· Dec 7, 2019

Hot on the heels of the QEWD-JSdb announcement, QEWD-baseline provides a ready-to-run baseline environment for developing REST APIs.

The QEWD-baseline repository ( includes a fully-detailed tutorial on how to build RESY APIs using QEWD and the QEWD-JSdb database (running of course on IRIS).

Included in the tutorial is:

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Hi Community,

In this article I will demonstrate below steps to add Interactive map and visualize geographic data to web application:

  • Step1 : Install Application
  • Step2 : Create CSP Page
  • Step3 : Extend dc.IrisGeoMap.Folium class
  • Step4 : Invoke DrawGeoDetails() Method

So Let us start.

Step1 : Install Application

First of all we need to install iris-geo-map application by using ZPM

zpm "install iris-geo-map"

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Hi Guys, I'm resending this because I sent on the weekend and looks like it has not been noticed much

I'm not that familiar in using Javascript in Zen pages, so basically we have a priting utility (app) that requires us to add a bit of JavaScript call to facilitate printing from our Zen pages as below:

So I added XData link pasted the required script, is this the correct way?

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You may have heard about our mg-dbx-napi interface for IRIS which provides insanely fast access from Node.js. If you've been following recent developments in the server-side JavaScript world, you'll be excited to know that mg-dbx-napi also works with Bun.js, the latter proving to be significantly faster than Node.js for many/most purposes.

Of course, if you're a Node.js user, you'll probably wonder how mg-dbx-napi compares with the Native API for Node.js that is included with IRIS.

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· Apr 5
Introducing mg_web

Hot on the heels of our announcement last week about our ultra-high-performance mg-dbx-napi JavaScript interface for IRIS, we are now pleased to announce a significant new technology - mg_web - which not only represents a new paradigm for JavaScript Web Frameworks, but also delivers significantly higher performance than even the fastest of the established Node.js Web Frameworks, whilst leveraging all the benefits of the big-three industry-standard Web Servers.

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I have a few Radio buttons, some of which have to have the same value. I need to know which one the user have selected, so I am using text, however it does not work well so far.

I have 4 Radio buttons: Apple, Pear, Lemon and Orange, with values: Apple, Pear have Value 1, and Lemon and Orange have Value of 2
(this unfortunatelly cannot be changed for this particular application)

I need to figure out that the user picked specifically Apple, so I am using text as follows:

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· Dec 27, 2023
Code Quality Checks: Javascript

Is it possible to get a code quality stamp of approval on the Open Exchange with an application written in Javascript?

My Iris Whiz application is a browser extension written in Javascript and I wonder if having the code quality stamp missing from my application page will put people off from using it.

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I have the following method call (have included html and css as well). when I debug the code in a browser, JavaScript seems to work fine. Loading image is coming up, table is getting hidden. But when I close the debug and just load the page and run it, loading image is not coming up, neither the table is hidden. Not sure what is going on? I need help to understand what I am doing wrong?

XData Style


<style type="text/css">

#loading {width: 100%;height: 100%;top: 0px;left: 0px;position: fixed;display: block; z-index: 99}

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IRIS is known to have a built-in Python bridge and even allows you to write Python server code but what about JavaScript? Let's say I need a JavaScript expression interpreter. What would you recommend as the most effective way to get one? It is highly desirable that the solution does not require administrator privileges and uses in-process communication (I mean not http and not unix-specific interprocess-communication via command line)

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Does anyone know how to get the closing tab/menu changing event in a CSP? I've tried the JS "OnBeforeUnload" already but it seems the browsers aren't allowing it anymore. I need to show a pop-up that holds the user if trying to get away before completing the stage.

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For a long time I have wanted to learn the Django framework, but another more pressing project has always taken priority. Like many developers, I use python when it comes to machine learning, but when I first learned web programming PHP was still enjoying primacy, and so when it was time for me to pick up a new complicated framework for creating web applications to publish my machine learning work, I still turned to PHP.

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I have been adapting the IRIS WHIZ addon as part of the contest. I will soon fork the code on github so the changes are available.

The next phase is I am storing the date from and to time for a more complete search cache


it works in the chrome console ok

I'm not sure in external JS how to set the page it is on as a zenpage to use the zenpage functions

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