
Our scenarios need to persist messages in the orchestrator. Our Iris Orchestrator is an ephemeral pod with no persistent disks running on AWS EKS in multiple AZ.

We want to know if the iris orchestrator has:

- AWS EFS Support
- Integration with AWS SQS
- Sharing to the same AWS EBS.

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Hey Community,

Exciting results from a massive workload to test InterSystems API. We'll describe how we're trying to push the boundaries of the current technology in the public cloud:

Running Large-Scale Rest API in the Cloud

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When using "IDENTITY" as my primary key, I can select the last inserted ID with


Actually this is how Hibernate + Iris' Driver acquires the inserted ID when mapping with

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)

Now, considering that I am using the type "SERIAL" as my primary key instead, how can I get the last inserted ID?

Note that with "SERIAL" I can forcefully insert any value for this ID, from which Iris will continue generating values...

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Hi Community!

We are pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming InterSystems Interoperability Contest Kick-off Webinar! The topic of this webinar is dedicated to the Interoperability Contest.

In this webinar, we will talk about the interoperability capabilities of InterSystems IRIS, will do a demo of building the basic IRIS interoperability solution, and demo how to use the PEX. Also, we’ll discuss and answer the questions on how to build interoperability solutions using InterSystems IRIS and IRIS for Health.

Date & Time: Monday, November 2 — 10:00 AM EDT

🗣 @Stefan Wittmann, InterSystems Product Manager
🗣 @Eduard Lebedyuk, InterSystems Sales Engineer
🗣 @Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Manager

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This is the second post of a series explaining how to create an end-to-end Machine Learning system.

Exploring Data

The InterSystems IRIS already has what we need to explore the data: an SQL Engine! For people who used to explore data in
csv or text files this could help to accelerate this step. Basically we explore all the data to understand the intersection
(joins) which should help to create a dataset prepared to be used by a machine learning algorithm.

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InterSystems has corrected two defects that, in rare circumstances, can result in data integrity corruption after running global compaction, database compaction, or database defragmentation. InterSystems recommends avoiding these utilities until after applying the corrections listed below.

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Once again I would like to know, if there are any plans to make Java libraries available through normal channels like public mvnrepository, like the whole world it's doing, where anyone can find any JDBC driver to any database in the world but InterSystems.

Currently there is only some useless garbage. There are just very empty files. What was the point of posting it there?

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· Nov 27, 2023 4m read
What about DMN?

A few months ago, I faced a significant challenge: streamlining the handling of business logic in our application. My goal was to extract the business logic from the code and hand it over to analysts. Dealing with a multitude of rules could easily result in a code littered with countless "if" statements, especially if the coder lacked an understanding of cyclomatic complexity. Such code becomes a source of pain for those working with it—difficult to write, test, and develop.

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· Jun 30, 2023
[Video] Managing Database Size

Hi Community,

Watch this video to see how to expand or truncate a database using the Management Portal in InterSystems IRIS data platform, and learn about the best times to do each:

Managing Database Size

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Hey Developers,

What is the best way to containerize your InterSystems IRIS application? Discover your options:

Containerizing InterSystems IRIS Applications

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Hi Community,

Don't miss the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Exploring Machine Learning with R Language Gateway

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Hi community, I used website-analyzer - an app that uses InterSystems NLP and Crawler4J to extract all website content and do NLP on it. I limited to 200 pages and discovered this:

Top 10 Concepts - business and content topics in the InterSystems site:

Other frequency concepts, see the focus in the iris speed, scale and data value:

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Hi Developers,

Please welcome another "Coding Talk" video specially recorded for the second IRIS Programming Contest:

How to Build, Test and Publish ZPM Package with REST Application for InterSystems IRIS

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· Nov 24, 2023 4m read
A framework yes, but a suitable framework

How can IRIS productions be deployed more quickly and with greater peace of mind?

The aim of interoperability productions is to enable you to connect systems in order to transform and route messages between them. To connect systems, you develop, configure, deploy and manage productions that integrate several software systems.

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We're trying to get a little more discipline around Web Gateway change control, and deploy changes to our CSP.ini from source control. I was wondering if anyone cared to share their best practices in this area? There is a "RELOAD" parameter (https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...) which says you can put RELOAD=1 in your CSP.ini file in order to force it to automatically activate when noticed by the daemon.

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Hey Community,

This demonstration shows how complex data message flows are handled within a healthcare integration solution. See how to use a business process to receive and transmit messages between applications:

Message Flow in an Integration Solution

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Have a Zen report with a huge query that we are trying to break down and be more efficient.

Looks like Zen only wants to take a result set class as the data (or XML, but writing to a file to generate these reports is probably even more overhead).

Is there a way I can move through a result set object, delete rows I don't want based on some objectscript commands and the pass that to the report?

Or can I pass a dynamic object?


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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Resilient Deployments in the Cloud

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Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a feature of Windows that allows you to run a Linux environment on your Windows machine, without the need for a separate virtual machine or dual booting.

WSL is designed to provide a seamless and productive experience for developers who want to use both Windows and Linux at the same time**.

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn the basics of how to use the InterSystems® command line interface to execute commands, including starting the Terminal, executing methods and routines, and exiting the Terminal.

Using the InterSystems Terminal

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Hi all,
I am using ExecDirect() method to execute my SQL query which is something like "SELECT * from Account where AccountNumber = ? "
But when I am providing a accountnumber that don't exists it doesn't return anything as aspected. while I am trying to check resultset.%SQLCODE in this case it is giving me 0 not 100. What's wrong with my SQL query and Also I there any other Property through which I check for if my resultset is null or it has some values.

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Excuse if this is obvious to Python programmers but for those crossing over from ObjectScript this may be a useful tip.

The scenario is developing some Embedded python commands.

Testing out functionality is being confirmed via the shell:

Python 3.9.5 (default, Mar 14 2023, 06:58:44) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type quit() or Ctrl-D to exit this shell.

When Python evaluates an expression in the shell, it prints the result of the expression to the terminal.

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