· Jul 13, 2020

Identifying HL7 Segment Schema Path?

If you're viewing a HL7 message in the front end, with a schema correctly applied, you can mouse over a segment or a field and see the schema path, e.g:

Mousing over PV1 in the above message shows the schema path is "PIDgrp(1).PV1".

I'm writing a utility function which you pass an EnsLib.HL7.Message into. I'd like to loop through each segment and take action dependant on that schema path. How can I reference or determine that schema path in code?

Any help would be much appreciated!

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Sorry, never mind, figured it out.

Where pHL7 is the EnsLib.HL7.Message, execute:

do pHL7.BuildMap(0)

After that, reference pHL7.GetSegmentPath(*) to get the schema path (replacing * with the segment number, e.g. in the screenshot in my original post, PV1 was row 5, so pHL7.GetSegmentPath(5) = "PIDgrp(1).PV1").

For my loop I'm referencing pHL7.SegCount, e.g:

i=1:1:pHL7.SegCount pHL7.GetSegmentPath(i),! }