Hi All,

We have a requirement for one webpage that should be access in our VPN with out authentication. If it asks user name password that also fine.

This page should be a dashboard for the ensemble health monitoring. Support Team seating Area we have big SMART Monitor which always shows this webpage. Support engineers keep on eye on this monitor, if it shows action required then . they will act upon immediately. Expecting some widgets like

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0 380

This is my first post, I have only been using Healthshare for a year.

We support multiple Healthshare test and development environments. We are trying to come up with the best solution for building an environment from scratch, as well as incremental updates. I am interested in hearing the pros and cons between using the Ensemble -> Export Production feature versus creating custom classes to do the install and setup.

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2 435

Hi all,

I am trying to create a method to count the number of entries in a global, including all subscripts. I am having a bit of trouble getting the code to make it to the second subscript. When I get to the position where my key is "Canada" and I add a comma and empty quotes to it, it returns USA as the new key when I do the order function. Is the $Order or the global not able to use a single string to represent multiple subscripts?

Here is my global structure:

2 20
0 670


I am looking for examples of implementations of a more robust forgot username and forgot password implementation. Does anyone have one to share, even just a link to the page so I can see how it works, or screenshots? We would like to implement a secure system for requesting username and resetting password.

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0 330

Hi all,

I was wondering, what is your favourite public cloud provider?

What is your level of engagement with the cloud provider? Are you testing their infrastructure? In which case I'd expect you being progressing a parallel test with at least a second provider ;-) Or, are you already running a production environment?


OK, so, let me be the first one to share my experience with one specific cloud provider.

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0 455
· Apr 28, 2016
Git and Atelier


I'm in the process of trying to convert my team to a Git-based workflow for source code version management (we use Ensemble and HealthShare, but build a lot of customizations on top). We are having a hard time working with Atelier in this regard for a few reasons:

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0 1.4K
· Apr 22, 2020
FTP adapter

Hi community,

I am now working with an ftp adapter. I have no problem connecting to the FTP server, but there are problems with interacting with files. Has anyone had any experience with an FTP adapter, such as getting/modifying/deleting files?

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0 540
· Jul 18, 2018
Market penetration

My understanding is that IRIS is a new technology and does not replace Cache or Ensemble and to that end is more of a modernization than a repackaging. Is that accurate?

Is IRIS and HealthShare heavily penetrated in the payer space of primarily dominate in the provider space? What is the trajectory for InterSystems to penetrate the payer landscape?

2 1
0 453

Hi gentlemen,

It may be very easy but I'm currently battling with a stupid business operation.

Here is what I must do and what is already in place:

A business service scan every 5 sec the apparition of files and send it to a business process.

The business process (a routeur) don't let pass everything and a few of them go to a specific operation.

The operation must :

1 ) create the file with the same name of the original one (in the service) then save it.

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0 1.3K
· Oct 25, 2018
HealthShare Parameters Weights

Hi everyone! My name is Bruno Soares and I work with HealthShare. I have one question and would be very grateful if someone help me. Can somebody tell me where HealthShare parameters weight came from? Thank you all.

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0 314


I need to create a query that return the amount of heath related information from a patient.

I created one using the Analitics but, once our Analitcs database is update once a day this information is not reliable during the current query day.

Part of my Analitcs query is shown below. Where can I find the equivalent tables in Health Share? Any help is appreciate.

Tanks In Advance.

--Analitcs Query

1 6
0 423

Does anyone in the developer community have experience implementing a customized SDA3 container within HealthShare? There is a course on the learning site (ISC1086) that discusses how to do this, but it's currently listed as "coming soon" and I'm hoping to find some documentation.

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0 1.1K


We a currently looking at a way of securing any future REST API's using OAuth2, where the Authorisation Server (OAuth2) and Resource Server would be on the same server.

However, as we have mirrored environment the Resource Server, and therefore the Authorisation Server, need work with a Virtual IP Address and be able to failover to either of the mirror member servers.

Is that possible with OAuth2 and if so what are the best practices for this?

Any advise or guidance much appreciated.

Thank you.

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0 418
· Jun 27
ZF(-100) and qpdf


I have seen your post on using qpdf with the zf(-100) function and was wondering if you could be so kind to share an example line of code. I can use pdf from the DOS command line no problems with the following:

qpdf --encrypt test123 test123 256 -- c:\test\basement.pdf c:\test\basementenc.pdf

Trying the following from the iris terminal I get a RET=2 in messages.log and the PDF is not created.

d $ZF(-100,"/logcmd", "qpdf", "--encrypt test123 test123 256 --", "C:\test\basement.pdf", "c:\test\basementenc.pdf")

Kind Regards,


1 1
2 82

How to identify a patient of an encounter?

Doing the following query in Edge we are able to list the records of all patients.

I want select all records of a particular patient.

SELECT top 10 * FROM HS_SDA3_Streamlet.Encounter

1 13
0 785

Good afternoon!
I faced a problem with HealthShare complete transfer to another PC. I have on the old computer a lot of interesting developments and test projects, including widgets, developments on DeepSee and other stuff.
Would you please describe the details how one HealthShare installation can be correctly transferred to another PC. And that this should be done.

1 1
0 343

Good morning
Thank you for taking the time to read this issue.

In interoperability environments, in what way is it recommended to monitor and detect changes in Web Production components between environments, for example between Pre-Production and Production, or even between alternate Nodes of Production Mirrors?

We ask this question in order to find out what are the best practices, and what is the most methodical, systematic, simple, robust and secure way to perform this monitoring.

1 19
0 451

Hello everyone smiley

I have a server configuration in a CSP Gateway installed on a PC (let's call it S2) different from the main one (let's call it S1). This configuration allows me to access a web application that is installed on S1, from a client C asking S2 for this webapp. But for now it works only in HTTP between C and S2, and we would like to use HTTPS (as it already works between S2 and S1).

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0 1.9K

Has anyone noticed weird behavior when upgrading to HealthShare Health Connect 2024.1?

Wednesday I upgraded our TEST environment from IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2022.1.4 (Build 812_0_22913U) [HealthConnect:3.5.0-1.m1] [HealthConnect:3.5.0-1.m1] to IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2024.1 (Build 267_2U) [HealthConnect:3.5.0-1.m1].

Some of our Business Processes have been throwing...

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0 117
· Mar 3, 2016
Filtering incoming records?

We have a situation where we want to detect and ignore documents/records at the earliest possible point based on certain criteria. We have an existing "CDA Preprocessor" in the workflow which is an XSL transform. This is what our contractors are planning to utilize to "filter" these documents. This doesn't really make sense to me. I see XSLT as a way to manipulate the contents of a document and filter certain peices of data. In my brain, I would use an Ensemble business rule to detect the criteria and route the document as necessary.

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0 397
· Mar 17, 2017
Convert HL7 to FHIR

Hello Greetings-

I am exploring on converting HL7 to FHIR.

1. I saw there are built in DTLs “FHIR.FromSDA” and “FHIR.ToSDA” to convert SDA -> FHIR and FHIR -> SDA. Similarly Do Intersystems have DTLs for HL7 -> FHIR and FHIR -> HL7?

2. The reason why I am asking is, I see in HSLIB namespace HS->GateWay->HL7->HL7toSDA3 and HS->GateWay->SDA3->SDA3toHL7 DTLs. Like-wise I am trying to locate HL7 -> FHIR and FHIR -> HL7. Please help me to locate them

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