My questions are regarding ClassMethods with a private keyword tags.

When we use a wizard to add a new method, we are given a options to
select private checkbox to make it a private method as well as
Class Method checkbox in the same time.

1. What would be the reason and the case to select and use them both?
2. Secondly, if there is such a case in already developed application is it
safe to remove the private tag from ClassMethod? Obviously if it's not a
ClassMethod private tag cannot be removed as easily.

Thank you,

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· Mar 24, 2017
Convert to JSON string

here is my $ZV string "Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2016.2.1 (Build 803) Wed Oct 26 2016 12:43:35 EDT"

two questions

1. How do i convert any Persistent object to JSON String ?

2. How do i convert an y Register object to JSON string ?

3. Do i need to extend from any adaptor class for 1 & 2 ?

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0 4.7K

Hi I've created a word macro in order to convert doc to txt via the command line, this works fine via the command line by myself or another user but when I try as an the intersystems user which runs under LocalSystem it doesn't work.

So can I change the user, or set the $ZF to run as a different user?

Or do I have to try another way to convert doc to txt - it's looking like libreOffice?

I just wanted to stick with word because I could be guaranteed on the result being accurate.




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0 1.1K

I have a service that takes a file and pass it through to the production .While I am passing the file through I get the file stream and set it to a variable within my message and the variable is of type %Ens.StreamContainer. But after all processing and I need to write out my file to a pdf format The file gets written but is a corrupt file since I can not read it I have tried this with asimple pass through everything is fine .But here I do not know what I am doing wrong here is the operation code

0 11
0 806


For debugging purposes I sometimes need to display stack information to the current device or save it (to a global for example).

There is this snippet offered in documentation:

ClassMethod StackToDisplay()
    For loop = 0:1:$Stack(-1) {
        Write !, "Context level:", loop, ?25, "Context type: ", $Stack(loop)
        Write !, ?5, "Current place: ", $Stack(loop, "PLACE")
        Write !, ?5, "Current source: ", $Stack(loop, "MCODE")
        Write !

And to save stack to a global there's always an exception method:

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0 1.4K

I am working on an ZAUTHENTICATE.mac to move us from local cache users to Delegated Authentication against LDAP.

I have created a user role within my instance of Ensemble that matches the AD Group that I will be assigning everyone in my group to. Is there a way to query the list of available Roles within Ensemble, and if one of my AD groups matches that role, set the role for that user?

How would I compare the AD Group against the Role listing?



0 10
0 603

You have a global ^CODE("TNO","BIO",291,"AKI") that may or may not exist. On the data side of the global ref it can have a boolean value of 0 (false) or 1 (true) and this global is wrapped up in a Caché class accessible from myobject.AKI property. At the object level, how do you check whether the property is defined ie. is there a $DATA equivalent for Cache Object properties? Also, how would you kill /null the property as opposed to making the value 0 (false) or an empty string?

0 10
0 3.3K

Hi, Community!

Suppose I have class A with properties P1 and P2.

I want to introduce class B, which would have same records as Class A, but only one property - P2.

What is the easiest way to manage it assuming that I would like to use Class A to add records and be available for any operations to Users with Role A.

And I would like to introduce class B for Users with role B for read-only access. Preferably they shouldn't even be aware of Class A and P1 existence .

What is the easiest way to introduce it and manage it?

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0 673

Has anyone called any outside Javascript code from inside their class files? I asked a long time ago if there was a way to manipulate an image within Cache Object Script, and since Cache doesn't have any image libraries its not really possible. However I have found Javascript to resize an image and wonder how hard it would be to mesh the two together.

Can anyone share any examples?



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1 1.4K

Hello everyone,

Im just wondering if there is any possibility to "Listen" to a cache DB? We have our cache DB somewhere else provided by a different company, we are provided the interface to connect to that cache DB so we can extract the cache DB every night.

Im just curious if theres a way to "listen" to the cache DB, so if theres any changes on the table in the cache DB, I could make a trigger to extract the table again.

I know i could just set my ETL every hour or so... but that would extract all the tables in cache DB.

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0 740

I was looking at the OrefToArray^%occRun in the %CSP.ErrorLog page in version 2016. However, we're on version 2014, and that method does not seem to exist yet. I would love a good way to swizzle out the info in the %request, %session, %response objects for the error log for my own error page, in version 2014. I don't want to have to go through and get all the properties manually, but I will if I must. Any other good way already written?



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1 542

Hello Everyone,

I have a healthshare web application with production, I try to make a field in basic setting of business service, and I would like to set a string to DISPLAYLIST and VALUELIST of that Property (string maked by query to sql table). I code the same here but it's syntax incorrect in DISPLAYLIST = GetTypeDisplay(), VALUELIST = GetTypeValue(). Someone know a best way to solved my problem? Thanks so much!

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0 1.4K

I have a serial object:

Class EmbedObj Extends %SerialObject

which is stored as a property of another object

Class ContainerObj Extends %Persistent

Property InnerObj As EmbedObj;

Property Foobar As %String;


From within the context of an instance of EmbedObj, how can I navigate to the containing instance of "ContainterObj" and find that value of its Foobar property?

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