· Oct 28, 2022

InterSystems Package Manager ZPM 0.5.0 Release

A new release of ZPM has been published 0.5.0

New in this release

  • Added support for Python's requirements.txt file
  • Using tokens for publishing packages
  • Fixed various issues

Python's requirements.txt

Now, if your project uses Python embedded and requires some Python's dependencies, you can add requirements.txt file to the project, as usual for any Python project, file have to be in the root of a project next to module.xml. And with load command or install command, ZPM will install dependencies from that file with using pip.

USER>zpm "install python-faker" 

[USER|python-faker]     Reload START (/usr/irissys/mgr/.modules/USER/python-faker/0.0.2/)
[USER|python-faker]     requirements.txt START
[USER|python-faker]     requirements.txt SUCCESS
[USER|python-faker]     Reload SUCCESS
[python-faker]  Module object refreshed.
[USER|python-faker]     Validate START
[USER|python-faker]     Validate SUCCESS
[USER|python-faker]     Compile START
[USER|python-faker]     Compile SUCCESS
[USER|python-faker]     Activate START
[USER|python-faker]     Configure START
[USER|python-faker]     Configure SUCCESS
[USER|python-faker]     Activate SUCCESS
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