OK")

to look like this in the .int code.

ClassMethod DoCleverStuf(pValue1 As %Integer, pValue2 As %String) As %Status [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
    // some generated code will be here

Is this possible? Or alternativel;y, can I generate a whole method at compile time?


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0 245

Hi Community,

I have created a HL7 production in my working environment, Ens.Alert ,EMailAlert, PagerAlert, and BadMessageHandler are created.

Can anyone explain how Ens.Alert and BadMessageHandler will work when an HL7 message in Passed in Business service and how these 2 are related when any error occurs in the Production envinorment?

0 1
0 232

Hi all,

I am trying to use some process private variables (percent variables) in Triggers.

I am referring to values from $System.Process, like the ClientIPAddress and CSPSessionID.
These do to not contain values and I suspect it is bacause of scope. I also checked, and the %session variable is not available if the change originated from a CSP request.
I know that in triggers the scope of the variables are to be kept local, that is why NEW is to be used.

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0 326

Hi All,

Hopefully someone can help me with this case. I need to encrypt a text(querystring) with an AES265 encryption. An other vendor is decrypting this information. I have a working class in C#. I've tried to build the same in Objectscript for the encrypt part but there's a missing link somewhere. What's the difference between the C# and Objectscript implementation?

Objectscript code (until now):

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This article will describe and include an example of how to embed an external PDF file into an HL7 segment, specifically ADT_A01:2.3.1 OBX(). This can be useful when attempting to insert pictures or other external data into an HL7 message. In this example, the name of the PDF file to be embedded is provided in the incoming HL7 message in OBX(1):ObservationValue field.

12 4
6 15.2K

Hi everyone.

I have a use case where I'm using embedded SQL within a Business Process to interact with a SQL table. However, when it comes to deployment into our production, the table wont form part of the deployment package created from the production.

Beyond manually creating the table on the production system, is there a standard way of ensuring that a table needed for a class is created during deployment?

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0 171

In trying to define a Class Parameter that I can use in SQLComputeCode I can't seem to get any of the syntaxes for the using of the parameter where the SQL compute code will actually evaluate the parameter values. There is nothing specific that I can find in the docs about SQLCompute Code and Parameter usage.

Is there some specific syntax for accessing a class defined parameter in the SQL Compute Code that works?

This is on: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2022.1.1 (Build 374U) Tue Oct 18 2022 17:37:34 EDT

0 4
0 246

Hi Developers!

"objectscript.conn" :{
      "ns": "IRISAPP",
      "active": true,
      "docker-compose": {
        "service": "iris",
        "internalPort": 52773

I want to share with you a nice new feature I came across in a new 0.8 release of VSCode ObjectScript plugin by @Dmitry Maslennikov and CaretDev.

The release comes with a new configuration setting "docker-compose" which solves the issue with ports you need to set up to make your VSCode Editor connect to IRIS. It was not very convenient if you had more than one docker container with IRIS running on the same machine. Now, this is solved!

Read below how it works now.

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3 798

Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Importing Relational Data Using a DDL Script

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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0 274

I am familiar with $TEXT which can get you any line in the current routine provided you know the offset. For example, $T(+1) will get you the first line of the current routine at the run time. In the same vein, how do I reference the current line number/offset at the run time? Something like $T(+$CURRENTLINENUMBER) where $CURRENTLINENUMBER is not yet known to me function. The sample below would write 3 as the line number.

S A=1

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1 527

While you don't need to take your exam before the end of 2022, the vouchers provided to the UK&I Summit 2022 must be redeemed before January 1, 2023. Please register for an exam before time runs out.

You can find additional information about the InterSystems Certification Program here.

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0 195