Hi all,

We have a big problem with spanish accent and special characters using Data Transformation (HL7 Messages).

We have some DT to transform HL7 messages to other type (OUL^R22 To OML^O21) so it copys the PID segment to the new one, but if in the PatienName field has any special character, the transformation stops and it not continues with the transformation.

This is the message

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For testing purposes, I would like to create an EnsLib.HL7.Message from either a %String or a file on disk and pass it into a function in a unit test (outside of an Ensemble context). EnsLib.HL7.Parser appears to do the necessary parsing, but it also sends the message via Ensemble service rather than returning it as a value. Is there a way to leverage the parsing outside of a Ensemble service? Alternatively, is there another way to create an EnsLib.HL7.Message?

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· Dec 8, 2016

I have a project to convert a JSON message with two patient identifiers into an HL7 ADT^A31. Is there any documentation or training that you would think is appropriate?

Currently using Ensemble 2014.1.5 on AIX

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Hopefully somebody can help with this :

Using healthshare - Ensemble::: I have an HL7 message (ORU^R01) where I have an RTF file embeded into an OBX segment as what appears to be plain text.

example below :

How would I extract this file out and create an email and attach this RTF file as an attachment?

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We are interfacing through Ensemble with an application that does not like diacritic signs in text. I have been searching for a way to strip these signs from the HL7 messages that get send to that application.
The problem in short is we have an incoming HL7 message with e.g. é (or ë, á etc), this goes into Ensemble. In the outgoing message the é should be replaced with an e.

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I'm trying to read PID-3 and route the message based on if a certain prefix existed, but I keep getting Property Does Not Exist.

I've tried

HL7.(PID:PatientIDInternalID()) Contains "COS"

HL7.(PID:PatientIDInternalID(1)) Contains "COS"

HL7.{PID:PatientIDInternalID()} Contains "COS"

HL7.{PID:PatientIDInternalID(1)} Contains "COS"

This is a 2.3 MDM message. Thanks!

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· Aug 9, 2016
Storage Management

We want to isolate the storage of our CCDAs from our HL7 V2 data, but keep them under the same namespace. From my understanding, I should create a new database then store those classes related to CCDAs in that database. Is this the correct approach?

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I'm doing some Schema changes. I used our existing standard schema as a base, which was already based on 2.3. So let's call our existing one Custom.MHC.Schema (based on 2.3). I created Custom.MHC.Schema.Advanced (based on Custom.MHC.Schema) and copied down one of the code tables then made a change to it.

When I ran a message through, the code table change didn't show up. I noticed in the message viewer that the DocType is still Custom.MHC.Schema:ADT_A01 but the DocType Category is Custom.MHC.Schema.Advanced.

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· May 17, 2016
Tools for CDA/CCD?

I have a tool I absolutely love for HL7 v2 analysis and manipulation. It's called 7edit. I'm wondering if there is anything similar for HL7v3/CDA/CCD. I know it is considerably more complex, but I still have hope.

So far the best resource I've found is http://www.cdapro.com/. I'd love to hear anyone else's tips for tools or resources.

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· Apr 14, 2016
HL7 to Quadramed


IHAC who is trying to connect Ensemble to Quadramed for HL7 messaging, however, it seems that in order to do this, the following is required:

"we open a passive connection to Quadramed and then listen for a connection request from Quadramed, once this is established we then send messages"

Has anyone done this before? Is this possible with the standard HL7 components?



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What is the recommended approach to handle the following scenario: Large number of HL7 messages are serviced via Ensemble. Those messages are then transformed and routed to an Operation which calls a web service which does a number of different activities. If will do address normalization, location geo coding, MPI lookup and resolution, and insert into a SQL Server database to stage for an analytics product. Unfortunately all of this work takes time and the first thing that happens in the web service is a lock taken out on the Patien in SQL Server.

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