Hey Developers,

Watch this video to learn how UC Davis Health uses InterSystems API Manager to satisfy business-partner demand for access to both custom and FHIR APIs:

How UC Davis Health Uses InterSystems API Manager @ Global Summit 2023

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InterSystems announces its second developer preview, as part of the developer preview program for the 2023.1 release. Many updates and enhancements have been added in 2023.1 and there are also brand-new capabilities, such as production-ready support for Columnar Storage, ability to use Bulk FHIR, and support to MacOS 13 Ventura. Some of these features or improvements may not be available in this current developer preview.

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Hi community.

I have an API that is deployed in my production (business service) and it calls to a business process to retrieve the information that is requested.

The problem that I have is that the calls are queued and it's creating a bottleneck

The business process is taking more time than needed.

Is possible to configure the BP to process parallely the requests?

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· Oct 4, 2023
Project development

Need your company a help developing projects on Intersystems Caché / Iris plataform?

I'm a senior developer, more of 30 years experience in ObjectScript, working as a freelancer for specific projects.

I'm a Spanish citizen, actually located part time in Barcelona Spain, and part time in Phuket Thailand, my work is always 100% remote.

For more information can email: josepzbv@gmail.com


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Hey Developers,

Watch this video to learn how an InterSystems partner based in Ostfildern, Germany, made a simple switch to InterSystems IRIS and rolled it out to 2,500 end-users by using the in-place conversion:

Migrating to InterSystems IRIS Made Easy @ Global Summit 2023

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Hey Developers,

Watch this video to learn about observability of your InterSystems IRIS application with InterSystems System Alerting and Monitoring (SAM) and modern DevOps tooling:

Observability with InterSystems IRIS @ Global Summit 2022

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Introducing a new component driver for Deltanji source control, which enables highly granular management of InterSystems Interoperability Productions with tight integration into the management portal

InterSystems Interoperability Productions are defined in a single monolithic class definition. A production can contain many hundreds or thousands of configuration items. This presents a problem if multiple developers are working on different Business Processes within the same production simultaneously. Simultaneous development is almost inevitable for large productions containing many configuration items. 

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I am attempting to prevent ADT merge messages from coming into Healthshare if the MRN being merged does not exist. To my mind, the best way to do this would be to check the PriorPatientIdentifierList.IDNumber against the HS.SDAStreamletMRN global. However, I'm not able to get it to work in Business Rule classes.

Something like:

<when condition="$G(^HS.SDAStreamletMRN('MRN','Facility^AssigningAuthority^'_(Document.{MRG:PriorPatientIdentifierList(1).IDNumber}))=(&quot;&quot;))">


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Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in February 2020!

New applications in February 2020

EXCEL SUDOKU by alex kosinets

Sudoku game implementation in Excel using InterSystems IRIS as a server

RESTForms2 by Henry Hamon Pereira

RESTForms2 is a framework to create the REST API for InterSystems IRIS persistent objects automatically

FirstLook-Globals by Evgeny Shvarov

Firstlook example of InterSystems Globals

IRIS Interoperability Message Viewer by Henrique Gonçalves Dias

A new approach for the Interoperability Message Viewer

iKnow by Benjamin De Boe

The iKnow Natural Language Processing technology was originally developed in Belgium and then acquired by InterSystems in 2010. In February 2020, InterSystems published the technology to open source, expanding the possible use cases for it beyond embedded use from the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. iKnow is open to community contributions to enhance the engine, language models and interfaces for use in-text exploration, information extraction, and machine learning use cases.

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In ObjectScript you have a wide collection of functions that return some value

set variable = $somefunction(param1,param2, ...)

There is nothing special about that.
But there is a set of functions that I classify as LEFT SIDED
The specialty of them is that you can use them also on the left of the equal operator
as a target in the SET command:

set $somefunction(param1,param2, ...) = value

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import os

# Get environment variables
db_host = os.getenv('DB_HOST')
db_port = os.getenv('DB_PORT')
db_namespace = os.getenv('DB_NAMESPACE')
db_username = os.getenv('DB_USERNAME')
db_password = os.getenv('DB_PASSWORD')

# Create a database connection
conn = irisnative.createConnection(db_host, db_port, db_namespace, db_username, db_password)

# Create an IRIS instance from this connection
iris_native = irisnative.createIris(conn)

status = iris_native.classMethodValue('%SYSTEM.OBJ', 'Load', 'Production.cls', 'ck')

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· Jul 11, 2023
debugging %Library.ResultSet

Hi All,

I am trying to fetch resultset using the below code -

set rs = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("Simple.Person:ValidateAge")

do rs.Execute()

it is giving me error while the same code I run it through iris terminal worked fine.
I want to understand that problem behind this. Also how can I check the possible methods that I can use on 'rs' somewhat dir() does in python.

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Using Variables in InterSystems ObjectScript

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I will devote the third article to a story about the additional features of the project.


Very often you need to find out if there is a specific package in the current instance, for example, so as not to duplicate.
To do this, I implemented a modification of the namespace command of the package manager, on the option tab, you need to press the FIND button.

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Note: this was originally posted on June 5, 2024 but presented as being posted on May 9, 2024 so this re-post fixes the date.

Recent updates to the Intersystems Language Server introduce many significant enhancements aimed at improving developer experience and productivity. I'll talk about some of the key ones here, while the complete list, including numerous bug fixes, can be found in the Language Server's CHANGELOG.

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I just realized that operating system command execution does not work on Windows console if the IRIS service is started using a different user than Local System account (the default).

I always change the user configured in the IRIS service and I believe this is a standard good practice, particularly in "real" environments (be it production, stage, test or development) that are part of Windows Active Directory Domain.

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