Hi developers!

If you missed our presentation at the InterSystems UK&I Summit and our demo during the Source Control roundtable, but you still want to find out more about source control for Interoperability Productions... there’s another chance to see it at our User Group Session next Thursday, November 3rd at 3pm (GMT)

The new driver enables highly granular management of Interoperability Productions with tight integration into the InterSystems IRIS management management portal. 

Sign up via eventbrite here >> https://bit.ly/3yqzfvS

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· Apr 24, 2017 1m read
Diagnosing the cause of <PROTECT> errors

If your application is raising <PROTECT> errors and you're finding it hard to work out why, here's a way to get additional information.

First, if auditing is not already enabled, turn it on:

Then use "Configure System Events" (highlighted above) and locate the event named %System/%Security/Protect. In the screenshot below I used the Filter field to do this (type "protect" - highlighted below - and press TAB):

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· Jun 8, 2023 1m read
How to write SELECT ... FOR UPDATE

InterSystems FAQ rubric

Since SELECT ... FOR UPDATE is implemented in many RDBMS as a method of explicit row lock acquisition, I think there are many cases where this function is used.

This syntax is not an error for InterSystems products, but it does not acquire row locks as expected.

This article will show you how to achieve equivalent functionality.

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· Feb 14, 2017 1m read
Portal tip: The inconspicuous Menu button

Amongst the large fonts and chunky icons of Portal's pages, the Menu button in the top left corner is easily overlooked:

When clicked, it often produces the following menu:

When I remember it's there, I find the "View Console Log" option particularly handy.

I wrote "often" above because I've also noticed that the Menu contents change when I'm on a page within the Ensemble section of Portal:

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If you work with interoperability productions of InterSystems IRIS or Ensemble, no doubt you are familiar with the Message Viewer page. The page supports filtering messages according to filter criteria you enter in the Basic and/or Extended Criteria sections. Extended Criteria conditions are specified as property-operator-value triples. Once you click Search button, such triples become WHERE clause conditions of a generated SQL query executed against message header/body tables.

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Hey everyone!

I recently learnt something new while working with WRC on an issue, and I wanted to share with everyone on the off chance it could help someone else.


Files are being inexplicably written to a folder on your server and, due to the number of files in the folder and general system throughput, it is not possible to work through the files to track down the source.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

To resolve the error <PROTECT>, remove the read-only attribute of the system-wide library database (IRISLIB for InterSystems IRIS, CACHELIB for Caché/Ensemble/HealthShare (Caché-based))

Once you have finished importing the routine, remember to change it back to read-only.

[Version 2013.1 and above]
[Management Portal] > [System Administration] > [Configuration] > [System Configuration] > [Local Database] Uncheck "Mount read-only" from the database name link.

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My name is Malcolm King and I’m an experienced IT Professional seeking full time employment.
I have 25 years of experience in the software development industry, with a wide variety of skills and knowledge. I have been involved in writing both front and back end code, along with interfacing to multiple systems, using multiple languages such as Cache Objectscript, C#, Java, Javascript and SQL.

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EnsLib.HL7.Message.cls provides many API methods for manipulating an HL7 message. RemoveSegmentAt(), for example, can be used to remove a segment by path or index, but only one segment at a time. There may be times that you'll need to remove all segments within a group or even many groups of segments from the HL7 message. Surely you can iterate through each segment in each group and remove them one by one, but there's a much easier way.

With just one command, like below, you can remove all OBX segments in an ORU_R01 message (msg):

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Hi ObjectScript developers!

How to Protect Your Belongings from Pests While Moving - Delicate ...

InterSystems ObjectScript is perhaps the best language on the planet to deal with globals - and it is an interpretable language.

Yes, it has a compiler. But even the compiler can compile some lines in ObjectScript which will then fire as bugs during the runtime.

There are some technics on how to avoid that such as unit testing, coding guidelines and your coding experience, of course ;)

Here I want to present to you the yet another approach to how you can reduce the number of errors in your ObjectScript runtime and enforce coding guidelines - it's an ObjectScript Quality tool developed by Lite Solutions, InterSystems solution partner.

See the details below.

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· Oct 5, 2020 2m read
File Passthrough Feeder

IRIS Interoperability Productions formerly known as Ensemble are fun to work with. Yes, I really think my work is fun. I have seen File Passthrough Services and File Passthrough Operations come in handy. At one point we placed test messages in files, then we utilized a File Passthrough Service with Inbound File Adapter to send the contents of the file as a Stream to a File Passthrough Operation with Outbound TCP Adapter.

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· Oct 5, 2016 13m read
RESTful way of data transfer

This article gives a brief introduction how a RESTful service consumer and a RESTful service provider exchange data. It is a beginner’s guide. Data is transferred from a consumer to a provider as parameters of the service. Parameters are part of a service request. The result of the service action a response is returned from a provider to a consumer. Both the service request and response are standard HTTP messages. Since HTTP is a flexible standard regarding to the message contents, RESTful services also enjoy the versatility of data transfer methods.

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· Dec 15, 2016 1m read
Version history for the production class

Last week I was onsite with a new customer of ours, implementing Deltanji to give them control of their development and deployment cycle. One particularly satisfying part of the visit was seeing their pleasure at how their production class now records its changes over time, allowing them to quickly diff the versions and see what configuration items have been added or what settings altered. ​

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· Sep 23, 2021 1m read
Zero configuration debugging

The latest release of Serenji by George James Software introduces zero configuration debugging, so it's ready to go in just one click - no matter where you are or what you're doing, your on-the-spot debugger is ready to go. 

We have introduced a host of new features to enhance the debugging experience so you can focus on identifying and fixing errors, without losing focus by spending time setting up a launch configuration. 

Check out the new features in our release notes

If you've already started using Serenji 3.2.0 let us know how you're getting on! 

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· Oct 6, 2016 4m read
RESTful Exception Handling

A beginner’s guide to Exception Handling in RESTful web services. The article gives an example how the various error conditions during processing a service request can be handled.

We expect our client – server communication working in a flawless operational condition, running error free software. But we are prepared to handle exceptions. Are we? So far in the examples of the previous sessions were not. We did not care about exceptions. The result? In any error incident it took ages to figure out what the problem is and more importantly how to fix it.

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I wanted to see some alerts that occur in my Productions in a Mobile Device, I came across Pushover.net recently that although has an upfront cost $5 you can send as many messages as you like after that, there is a 7 day free trial to check it out.

To Integrate this with a production I did the following.

Create an account and set up a device on https://pushover.net/

Record the following API Keys from the web site on the main page you will see

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· Mar 6, 2016 2m read
Who does Windows think I am?

When my COS code is executing in a Caché process it might want to interact with the host operating system. For the purpose of this post I'm focusing on a Windows host, but much of it applies to other host OS platforms as well.

A common example of host OS interaction is when my process wants to read from or write to a file. What credentials will apply when Windows is checking whether or not to allow me access to the file?

To answer that we need to consider another question. How did our process start?

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· Apr 20, 2016 1m read
Feedback on Product Documentation?

We are in the process of putting a new UI on the existing product documentation, including a mobile-optimized view. We also plan on releasing additional "solution based" documentation that is targeted at common usage scenarios or important configuration tasks.

We are interested in your feedback on our current product documentation - what you like and dislike and especially what changes you would expect to see to make it as useful as possible.

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InterSystems Official
· Dec 7, 2016
Platform Compatibility: HP Open VMS
Post has been edited for clarification: Both HP Open VMS versions (for Itanium and for Alpha) are discontinued for future InterSystems releases.
Future product releases, beginning with the next major release after 2017.1, will no longer be offered for the following platforms:
HP OpenVMS for Itanium
HP OpenVMS for Alpha
Products: Caché, Ensemble
Expected Availability: next major release after 2017.1
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Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Introduction to InterSystems Products

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

Record maps are used to efficiently map files containing delimited records or fixed-width records to message classes used by the interoperability function, and to map files from interoperability function message classes to text files.

Record map mapping definitions can be created using the Management Portal, and we also provide a CSV record wizard that allows you to define while reading a CSV file.

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