· Dec 16, 2024 2m read
Edit your Globals with VSCode and YAML

The best way to list, edit, save and delete globals is using an IDE. Now, it is possible if you use VSCode. It is also possible to save globals using yaml files. Perform the following steps:

1. Get an InterSystems IRIS instance and install the application iris-global-yaml:

zpm:USER>install iris-global-yaml

2. If you just to want an InterSystems IRIS trial for tests git clone and run on docker:

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Hi Community,

I have a CSP page I am developing with the intent of pulling files from an SFTP site and placing them in a folder on the local network.

I am having an issue where the CSP page is catching a JS error. The error in the browser is - A JavaScript exception was caught during execution of HyperEvent: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'downloading'. (However, the unexpected identifier changes after refreshing page, or after removing the Write statement with the work 'downloading' in it.)

I think I have narrowed it down to a piece of the Javascript code -

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I need to see the full SMTP trace when a %Net.SMTP attempts to send an email to troubleshoot an issue. As far as I know, the only way to get that is to uncomment line 192 in the %Net.SMTP class.

 //:#define SMTPTRACE

I've done this in the past by giving myself the %DB_IRISSYS role, so I tried that. That database is also not mounted as read-only.

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When you deploy code from a repo, class (file) deletion might not be reflected by your CICD system.
Here's a simple one-liner to automatically delete all classes in a specified package that have not been imported. It can be easily adjusted for a variety of adjunct tasks:

set packages = "USER.*,MyCustomPackage.*"
set dir = "C:\InterSystems\src\"
set sc = $SYSTEM.OBJ.LoadDir(dir,"ck", .err, 1, .loaded)
set sc = $SYSTEM.OBJ.Delete(packages _ ",'" _ $LTS($LI($LFS(loaded_",",".cls,"), 1, *-1), ",'"),, .err2)

The first command compiles classes and also returns a list of loaded classes. The second command deletes all classes from specified packages, except for the classes loaded just before that.

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2 134

I'm trying to use embedded python code that receives an Iris %Stream.GlobalBinary and uses image manipulation library PIL.

Because PIL can't work with IRIS %Stream, I need to convert the image to python bytes.

This process seems to have very bad performance compared to writing to a file and then loading it from a file in python.

Is there a better way to send a stream into python? The conversion code I'm using is below.


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We connect to MS SQL Databases using the Microsoft JDBC Driver 12.2 using the following URL

jdbc:sqlserver://<server>:<port>;database=<database name>;trustServerCertificate=true;integratedSecurity=true;authenticationScheme=NTLM;domain=osumc;authentication=NotSpecified

They want to migrate the databases to the Azure Cloud and in doing so we need the Authentication to change to go through Microsoft Entra. I was given the following URL

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Hey, So the title pretty much describes the question:
Where and How can i see the Stream that contains the response back to the client of a CSP application.

When the request is being processed and finished we return a response to the client - We do that by writing the data to a stream and that stream is sent back to the client.
I wanted to know how i can access the point right before that Data is actually written to the client back (meaning the place where the response is actually being send back, the last point of contact).

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I recently had a company-enforced OS upgrade, and ever since going from mac OS 14.x to 15.x, I am currently having issues with SSL in IRIS.

An ARM (M3 pro) machine running OS 15.2, with the latest Docker Desktop (at the time of writing, 4.37.0). The Docker container runs IRIS for UNIX (Ubuntu Server LTS for x86-64 Containers) 2022.1.2 (Build 574_0_22161U). This container has not changed.

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InterSystems Official
· Dec 17, 2024
IPM 0.9.0 Released

We have released IPM 0.9.0. I previously remarked on some of the history and reasoning here; to summarize, this is a big release for two reasons: it represents a long-overdue reunification of our internal and community-driven work around IRIS-centric ObjectScript package management, and it has some backwards incompatibilities. There are several necessary backwards incompatibilities in our roadmap, and we've lumped them together; this will not be some new norm.

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Is there a single ObjectScript operator or method to concatenate two %DynamicArrays?

I'm looking for something that will do the following:

set arr1 = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
set arr2 = [ 4, 5, 6 ]
set arrcombined = arr1.%Concatenate(arr2)


set arrcombined arr1_arr2

With end result:

zw arrcombined
arr1=[1,2,3,4,5,6]  ; <DYNAMIC ARRAY>

I can iterate and %Pop over the 2nd array and %Push each popped entry to the 1st array, but I was looking for something more succinct.

Thanks in advance.

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In this tutorial, I will discuss how can you connect your IRIS data platform to sql server db .


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· Dec 17, 2024
UDP Adapter not working


I am trying to work with UDP Connection/Adapter and I get this error.

ERREUR #5002: Erreur Cache: <WRITE>zSend+5^EnsLib.UDP.Common.1

Here is the method

Class TEMPLATE.BO.UDPSend Extends Ens.BusinessOperation

Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.UDP.OutboundAdapter";

Property Adapter As EnsLib.UDP.OutboundAdapter;

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0 89

Your Mission

Let's pretend for a moment that you're an international action spy who's dedicated your life to keeping the people of the world safe from danger. You recieve the following mission:

Good day, Agent IRIS,

We're sorry for interrupting your vacation in the Bahamas, but we just received word from our London agent that a "time bomb" is set to detonate in a highly populated area in Los Angeles. Our sources say that the "time bomb" is set to trigger at 3:14 PM this afternoon.

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· Jan 7
xDBC error


How can I prevent the error:

2024-12-27 08:05:46 [SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>] [Error: <<READ>XDCall+9^%SYS.DBSRV>] [Location: <$system.IO server loop>] [Client info: <Username: Operator, Node Name: PM_MIP_SRD01, IP Address:, Executable Name: Operative.dll, Internal Function: KÂ>] [%protocol: <65>] $Id: //iris/2023.2.0/kernel/common/src/sysio.c#2 $ 3514 121

It seems that this error occours when connection on PDA is lost and established again.



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As part of a migration project from a bunch of java classes to IRIS, we need to maintain a few jar files due to some external dependencies.

The problem I am seeing is that I cannot pass a byte array ( byte[] ) from ObjectScript to the Java Class. I have tried a number of different ways

I have reproduced in a java class and Objectscript class:
Java Class:

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Git link:

Recently, I come up an idea in my mind that how can I put my playlist on IRIS.🧐

At the same time, I was told to pay for my Spotify subscription💸💸... ooo.. how about to get some data from the Spotify API... so I started to do study about it.

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