Created by Daniel Kutac, Sales Engineer, InterSystems

Part 3. Appendix

InterSystems IRIS OAUTH classes explained

In the previous part of our series we have learned about configuring InterSystems IRIS to act as an OAUTH client as well as authorization and authentication server (by means of OpenID Connect). In this final part of our series we are going to describe classes implementing InterSystems IRIS OAuth 2.0 framework. We will also discuss use cases for selected methods of API classes.

The API classes implementing OAuth 2.0 can be separated into three different groups according to their purpose. All classes are implemented in %SYS namespace. Some of them are public (via % package), some not and should not be called by developers directly.

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I'll be doing my first xml transform soon and I'm hoping to find a good graphical mapping tool to generate the XSLT. Does anyone have any recommendations? I've tried the demo of Altova MapForce and it's exactly what I want but it's super expensive. Working for a non-profit it would be nice if I could find a free or cheap solution.

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· Oct 12, 2016 12m read

Beginner’s guide to RESTful Application Program Interface (API) design and documentation. Through the example you will learn some common pattern for RESTful API.

Before you read

You need to know

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GraphQL is a standard for declaring data structures and methods of data access that serves as a middleware layer between the client and the server. If you’ve never heard about GraphQL, here is a couple of useful online resources: here, here and here.

In this article, I will tell you how you can use GraphQL in your projects based on InterSystems technologies.

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I have an imported WSDL from SalesForce and I am trying to send a login-request to the SalesForce-servers via InterSystems. The login requires a username and a password in the body, and an organizationId in the header. I am having trouble filling the organizationId in the header.

Via SoapUI I can send a successfull message to the SalesForce-servers. The message should look like this:

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Hi, Is there a way to count the number of segments in a HL7 Mesage? I tried the examples from the other answers but nothing works for me.

I am writing a function to get the last OBX segment field value 5. Below is a sample screenshot of what I want.

The number of obx segments can change, so I want to count the last obx segment and then get the field 5 value.

Would appreciate some guidance on this.

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· Dec 17, 2018
Adding fault to a wsdl


The fault message definition is missing from my service WSDL. I would like to add these bold styled text to my WSDL. How can I do that? The aim is when I get the WSDL of MyService with ?wsdl URL the response contains the bold styled text.

For example:

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Way back when during our Siemens LCR days we had to limit the number of characters in OBX.5 to a length of 75. That was back when we had eGate.

Now I need to do the reversal of that and take loop through a string length and split the string up into multiple OBX or NTE based on a certain length. In reading documentation $EXTRACT can do this if you know the exact length, but in this case we don't.

So how would one loop through a string and say every 75 characters create a new OBX or NTE segment?



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DTL Transformations and GetValueAt/SetValueAt calls on HL7 messages will truncate any fields longer than 32K. To avoid this, the methods GetFieldStreamRaw and StoreFieldStreamRaw must be used when dealing with fields that might be larger than 32K. OBX:5 is a frequent example. These methods have some subtleties and must be used carefully.

This can't be done by simply dragging from left to right in a DTL. It must be done with a code action. Also, the StoreFieldStreamRaw call must be the last edit made to the segment because the segment becomes immutable after that.

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· Apr 1, 2017
XML to Json conversion


Are there any utilities/api in HealthConnect 2016.2.1 that will allow conversion of XML virtual document to Json format? We were thinking to convert HL7 ADT message to XML via Ensemble DTL and then send it to another BP to convert to Json format for transmission via Web Services. To my understanding there isn't anyway to represent Json as a virtual object so it can be use for direct mapping of HL7 2.x message to Json via Ensemble DTL.



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· Sep 23, 2016 6m read
Creating a RESTful Service using Ensemble

This is a detailed guide to develop RESTful services using InterSystems Ensemble. The goal of this guide is to make you understanding the basic concept and building blocks of a RESTful service. The service is going to provide a very basic functionality (a “Hello world!”).

You will learn how to create required components as Ensemble classes, configure the run-time as an Ensemble Production and create a service configuration as a web application.

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· Mar 22, 2017
Unable to sFTP to vendor

We have many sFTP business operations that work successfully. I just modified an existing one to point to a new IP and Port, as well as use new credentials (username and password only). When I attempt to sFTP a file, I receive the following error.

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· Apr 24, 2017 1m read
Diagnosing the cause of <PROTECT> errors

If your application is raising <PROTECT> errors and you're finding it hard to work out why, here's a way to get additional information.

First, if auditing is not already enabled, turn it on:

Then use "Configure System Events" (highlighted above) and locate the event named %System/%Security/Protect. In the screenshot below I used the Filter field to do this (type "protect" - highlighted below - and press TAB):

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Healthcare interoperability is instrumental in improving patient care, decreasing healthcare provider costs, and providing a more accurate picture to providers. However, with so many different systems, data is formatted in many different ways. There are many standards that have been created to try to solve this problem, including HL7v2, HL7v3, and CDA but each one has its drawbacks.

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· Dec 8, 2016

I have a project to convert a JSON message with two patient identifiers into an HL7 ADT^A31. Is there any documentation or training that you would think is appropriate?

Currently using Ensemble 2014.1.5 on AIX

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· Sep 20, 2016 4m read
Diagnosing Framing Errors

Framing refers to the characters that mark the start and end of an HL7 message (or other types of framed messages). Most HL7 services and operations have a Framing setting that allows the user to define this framing. The most common choices are available as defaults, but with the AsciiMM/NN setting, components can be configured to recognize any framing characters.

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