Hi Developers!

Thank you for using ZPM Package Manager and contributing more and more useful packages to the public registry!

But as you already aware ZPM packages are always deployed with source code.

Do you think we need to add the option to deploy without source code - e.g. if you want to deploy a commercial package?

Will you develop commercial modules if there will be an option and deploy it with ZPM?

How do you deploy commercial applications today?

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Hi Community,

You may know that you get rewarded with points on Global Masters for each your application published on Open Exchange. Recently we introduced bonus points for ZPM applications. So now, you get extra 400 points for each ZPM application! Points are automatically adjusted.
Check out points & available rewards on Global Masters - and see you there today!

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Hi Community!

We're pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming "ZPM – Package Manager for InterSystems IRIS" webinar on June 18th at 11:00 AM EDT.

You will learn about the ObjectScript Package Manager Client called ZPM.

@Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Manager

What is ZPM and what awaits you at this webinar?

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Hi Developers!

As discussed in previous parts of Package Manager stories to turn your IRIS application into a deployable package you just need to introduce the module.xml file into the root folder of the repository and describe all the resources.

I’m pleased to introduce you to a new project template on Open Exchange which contains examples of how to make different types of resources of your InterSystems IRIS application a part of the ObjectScript package and so make the deployable ObjectSctipt package.

Let's see how you can describe your application resources using this template project as an example.

See the details below.

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Hi Developers!

Another way to start using InterSystems ObjectScript Package Manager is to use prebuilt container images of InterSystems IRIS Community Edition and InterSystems IRIS for Health Community Edition.

We deploy this IRIS images on DockerHub and you can run it with the following command:

docker run --rm -p 52773:52773 --init --name my-iris -d intersystemsdc/iris-community:2019.4.0.383.0-zpm

Launch a terminal with:

docker exec -it my-iris iris session IRIS

And install zpm-module as:


zpm: USER>install objectscript-math

[objectscript-math] Reload START

[objectscript-math] Reload SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Module object refreshed.

[objectscript-math] Validate START

[objectscript-math] Validate SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Compile START

[objectscript-math] Compile SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Activate START

[objectscript-math] Configure START

[objectscript-math] Configure SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Activate SUCCESS

zpm: USER>

And use same commands for InterSystems IRIS for Health using the tag: intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:2019.4.0.383.0-zpm

The images are being published on IRIS Community Edition and IRIS Community Edition for Health repositories of Docker Hub.

We will update tags with every new release of IRIS and ZPM.

Happy coding!

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Hi Developers!

I'm pleased to announce that ObjectScript package publishing is now generally available on Open Exchange with this November 2019 release!

If you want your ObjectScript application to be published in ObjectScript Package Manager just enable "Publish in Package Manager" option:

And send the app on approving.

Once the application is approved it will be published automatically in ObjectScript Package Manager Registry and will be available for installation via ZPM client.

See the details below.

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Hello, InterSystems community!

Lately, you have probably heard of the new InterSystems Package Manager - ZPM. If you're familiar with it or with such package managers as NPM, Dep, pip/PyPI, etc. or just know what is it all about -- this question is for you! The question I want to arise is actually a system design question, or, in other words, "how should ZPM implement it".

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0 323

Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Modern(izing) Full Stack Development on InterSystems IRIS @ Global Summit 2022

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A new release of ZPM has been published 0.5.0

New in this release

  • Added support for Python's requirements.txt file
  • Using tokens for publishing packages
  • Fixed various issues

Python's requirements.txt

Now, if your project uses Python embedded and requires some Python's dependencies, you can add requirements.txt file to the project, as usual for any Python project, file have to be in the root of a project next to module.xml. And with load command or install command, ZPM will install dependencies from that file with using pip.

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· Jun 15, 2022
Join the Package Manager discussion

InterSystems and the developer community around ZPM have been working together to take ZPM to the next level, building it into IRIS and making it a tool that can not only manage 3rd-party code, but key parts of InterSystems' products. You can hear a lot more on this topic at Global Summit 2022, and attend an experience lab to get hands-on.

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1 201

Hi developers!

ZPM Package Manager is getting more and more popular and thus the library of packages is growing.

And thus some solutions or samples can be built with InterSystems IRIS and one or two packages installed.

I want to share with you iris-docker-zpm-usage-template - a template that can be used exactly for this purpose.

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ZPM-Registry – is the package registry for the ZPM package manager.

As you probably know, the ZPM package manager is configured by default to work with the public community registry https://pm.community.intersystems.com/, which currently has more than 150 packages published.
You can install and configure your own registry for use in your organization.

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· Oct 28, 2020
New Video: ZPMshow Demo

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video recorded by @Robert Cemper on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

ZPMshow Demo

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· Aug 2, 2020 1m read
Application Errors Analytics

Hi Developers!

As you know the application errors live in ^ERRORS global. They appear there if you call:

d e.Log() 

in a Catch section of Try-Catch.

With @Robert Cemper's approach, you can now use SQL to examine it.

Inspired by Robert's module I introduced a simple IRIS Analytics module which shows these errors in a dashboard:

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1 297

Hi Developers,

Please welcome the new coding talk on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

How to Generate Modules for InterSystems Package Manager (ZPM)

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Have you ever needed a math function but could not find what you needed and ended up writing your own? Look no further! ObjectScript-Math is here to solve all your math related function needs.

ObjectScript-Math is an Open Source library for ObjectScript Math functions. It is now available on Open Exchange. This library contains a mix of new functions that are not currently available and functions that are available. The existing functions will be wrapped for use from ObjectScript-Math so that all Math functions can have a central location.

This library will continue to grow, so give it a try and give your feedback!

Don't see what you are looking for? Please feel free to submit requests for additional functions or contribute code yourself!

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1 421

Hi colleages!

This is very easy to setup a FHIR server in InterSystems IRIS for Health.

It could be even one IPM command with this package:

USER>zpm "install fhir-server"

But which FHIR portal could you recommend to use?

I used to work with this one, which is very easy to install too:

USER>zpm "install fhir-portal"

but it doesn't work at the moment and I'm not sure if its main contributors @José Pereira and @Henrique Dias plan to support it.

What do you use? What do you recommend? Ideally installable with IPM package manager. Thanks!

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InterSystems Official
· Jan 10, 2023
InterSystems Package Manager 0.5.2 release

We have just released a minor update to the package manager, which has been renamed from ZPM to IPM as I explained in November. It purely a bug fix release, properly interpreting ROBOCOPY return codes and fixing a regression that prevented installation of certain packages.

Get it here:


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Hi Developers!

As you know the concept of ObjectScript Package Manager consists of ZPM client - client application for IRIS which helps you to install packages from the registry. And the code which works "on the other side" is ZPM Registry - server which hosts packages and exposes API to submit, list and install it. Now when you install the ZPM client it installs packages from community package registry, which si hosted on pm.community.intersystems.com

But what if you want your own registry? E.g. you produce different software packages for your clients and you want to distribute it via private registry? Also, you may want to use your own registry to deploy solutions with different combinations of packages.

Is it possible? The answer is YES! You can have it if you deploy ZPM registry on your server with InterSystems IRIS.

To make it happen you would need to set up your own registry server.

How to do that?

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ZPM is a great tool.
You can compose a large WebApplication following the existing examples.
But differently, to Classes, Routines, Macros, or Globals I found no direct way
to deploy a few additional CSP pages directly into an existing Namespace
without touching the existing content.

A side issue was to find a solution that is independent of WIN or Linux directories.

My solution acts in 2 steps

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With the release of InterSystems IRIS 2021.2 Preview and all-new LOAD DATA functionality dataset can by added with Objectscript Package Manager (ZPM)

Medical Datasets contains following 12 datasets. For dataset tables and data details please visit ONLINE DEMO by using SuperUser | SYS

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Hi Community,

Join us for this walk-through of InterSystems Package Manager ZPM advanced features for developing and deploying InterSystems IRIS solutions:

InterSystems Package Manager Advanced Topics

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