· Apr 3, 2019
HL7 HTTP Response Charset


currently we have a problem in development with the character set of the response message.

We are transmitting an HL7 message with an operation based on the EnsLib.HL7.Operation.HTTPOperation class.
We have changed this as follows.

Set pMsgIn=$$$NULLOREF, tHttpRequest=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New(), tHttpRequest.WriteRawMode=1, tHttpRequest.ContentType="APPLICATION/HL7-V2; charset=UTF-8"

Unfortunately, the ContentType character set is not read correctly in the response.

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Hi All,

I hope someone can help me with the following, it's about the usage of the class EnsLib.HL7.Service.HTTPService.

Working situation right know.

In IIS we've got a site configured who is dealing with the client certificate, etc and redirect the full request to http://localhost/csp/healthshare/NAMEPSACE/EnsLib.HL7.Service.HTTPServic... and the web gateway redirects the request to Business Service 'EnsLib.HL7.Service.HTTPService.cls'.

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· Nov 7, 2017
Custom Schema


Please excuse my rather limited knowledge of HL7.

In Ensemble, I have a HL7 message that contains several Z segments. I have created a custom schema to represent the new Z segments along with the new DocType Structure and Message Structure

How does Ensemble/Health Connect know which custom schema to use? I believe it has to be indicated in the MSH segment somewhere, but not sure where exactly that would be. Is the version simply updated with the new schema name or is there some other field?



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Hi -

I'm working on a project that will be dealing with depression screening and I'm not certain where any of this information would belong in the HL7v2.x world.

Can anyone suggest what the proper placement of "has this person been screened" and if so, "this was what the screening showed"?

At first thought I was thinking that this is an "Observation" of some sort (and ORU message) for the "what the screening (or perhaps testing) showed", but I'm not sure if the screening was performed yes/no qualifies as an "ordered test".

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Hi ,

I tried to import Custom schema with 'Z' segment. I executed "Do ##class(EnsLib.InteropTools.HL7.MessageAnalyzer).Interactive()" in IRIS Terminal.

After executed the steps, i am getting below message, So i could not able to add z segment into my customschema 'Test_2.3'
Summary Report for workspace C:\Demo\Migration\Workspace
Schema is Test_2.3
ALL: 0 matched, 1 unmatched

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While HL7 Errors ACKs come back in the soap response, the HL7v2 Error ACK message is not processed.

I used the SOAP Wizard to construct my classes, but the generated code doesn't handle the HL7v2 ACK.
Does health Connect have a class that handles this?

Failing an official solution should I go ahead and make make my own classes based on EnsLib.HL7.Operation.TCPOperation, but wrapping it with the generated SOAP handling code.

How have others dealt with this?

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· Apr 14, 2016
HL7 to Quadramed


IHAC who is trying to connect Ensemble to Quadramed for HL7 messaging, however, it seems that in order to do this, the following is required:

"we open a passive connection to Quadramed and then listen for a connection request from Quadramed, once this is established we then send messages"

Has anyone done this before? Is this possible with the standard HL7 components?



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· May 17, 2016
Tools for CDA/CCD?

I have a tool I absolutely love for HL7 v2 analysis and manipulation. It's called 7edit. I'm wondering if there is anything similar for HL7v3/CDA/CCD. I know it is considerably more complex, but I still have hope.

So far the best resource I've found is I'd love to hear anyone else's tips for tools or resources.

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I'm doing some Schema changes. I used our existing standard schema as a base, which was already based on 2.3. So let's call our existing one Custom.MHC.Schema (based on 2.3). I created Custom.MHC.Schema.Advanced (based on Custom.MHC.Schema) and copied down one of the code tables then made a change to it.

When I ran a message through, the code table change didn't show up. I noticed in the message viewer that the DocType is still Custom.MHC.Schema:ADT_A01 but the DocType Category is Custom.MHC.Schema.Advanced.

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· Dec 8, 2016

I have a project to convert a JSON message with two patient identifiers into an HL7 ADT^A31. Is there any documentation or training that you would think is appropriate?

Currently using Ensemble 2014.1.5 on AIX

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Hi all.

I have setup a HL7 Operation using the HTTP adapter, and I'm getting what seems to me as an unusual response. When sending a sample message to the operation, I am getting a nested ACK. For example:

MSA|AA|RWSD7V5iuEC5F6zscDWz|HTTP ACK 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' : MSH|^~\&|yyy|yyyy|xxx|xxx|20220923080633||ACK^A01|1663916793965||2.3||||||
MSA|CR|RWSD7V5iuEC5F6zscDWz|Error Message Goes Here.

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· Aug 9, 2016
Storage Management

We want to isolate the storage of our CCDAs from our HL7 V2 data, but keep them under the same namespace. From my understanding, I should create a new database then store those classes related to CCDAs in that database. Is this the correct approach?

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· Feb 16, 2018
CDA on Ensemble?

Hi everybody,

I love the integration of HL7 v2.x in Ensemble, it's really easy to use.

I would love to see the same about using CDA on Ensemble. I know it's a complicated standard, but it would be more easy for developers in Europe if we could use it like any other type of message instead of using at XML level and xsl transformations.

Any experiences dealing with CDA on Ensemble?

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I'm currently working on a project to run our medical device integration through ensemble.

I've noticed a potential problem with the volume of messages . The feed generates around 474K messages daily( average of 1 message per minute per device from 300+ devices).

We currently keep all our other feeds message data for 90 days and purge automatically. From what I can see is that the purge functions in Ensemble are production wide and cannot set it at the Business Operation, Service or Router level.

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- Currently we are receiving one NTE (See Below) from the source system

NTE|1|Result Comment|TESTING:\.br\\.br\This is a test results. \.br\\.br\This test is a Test.

- We would like to create multiple NTE segments and send to destination system by using ".\br\"(Line Break)



NTE|3||This is a test results.


NTE|5||This test is a Test.

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0 358

Hi all.

I have a scenario where I am receiving NACKs and I'd like to adjust the error handing of the operation based on the content of the NACK.

For example, I could receive the following and want to move onto the next message:

MSH| ^~\&|||||20221025083135.489+0100||ACK ^A02^ACK|9271|D|2.5.1
ERR|||207 ^Application internal error ^HL70357^^^^^^Cannot transfer patient, encounter is cancelled.|E

However, I could also receive the following and want to keep retrying:

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