Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Getting To Know FHIR - The Best Explanation of FHIR They've Ever Heard @ Global Summit 2022

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A new release of ZPM has been published 0.5.0

New in this release

  • Added support for Python's requirements.txt file
  • Using tokens for publishing packages
  • Fixed various issues

Python's requirements.txt

Now, if your project uses Python embedded and requires some Python's dependencies, you can add requirements.txt file to the project, as usual for any Python project, file have to be in the root of a project next to module.xml. And with load command or install command, ZPM will install dependencies from that file with using pip.

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1. iris-dollar-list

PyPI - Status

Interpretor of $list for python named DollarList.

This interpretor was made because :

  • I wanted to use $list in python.
  • Embedded Python do not support $list.
  • The native API version do not support embedded $list in $list.

This is a work in progress. For now, it only support embedded $list in $list, int and string.

WIP float,decimal,double

This module is available on Pypi :

pip3 install iris-dollar-list

It is compatible with embedded python and native api.

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In Cache 2018, we were using a macro in a query that looked like this:

select $$GetExtraSQL^GetExtra('B',bddtl.odnumb,bddtl.odsnum,bddtl.oddsc1) as "Description", * from sqluser.bddtl

We could save that query as a view, and there was no problem with it.

In IRIS, if we put that query into SQL in the management portal, it still works, but if we save that query as a view, when we try to run a query on that view, we get a big error message:

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This is the tenth in a series of releases that are part of the developer preview program for 2022.2. Future preview releases are expected to be updated biweekly and we will add features as they are ready. Please share your feedback through the Developer Community so we can build a better product together.

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Hi all.

I have a scenario where I am receiving NACKs and I'd like to adjust the error handing of the operation based on the content of the NACK.

For example, I could receive the following and want to move onto the next message:

MSH| ^~\&|||||20221025083135.489+0100||ACK ^A02^ACK|9271|D|2.5.1
ERR|||207 ^Application internal error ^HL70357^^^^^^Cannot transfer patient, encounter is cancelled.|E

However, I could also receive the following and want to keep retrying:

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Adding VSCode into your IRIS container

One of the easiest ways to setup repeatable development environments is to spin up containers for them. I find that when iterating quickly, it was very convenient to host a vscode instance within my development container. Thus, I have created a quick container script to add a browser-based vscode into an IRIS container. This should work for most 2021.1+ containers. My code repository can be found here

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Hi Community,

Let's meet virtually at our first Community Roundtable! This will be a 45-min friendly discussion on a given topic: VSCode vs Studio.
Imagine that we just gathered together to share our thoughts, experiences, tips, and tricks. If you want to discuss specific questions within a given topic - please share them in the comments.

Watch recording:

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Hi developers!

If you missed our presentation at the InterSystems UK&I Summit and our demo during the Source Control roundtable, but you still want to find out more about source control for Interoperability Productions... there’s another chance to see it at our User Group Session next Thursday, November 3rd at 3pm (GMT)

The new driver enables highly granular management of Interoperability Productions with tight integration into the InterSystems IRIS management management portal. 

Sign up via eventbrite here >> https://bit.ly/3yqzfvS

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Hi Community,

Let's meet virtually at our Second Community Roundtable!
This will be a 45-min friendly discussion on a given topic: What is the best source control system for development with InterSystems IRIS.

>> Register here <<

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I need to add an NTE segment after the OBX segment. I'm not a programmer so, I'm hoping to do this on the DTL Editor. Is it possible? If yes, how?

Some ORU messages from my EMR come in to Iris without NTE after the OBX. Thus, I need to add it in Iris For Health.

Thank you!

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This is the ninth in a series of releases that are part of the developer preview program for 2022.2 Future preview releases are expected to be updated biweekly and we will add features as they are ready. Please share your feedback through the Developer Community so we can build a better product together.

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YASPE is the successor to YAPE (Yet Another pButtons Extractor). YASPE has been written from the ground up with many internal changes to allow easier maintenance and enhancements.

YASPE functions:

  • Parse and chart InterSystems Caché pButtons and InterSystems IRIS SystemPerformance files for quick performance analysis of Operating System and IRIS metrics.
  • Allow a deeper dive by creating ad-hoc charts and by creating charts combining the Operating System and IRIS metrics with the "Pretty Performance" option.
  • The "System Overview" option saves you from searching your SystemPerformance files for system details or common configuration options.

YASPE is written in Python and is available on GitHub as source code or for Docker containers at:

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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Reporting & Business Intelligence: What's New? @ Global Summit 2022

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We started to use Azure Service Bus (ASB) as an enterprise messaging solution 3 years ago. It is being used to publish and consume data between many applications in the organization. Since the data flow is complex, and one application’s data is usually needed in multi applications the “publisher” ---> ”multiple subscribers” model was a great fit. The ASB usage in the organization is dozens of millions of messages per day, while IRIS platform is having around 2-3 million messages/day.

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InterSystems is pleased to announce that the extended maintenance releases of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1.1 are now available. These releases provide a few selected features and bug fixes for the 2022.1.0 releases.

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Hi developers!

Those who code IRIS solutions in VSCode using Docker often use the convenient ObjectScript menu, which contains links to Management Portal, Class Reference, Unittest portal, Productions, etc.

While drilling down to a Dev Container to code Embedded Python there is no such option, at least within my settings:

So I don't know how to connect to it.


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· Oct 24, 2022 4m read
Embedded Python Template

Hi developers!

Let me share with you a minimal embedded python template, that I can recommend as a starting point for any general project with InterSystems IRIS that will use embedded python.


  • Embedded Python ready;
  • Examples of 3 ways of Embedded python development;
  • VSCode development ready;
  • Docker enabled;
  • Online demo enabled;
  • ZPM First development ready.

Let's discuss the features below!

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The new production component driver for Deltanji enables highly granular management of InterSystems Interoperability Productions with tight integration into the management portal. We presented it at the InterSystems UK&I summit this week and it received a great reception. 

It solves the current pain-point of Interoperability Productions being defined in a single monolithic class definition. Deltanji source control increases the granularity with which items can be managed. Instead of versioning a single class definition containing all the configuration items, this new component driver allows individual configuration items to be managed separately. Each configuration item has its own versioning and revision history and can be checked-out, checked-in, and deployed independently of any other items in the same Production.

Because each configuration item within a production class is managed by Deltanji as a first-class component in its own right, Deltanji provides all the source control, versioning, and workflow capabilities that it provides for any other component.

Watch the below clip to see it in action. 


We'll be talking about this new feature in more detail at our User Group Session on November 3rd at 3pm (GMT). Register your attendance on Eventbrite here - https://bit.ly/3yqzfvS

To find out more about Deltanji, visit our website georgejames.com or drop us an email info@georgejames.com 

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Hi Community,

In this video, you will learn how our financial services customers are using InterSystems IRIS to connect to a range of internal and external systems and sources to deliver a 360-degree view of a business and accelerate digital transformation initiatives:

What's New in Financial Services @ Global Summit 2022

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Recently viewed a demo on the new Dynamic Objects in InterSystems (we are still running 2016.1); together with the upcoming IRIS data platform I started thinking about possibilities of building dynamic databases. That is, I can imagine some projects were it might be really nice to store dynamic objects and then run sql queries on them without ever defining the fields of the dynamic objects (i.e. not at storage, but only if you run your sql query).

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I have installed Iris in Docker container with the above version. I need to create an additional user to log in via ssh. I have created a user and put in both the irisuser and irisowner groups, and created a user in iris with permissions. But, when I run "iris session iris" I originally got an error about permissions: /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb: Permission denied.

I looked @ the /usr/irisys directory and the permissions was only (r-x------). I changed to (dr-xr-xr-x.)and now I get a different error:

Invalid ownership for ./irisdb

Any suggestions?

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I’m creating a REST API service but I need to convert my object in JSON.

Class message_B Extends Ens.Request
Property ClientId As %String(MAXLEN = "");

Property mesagge As %Stream.TmpBinary;

set pRequest = ##Class(message_B).%New()
​do ##class(Ens.Util.JSON).ObjectToJSONStream(pRequest, .content)

it is ignoring message property in json dueto its data type %Stream.TmpBinary

Could you please help me to resolve it?

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