Is anyone using the IPM client (e.g., running commands like zpm "install somepackagename") on an IRIS version earlier than 2022.1?

We're thinking about raising the minimum supported version so we can use Embedded Python in IPM. I'm curious if this would impact anyone. Of course, you'd be able to continue to use an earlier version of IPM.

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It's not supported at the moment but is it possible to implement the Sonatype Nexus (or JFrog Artifactory) support based on the current (or upcoming) IPM version?

In repo command help I see there is a support for filesystem repositories (which I have not yet tried) and my current (hopefully not far-fetched) interpretation is the IPM is designed to be able to support different repositories:

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I'm working on my first (!) IPM module and I'm a little puzzled with the registry authorization.

I have a working local registry (I hope!) and the module is loaded (with load-command) to the namespace.

Now publish-command fails because of missing authorization. I have set nothing authorization related myself and I'm lost how the authorization should be configured. All the material I have read so far seems to ignore that and only mentions one have to authenticate ...

Here's the command output:

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I'm trying package IPM command but I'm getting the following error:

zpm:IPMTEST1>package -verbose -only -path /home/irisowner/ osex-ipm-hello

[IPMTEST1|osex-ipm-hello]       Package START
Exporting 'OSEX.ipm.hello.Hello.cls' to '/home/irisowner/src/OSEX/ipm/hello/Hello.cls'
Exported to /home/irisowner/module.xml
Module exported to:

[osex-ipm-hello]        Package FAILURE
ERROR! ObjectScript error: <VALUE OUT OF RANGE>zConstructTar+19^%ZPM.Utils.FileBinaryTar.1

What's wrong here?

I can see all the correct module files created:

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