Hi Community

I've just started developing for a new client and noticed that the View Raw Contents link isn't displayed when inspecting HL7 message contents in the Management Portal. Is the link missing due to:

1) a configuration setting?

2) a security setting?

3) a difference between installation on Unix Vs Windows?

And is there a way to turn it on?

I've trawled through the doco but haven't been able to find anything on this.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give


0 2
0 247

I am using the EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.BatchFileOperation to write a batch to a file but for some reason this has been working fine as of yesterday I had a problem with the cache databases filling up running out of memory so had to compact my database and gain space now when I run the operation I get the above error .Of course in my batch table there is no batch record with ID 1.The message is passed with the correct header information but still get this error any suggestions why?

0 3
0 819

Hi, folks. I have an HL7 SIU message inbound that is missing a few fields, such as patient ID and provider ID. I insert this HL7 message and a few of the fields into a SQL database. My SQL team then runs a stored procedure to retrieve the patient ID and provider ID and insert the found values into fields in the table. I would like to then do a select from the table, load the HL7 message and add the fields that were found by the SQL stored procedure into the HL7 message. I'm attempting to use a DTL to accomplish this.

0 4
0 887
· Jan 31, 2018

We need to process 01B edifact files, INVOICE / CREDIT NOTE / DEBIT NOTE, ORDER, MESSAGE STATUS

Does anyone have SEF files or scheme to import , this EDIFACT version or other to use it at Ensemble?

Thanks in adavance!

0 12
0 607

"Telegram" is a well-known instant messenger, which provides an API for creating bots. The features of this API allow you to create bots with a wide range of functionality including receiving payments.
With the help of the telegram bot, I solved a simple task - sending Alerts from Ensemble to Telegram.

Advantages: Alerts come to the mobile phone, a notification appears, so there is no need to install any additional applications (in contrast to the solution https://community.intersystems.com/post/sending-alerts-mobile-phone-using-pushover- httpoutboundadapter).

The bot can be extended by adding new commands, for example, for managing the Production or for solving other tasks in Iris, Ensemble or Cache.

14 0
5 1.3K
· Apr 20, 2018
Special Character API


Made a request for API REST.

Using HTTP Request adapter.

Adapter As EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter

Outside the Ensemble an API response is JSON (CORRECT)

Answer in Ensemble: =?Á
ÔºQZéýNÕ V{C?óò?b¢?éÍ )$
²5Å?wEë? ??©tÖã1z×2FëÊnôeË æ??]Zßq ܺ?á

Help me.

Thank you

0 8
0 442

One aspect of source code management is how to deal with the almost inevitable need to upgrade your Caché or Ensemble platform to a newer InterSystems release.

It's long been my experience that InterSystems does a very good job of maintaining backward compatibility. Code that works correctly on, say, 2012.1 is very likely to work correctly on, say, 2015.2 without any modification.

0 10
0 528

Hi All,

I have a line of mumps code that creates a folder on a network shared drive.


d ##class($Library.File).CreateDirectory("\\share\folder\newfolder")

If I run this line of code from a cache terminal window it works fine and creates the folder without problems.

However If I create a very simple business operation in a production in the same namespace that simply runs this one line of code then the code fails.

0 4
0 1.6K


I am running a transformDTL through COS that transforms an EDI document to JSON and would like to validate the document and throw an error if it does not validate or build a map.

I am looking at available methods and haven't been able to find one that sort of does: Set tSC = ##class(*).Validate(tDoc,"HIPAA_5100").

Any help here would be appreciated, it seems like I am missing something simple.

0 1
0 371
· Dec 27, 2017
Studio Templates and Add Ons

We do not use the out of the box web server (57772) for HealthConnect, we run a stand alone instance of Apache with https enabled. Now when I go to Tools > Templates > Web Form Wizard, I get an error Navigation Cancelled. I get a similar error when I try Tools > Add Ons > Add On.

Any ideas?

0 7
0 668


i have today

- update from Ensemble 2016.1.0.656.0 to 2017.2.1.801.0
- Java JDK 8 (U161) [latest Version]
- Eclipse (JavaScript & WebDev) Release 4.7.3
- Atelier 1.1 plugin (from Marketplace)
- Migrate a small testing Project

Trying "Debug":

- Debug Configurations ...
- "Atelier Application Attach" -> "New"
- Select Server, Choosing the process i want, "Apply", "Debug"


0 2
0 403

Configuring an Ensemble production can be a challenging task involving a thorough understanding of the system and production functionality and a detailed understanding towards each configuration item. After successfully configured an Ensemble production, you might need to set up an identical production on the mirror environment, or deploy the production on a development system to a live system, or send a copy for diagnostic/debug purposes. Other times you might have spent some time designing a BPL/DTL and some other productions can use the same logic.

5 0
0 4.6K

Morning guys I have a SQL operation that I use to read data and results to a record map. But seems to have trouble saving the objects to a record map as I get this message

ERROR ErrException:
zInsertObject+2^%Library.RelationshipObject.1 -- logged as '-' number - @''

please help here is my code let me know if I missing anything thank you in advance

0 2
0 598

I'm pleased to see this in the documentation of the just-published 2017.1 Field Test of Ensemble:

"In certain circumstances, it is useful to create namespaces that are not enabled for Ensemble. In this release you can do this by clearing the Make this an Ensemble namespace checkbox when creating a new namespace. "

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0 576