With rapid evolution of Generative AI, to embrace it and help us improve productivity is a must. Let's discuss and embrace the ideas of how we can leverage Generative AI to improve our routine work.

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Hey Developers,

Watch this video to learn how to use InterSystems IRIS Cloud IntegratedML:

InterSystems IRIS Cloud IntegratedML @ Global Summit 2022

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I'm quite new at InterSystems. I have a business process that's pointing two different business operations, but one of them I don't want it to point to.

I went through the FileSystem settings, data transformations, classes, and code to see what it could be, but I don't see why its connecting to this second operation.

What other inner-system mechanics would I need to consider? What have might I have missed?

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Hi, I was working with %sStream.FileBynary and following the doc when I find an info that I'm not sure of.
In the part of the doc where it talks about saving streams, it does not precise where it is saved.
I tried to fill my stream, then rewind, then set the file and finally saved.
And it puts in my default directory with the temporary name.
If I do a zwrite of my stream, I get these properties about the file and directory.
(StoreFile) = "zKc2m8v1.stream"
(NormalizedDirectory) = "C:\InterSystems\Community\mgr\user\stream\"

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Occasionally, in VSCode, compile errors stop displaying. I'll be getting errors on compile all along (expected, and it compiles while saving using CTRL+S), until they'll suddenly stop. I haven't found any solution, including restarting VSCode and restarting my user session in Fedora. I'm running IRIS locally on Fedora and running VSCode also on the same machine. The only solution I've found is to restart IRIS. It's a solo dev environment and relatively small, so restarting isn't anything but an annoyance.

Are there any known bugs around this or any other solutions?

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Trying to write multiple records to a file via Record Mapper from a single inbound DFT transaction with multiple FT1 segments. DTL with HL7 DFT inbound and Record Mapper outbound checks field values in both FT1 segment and PV1 segment within a "foreach" loop, and if criteria are met for a particular FT1 then the target fields in the record map are set with values from multiple segments (MSH, PID, PV1, and FT1). Currently in this setup, only the last qualifying FT1 segment's fields will write to the file (if there is more than one qualifying FT1 segment)....How can I set it up so that a ne

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Deltanji 7.1 is now available.

Key updates include: 

* Interoperability Production component driver included, for customers who have purchased the add-on. You can watch a short demo of it here.
* Implement multi-select delete of objects and components
* Add setting to give a passable Beyond Compare launch command line
* Support simplified Locations & Routes diagram 

For more information, read the release notes here >> https://bit.ly/3mHyJHc

Please get in touch with support@georgejames.com for your release kit. 

The update is also available for Serenji debugger users on VS Code, which has the Deltanji solo edition embedded. Simply update the Serenji extension to version 3.2.3 or later and load the server-side code. 


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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Analytics with InterSystems New and Next 2022 @ Global Summit 2022

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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video in Hebrew on DC YouTube:

The Best of the Virtual Summit 2020: Highlights in Hebrew

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I am trying to finish build for moving to IRIS HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1 from HealthShare Health Connect 2018.1.3. I am currently using Delegated Authentication using an AD group to match up to the Role in IRIS. The Role has access to everything but the HS Resources because we don't really use the HS Resources for anything. We are mainly using IRIS for the Interoperability Engine.

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Prediction of server configuration for entry

The platform server entry configuration prediction application connects to Iris in Java and uses its Integrated ML technology to analyze data such as hospital outpatient volume, number of services, number of messages, and message save time. It can predict the server configuration required for the hospital entry platform before the hospital integration platform enters, providing convenience for customers.

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I tried to join my local DB table with link table. but I am getting below error.

5475 5475 reporterr2+40^%occRoutine Error #5475: Error compiling routine: %sqlcq.HSANALYTICS.cls483. Errors: %sqlcq.HSANALYTICS.cls483.cls(%OnNew+5) : SQLCODE=-161 : References to an SQL connection must constitute a whole subquery

I tried to execute below query in Managementportal

select dg.ID from HSAA.Diagnosis dg
left join LinkTableData.FacilityFullList la on dg.ID=la .ID

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I am trying to connect to a web socket endpoint that potentially has a number of different IP addresses for load balancing purposes.

I have been asked whether it's possible to use a DNS name to resolve the IP address rather than statically assigning one specific IP address in the TCP Operation.

If it's not possible to resolve on a DNS name directly on the TCP operation, then I wondered whether it was possible to provide multiple IP addresses.

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01/10/24-09:00:54:225 (14316) 2 [Utility.Event] ISCLOG: HttpRequest Error while reading from web server $ZE=<EXTERNAL INTERRUPT>zRead+28^%Net.HttpRequest.1 ns=BDHEALTH rtn=%Net.HttpRequest.1
01/10/24-09:00:58:210 (5096) 2 [Utility.Event] ISCLOG: HttpRequest Error while reading from web server $ZE=<EXTERNAL INTERRUPT>zRead+28^%Net.HttpRequest.1 ns=BDHEALTH rtn=%Net.HttpRequest.1

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