InterSystems FAQ rubric
Data for InterSystems products (table row data, object instance data) is stored in global variables.
The data size of each global can be obtained by clicking the properties of the global you want to view from the Management Portal > System > Configuration > Local Database > Globals page, and then clicking the Calculate Size button on the Global Attributes page that appears.
To display the data sizes of globals in a namespace, you can call ^%GSIZE utility on the terminal.
The method of execution is as follows.
Directory name: c:\intersystems\ensemble\mgr\user\ =>
All Globals? No => Yes
^DeepSee.ActiveTasks contains no data
Include it anyway? No => Y
Include any other similar globals without asking again? Yes =>
^DeepSee.ActiveTasks contains no data
Include it anyway? No => Yes
Include any other similar globals without asking again? Yes => Yes
^DeepSee.FeatureStats contains no data -- included
^DeepSee.Session contains no data -- included
^oddBIND contains no data -- included
^oddMETA contains no data -- included
^oddStudioDocument contains no data -- included
^oddStudioMenu contains no data -- included
^rINCSAVE contains no data -- included
91 items selected from
91 available globals
Show details?? No => Yes
Right margin: 80 =>
directory: c:\intersystems\ensemble\mgr\user\ Page: 1 GLOBAL SIZE 26 Jun 2017
6:56 PM
Global Blocks Bytes Used Packing Contig.
-------- -------- --------------- ------- -------
CacheMsg 1 3,812 47 % 0
1 24 0 % 0
1 6,008 74 % 0
1 688 8 % 0
1 76 1 % 0
25 142,616 70 % 14
15 87,728 72 % 11
31 183,200 72 % 17
3 17,936 73 % 0
to continue or '^' to STOP:
Directory name: c:\intersystems\ensemble\mgr\user\ =>
All Globals? No => Yes
^DeepSee.ActiveTasks contains no data
Include it anyway? No => Y
Include any other similar globals without asking again? Yes =>
^DeepSee.ActiveTasks contains no data
Include it anyway? No => Yes
Include any other similar globals without asking again? Yes => Yes
^DeepSee.FeatureStats contains no data -- included
^DeepSee.Session contains no data -- included
^oddBIND contains no data -- included
^oddMETA contains no data -- included
^oddStudioDocument contains no data -- included
^oddStudioMenu contains no data -- included
^rINCSAVE contains no data -- included
91 items selected from
91 available globals
Show details?? No => Yes
Right margin: 80 =>
directory: c:\intersystems\ensemble\mgr\user\ Page: 1 GLOBAL SIZE 26 Jun 2017
6:56 PM
Global Blocks Bytes Used Packing Contig.
-------- -------- --------------- ------- -------
CacheMsg 1 3,812 47 % 0
1 24 0 % 0
1 6,008 74 % 0
1 688 8 % 0
1 76 1 % 0
25 142,616 70 % 14
15 87,728 72 % 11
31 183,200 72 % 17
3 17,936 73 % 0
to continue or '^' to STOP:
Another option is to use the %SYS.GlobalQuery_Size() class query documented here, it can be conveniently used from SQL like:
call %SYS.GlobalQuery_Size('c:\intersystems\iris\mgr\',,'*',1,,1)
It can be called from the portal SQL or any SQL odbc/jdbc client tool.
I urge folks to avoid ^%GSIZE with show details = yes unless there is an urgent need for recent size info. If you're going to read the whole database, I'd suggest an Integrity Check instead. It provides the same information but also verifies integrity.